Why hate Armstrong?


New Member
Aug 14, 2006
It has become apparent to me that there are a lot of haters in cycling. I'm talking particually about those of you who are hating on Lance Armstrong. He is a great man and cyclist. Why do you hate, haters?
Hate is not unique to Armstrong. Some hate Lemond or Vino, or Jan or Hamilton, Landis, etc, etc and some apparently just hate everyone.
jhuskey said:
Hate is not unique to Armstrong. Some hate Lemond or Vino, or Jan or Hamilton, Landis, etc, etc and some apparently just hate everyone.
:D Yeah! Some always like to whine about something. It is either too hot or too cold for example. No matter what, they will find something to whine about. I guess hate is similar.
Who the **** knows? I lived near Cleveland for a while, and I could never understand why Cleveland Browns fans hated people from Pittsburgh so much. People love to get emotionally invested in athletes of any sort and pretend to know all sorts of facts that would justify their hate.

You wanna see hate? Go to a Little League baseball game. I once was umpiring a baseball game at which the fans--i.e., the parents--were ****ing nasty, verbally reaming the kids on the other team. The players were embarrassed by their parents, so I stopped the game, warned the fans that if they didn't cool it, I'd start throwin' people out of the ballpark. Not long after that, the fans started in again, so I threw the worst offender out of the park. After that the fans shut up, but I only think they shut up 'cuz the offender I tossed was my dad.

At any rate, it's a complete waste of energy to hate someone that in no way impacts your life. The haters of any form need to get a life and do something.
Nas_kaj said:
It has become apparent to me that there are a lot of haters in cycling. I'm talking particually about those of you who are hating on Lance Armstrong. He is a great man and cyclist. Why do you hate, haters?
He is an evil, hateful person. Look at his eyes - you could swear he and Charlie Manson were twins separated by birth.:rolleyes:
Armstrong is awesome, wish I could ride like him. The only critique I can come up with is that he was'nt one for the one day classics. In that sense I wouldn't quite argue that he's "the best". But he's smart to concentrate on the races he wanted to win most :)
Some people with insignificant accomplishments like to pull down those with significant accomplishments.

Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves.
Yojimbo_ said:
Some people with insignificant accomplishments like to pull down those with significant accomplishments.

Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves.
Does anyone on this forum hate Armstrong. If so, why?
I don't hate him, but I also don't respect him because of his behaviour towards other people. There are many, many, many stories and examples of his poor treatment of people who are/were close to him.

Then there's the nasty litle part about him being a doper... EPO *was* found in his urine. Because it was part of an efficacy study and because his samples were supposed to be anonymous until a journalist tricked Armstrong into revealing information that linked him to the samples, he will never be sanctioned (and should not!!). But he is a doper.

John Swanson
Hate him? No way. The guy has single handidly changed cycling. He brought a sense of professionalism to it aloong with the good old American work ethic. He proves that if you are smart and wwork hard you can achieve anything. Plus he's helping cure cancer. Go Johnny Mellow.

Hey Lance, If yyou are reading this, what do you think about your protogee Al Cantador. He is something else, isn't he? Go Postal!
ScienceIsCool said:
I don't hate him, but I also don't respect him because of his behaviour towards other people. There are many, many, many stories and examples of his poor treatment of people who are/were close to him.

Then there's the nasty litle part about him being a doper... EPO *was* found in his urine. Because it was part of an efficacy study and because his samples were supposed to be anonymous until a journalist tricked Armstrong into revealing information that linked him to the samples, he will never be sanctioned (and should not!!). But he is a doper.

John Swanson

No, you can't say that, and as a scientist you should know that. That test was completely out of the box for how tests were to be done. As such, it can't be assumed that the test was done correctly or without bias. I see no proof anywhere that he's a doper, and moreover, I don't give a ****. It's not worth my energy. Actually, I do wish he'd continued racing just so that it would have driven the doping rumor lemmings even more crazy.
Nas_kaj said:
It has become apparent to me that there are a lot of haters in cycling. I'm talking particually about those of you who are hating on Lance Armstrong. He is a great man and cyclist. Why do you hate, haters?

Why the troll in 'tech' department? Besides, 'hate' is a big word. I doubt anybody really hates him, except for maybe his 'ex' altho she is sitting pretty in Austin.
Peter@vecchios said:
Why the troll in 'tech' department? Besides, 'hate' is a big word. I doubt anybody really hates him, except for maybe his 'ex' altho she is sitting pretty in Austin.
She interviewed him for Runners' World in the run-up to the Boston Marathon. I think she's moved on.
Nas_kaj said:
What/who is Lim? What is the correct forum?
Lim is Limrickman, one of the moderators. The correct forum for this thread would be the Bike Cafe, unless of course you consider Lance Armstrong to be some sort of Cycling Equipment. It is possible though; I have heard that he is quite a tool:D.
kdelong said:
Lim is Limrickman, one of the moderators. The correct forum for this thread would be the Bike Cafe, unless of course you consider Lance Armstrong to be some sort of Cycling Equipment. It is possible though; I have heard that he is quite a tool:D.

Moderators? Just when I was beginning to think they didn't exist.
gemship said:
Moderators? Just when I was beginning to think they didn't exist.
Most mods don't seem to exist. The exception is Lim and he does a really good job in the GT forum.