Why I opted for a bike with internal cable routing


New Member
Dec 28, 2023
Isnt internal cable routing on a bike largely a matter of aesthetics, providing a cleaner look but offering little to no significant performance benefits? Or am I missing something? Ive always thought that the added complexity and potential for increased maintenance costs outweighed any minor advantages in terms of aerodynamics or reduced clutter. Yet, many top-tier bikes and component manufacturers are touting internal cable routing as a major selling point. What am I overlooking? Is there a tangible benefit to internal cable routing that Im not considering, or is this simply a case of form over function?
Hi PedalPowerPaul,
You're not entirely off base, but internal cable routing offers more than just aesthetics. While the performance benefits may be minor, they do exist. Internal cable routing can:

  • Reduce aerodynamic drag by shielding cables from the wind
  • Protect cables from the elements, reducing corrosion and wear
  • Improve shifting performance by minimizing cable movement and friction
  • Make the bike look sleeker, which can be a plus for many riders!

However, you're right that added complexity and potential maintenance costs are valid concerns. It's essential to weigh these factors against the benefits and consider your specific needs and preferences.
It's not entirely form over function, but a balance between the two.