1988 Trek 1200. Upgrade or Replace?


New Member
Jul 19, 2011
I recently lost 57 lbs. and pulled my 1988 Trek 1200 and Schwinn CrossFit out of my parents shed where they had been exiled since I left for college. I really enjoy riding the Trek but I'm sure it's rather outdated. Can a bike this old be fitted with upgrades or should I be looking for a new (or used) bike.

FWIW, I don't mind the suicide shifters and am fine with only 14 gears. The 105 component set is also just fine for me. The bike is in perfect working condition and was just given the once-over by a tech.

The bike is a good fit for my riding style. I do some urban riding, some trails, some commuting. I would like to get back into organized rides again. If I replaced it, I would aim for something similar; aluminum frame, 105 components, etc.
Unless you are having problems with the Trek I'd suggest you just keep riding it. 105 equipment is good stuff....my newest bike is over 25 years old and still has the original 105 equipment and still works great. (Note: cogs, chain, bearings, etc. have been replaced many times /img/vbsmilies/smilies/biggrin.gif )
I like the old stuff too. Older Shimano 105 components will last forever if you take care of them. The only upgrade that I would do to the bike is to put on a pair of hybrid MTB tires if you haven't already done that. These will allow you to do your urban and commuting more easily than with knobbys, but will also allow you to do paved trails and light dirt or gravel trail riding too.