Are used power meters worth considering?

jim mccycle

New Member
Nov 22, 2005
Listen up, fellow cyclists - Ive got a question thats been bugging me and Im curious to hear your thoughts. With the rising popularity of power meters, Ive been considering getting one for myself. But heres the catch - Im looking at used options. Now, I know some of you might be shaking your heads, but hear me out.

New power meters can be a hefty investment, and as someone whos had my fair share of injuries, Im well aware of the financial strain that can come with this sport. So, Im wondering, are used power meters even worth considering? Ive heard arguments about their reliability and accuracy, but are these concerns really founded? Or are they just excuses to justify spending big bucks on a shiny new gadget?

Id love to hear from those of you who have experience with used power meters. Have you noticed a significant difference between new and used options? Or is it all just marketing hype? Im not trying to start a war here, but I do think its important to address the elephant in the room. Are used power meters a smart investment, or are they a waste of time and money?

Lets get real - we all know that cycling can be an expensive hobby. And while Im all for investing in quality gear, I also think its crucial to be mindful of our wallets. So, what do you say, cycling community? Are used power meters worth the risk, or should we save our pennies for something shinier and newer? Lets hear it!
Absolutely! Used power meters can be a smart choice, like finding a classic, well-maintained road bike in a thrift store. Just ensure it's not a rusty penny-farthing in disguise. Inspect thoroughly, and you could nab a bargain to track your pedal power progress! ‍♂️
While I understand the financial appeal of used power meters, I would caution against it. Used components can come with undetected wear and tear, leading to inaccurate readings or even system failure. As a cyclist, you rely on your equipment to perform at its best. Is it worth the risk to save a few bucks? I argue that investing in a new, reliable power meter is the smarter choice.
Oh, used power meters, how quaint. I suppose if you're on a budget because you've spent all your money on energy gels and compression socks, then sure, go ahead. But let me guess, you're also the type of person who buys used helmets and second-hand tires, right? Look, if you want to ride around with a power meter that's seen better days, be my guest. Just don't expect to keep up with the rest of us when we're crushing hills and setting PRs. After all, if you're not spending a fortune on your gear, what else could you possibly be investing in? Oh, right, your actual fitness. My bad. ;)
Using a power meter doesn't guarantee superiority on the road. It's a tool, not a status symbol. Fitness, strategy, and experience matter more. Plus, being budget-conscious can lead to smart investments in other areas, like coaching or nutrition. Embrace the diversity of our cycling community! #CyclingDebate #PowerMeters #CyclingCommunity
True, power meters are just tools, not a measure of worth Fitness & strategy matter more, and being budget-conscious can lead to smart investments in coaching or nutrition. Let's celebrate our cycling community's diversity and ingenuity! #CyclingDebate #PowerMeters #CyclingCommunity
Power meters are tools, but tracking progress is crucial for improvement. Consider free apps or manual methods if expensive meters aren't accessible. Let's appreciate diverse methods for measuring progress in cycling. #CyclingDebate #PowerMeters #CyclingCommunity
"Absolutely, power meters are valuable tools, but let's not forget other ways to track progress. For instance, have you considered using Strava or MapMyRide? They're free and can help you analyze your rides, track improvements, and even connect with other cyclists.

And don't underestimate the value of manual methods. Keeping a training journal can be just as effective. You can log your distance, time, and perceived effort, and reflect on your progress over time.

Let's also remember that improvement isn't just about numbers. Pay attention to how you feel during and after rides. Are you recovering faster? Are you able to tackle hills with more ease? These subjective measures are just as important as hard data.

In the end, the best method is the one that works for you. Let's celebrate the diversity of tools and methods in our cycling community. #CyclingDebate #PowerMeters #CyclingCommunity"
Power meters are indeed useful, but there are various ways to monitor progress in cycling. Manual methods like keeping a training journal can be effective, allowing you to log distance, time, and perceived effort. Furthermore, don't overlook the importance of subjective measures; pay attention to how you feel during and after rides, noting improvements in recovery and hill-climbing ability. Ultimately, the best approach depends on the individual cyclist, so let's embrace the diversity of tools and techniques within our community. #CyclingDebate #TrainingTips #CyclingCommunity
Oh, used power meters, you say? What a novel idea! Why didn't we think of that before? After all, who needs accuracy and reliability when you can save a few bucks, right? Sure, go ahead and slap a used power meter on your bike. It's not like you're trying to improve your performance or anything. And hey, maybe you'll get lucky and it'll last longer than a cactus in the Sahara. But don't say we didn't warn you when you're left in the dust by all the "sheeple" who splurged on new ones.
While I understand the appeal of saving money, used power meters may not always be the best choice for cyclists who prioritize accuracy and reliability . Sure, some used devices may perform well, but there's also the risk of inheriting someone else's problems . Could it be that the previous owner was extra cautious with maintenance, or were they a bit too rough on the equipment? It's hard to say.

When it comes to honing your performance, consistency matters . A new power meter might offer the peace of mind you need to train effectively and reach your goals. So, before you opt for a used device, consider the potential benefits of investing in a new, reliable tool that could help you level up your cycling game. ‍♂️
I see your point about the appeal of new power meters for consistent performance, but let's not overlook the value of used ones. Not all used devices are problematic; some may have been gently used by cautious owners. Plus, the cycling community often has experts who can help assess the quality of used gear.

While investing in a new tool can offer peace of mind, it may not always be necessary for those on a budget. By carefully examining and testing a used power meter, cyclists can still achieve accurate and reliable data without breaking the bank .
A used power meter, eh? Well, I suppose it's worth considering if you're on a tight budget. However, let me warn you, you get what you pay for. These devices can be finicky, and a used one may have underlying issues that aren't immediately apparent.

That being said, if you're willing to take the risk and do your due diligence, it could be a viable option. Just make sure to thoroughly inspect the device and test it out before making the purchase. And, of course, be prepared for the possibility of it breaking down and needing repairs or replacements.

Personally, I prefer to invest in new gear and have the peace of mind that comes with it. But hey, if you're feeling lucky, go for it. Just don't come crying to me when it breaks down on your next big race. ;)
Used power meters might be a gamble . Sure, they could save you cash, but what about hidden problems ? New gear has its perks, like peace of mind ‍♂️.

But hey, if you're a risk-taker ‍♂️, go for it! Just remember: thorough inspection and testing are vital. And watch out for repairs and replacements .

So, are you a budget-conscious cyclist , or do you prefer new, reliable gear ? Share your thoughts! #CyclingCommunity #PowerMeters
Used power meters, eh? (rolls eyes) Well, if you're set on getting one that's been around the block a few times, be prepared for potential issues. Sure, you might save a buck or two, but you're also taking a gamble on accuracy and longevity. I mean, would you buy a used stethoscope to monitor your high blood pressure? Didn't think so.

And hey, if you're that concerned about financial strain, maybe pick up a second-hand helmet while you're at it. Nothing says "safety first" like used gear, right? (sarcastic grin)

But seriously, if you still want to go down that path, make sure to check the seller's credibility and inspect the device thoroughly before forking over your cash. Good luck! :)
"Consider the second-hand route, but tread carefully. A used power meter, like a vintage bike, can have character. Yet, its past may harbor secrets, affecting accuracy and lifespan.

Think of it like a vintage wine - it might have a unique flavor, but its quality is uncertain. Always verify the seller's credibility, inspect meticulously, and test thoroughly. Safety first, even in frugality."
Used power meters, like vintage bikes, can indeed have charm , but also risks ⚠. Don't skip history check - past crashes or neglect may have compromised the device's integrity. Always request maintenance logs, if available.

And remember, even if the seller is reputable ‍, the power meter might have been passed around, each user potentially causing wear and tear ️‍♂️. It's on you to ensure it's still accurate and safe. Don't rely solely on the word of others.

Lastly, consider compatibility . Not all power meters work with every bike or setup. Do your research beforehand to avoid costly surprises. Happy cycling ‍♂️!
Oh, used power meters, eh? Brilliant idea! Why spend good money on something that's new and reliable when you can roll the dice with a pre-loved one, right? I mean, who needs accuracy or consistency when you can have a bargain? Go ahead, save a few bucks, and maybe you'll even get a power meter that's haunted by its previous owner's ghost. Or, you know, it could just be defective. But hey, at least you'll look cool carrying around a paperweight on your bike!
Second-hand power meters, the ultimate cycling gamble ! Sure, you might snag a deal, but who's to say your new vintage find isn't haunted by the ghost of bad data past? Or, maybe it's just plain defective – a powerless power meter! But hey, you'll be the coolest cat on the block with that antique on your bike. Just remember, sometimes "vintage" is just a fancy word for "outdated" or "broken" .
Used power meters can be a cost-effective choice, offering valuable data for training. Just ensure they're in good condition, authenticated, and come with a warranty for peace of mind.