Commuting during the winter time?

Originally Posted by Froze .

Where I live I don't commute or ride the bike outside in the winter. I could be a fairy princess if I really wanted too, but I'm a bit of a nail biter. Once I pretended that it was me versus Princess Di in a beauty contest. She beat me in the swimsuit portion of the test, but I solidly trounced her in the dancing portion because I was much more fabulous. That night I was so happy that I hugged my body pillow extra tight and gave it extra special love.
Interesting admission.
To Alienator,
Just a question for you.
I visit this forum daily and sometimes read your posts.
I can't help but notice but every post you either argue and fall out with someone or rip the Sh*t out of someone else!.
Are you a confrontationalist?
P.S. Most amusing BTW... :)
Originally Posted by alienator .

Interesting admission.

I'm reporting this to the forum moderator, you somehow changed my words, my original intact message is still on the site and you changed those words, I told you were a child and you keep removing all doubt of that.
Originally Posted by whuppingboy .

To Alienator,
Just a question for you.
I visit this forum daily and sometimes read your posts.
I can't help but notice but every post you either argue and fall out with someone or rip the Sh*t out of someone else!.
Are you a confrontationalist?
P.S. Most amusing BTW... :)
Every post? It's apparent you actually haven't read every post and are instead making a poor generalization. Thanks, though.
Originally Posted by Froze .

I'm reporting this to the forum moderator, you somehow changed my words, my original intact message is still on the site and you changed those words, I told you were a child and you keep removing all doubt of that.
I'd rather be a child. It's quite nice. Once someone asked if I wanted to be a grumpy old codger with a body pillow, and I said, "no." If I changed your words, how are they still visible? Oh, peaches: you are so very sensitive.
This thread is kinda stale, but I'll chime in. I'm a total newbie, and I can still remember the conditions and distances of every ride I've done so far lol. I also don't have squat for "cycling clothes", just a couple pairs of cycling shorts. the first two rides were around 25 degrees, and I went 4.6 miles one day and 10.4 the next. On these das, I wore two layers of thin socks (highly ineffective=frozen toes), windpants over my shorts, an UnderArmour coldgear top under a THIN cotton blend turtleneck, with a windbreaker as the outer layer, and a beanie under a fleece balaclava for my noggin. Everything was comfortable, in fact overly warm as I was sweating quite a bit, except for my feet, but I've got a new trick for that, and we'll get here shortly. I rode 13 miles one day in the 40's, and the only change was omitting the balaclava and windbreaker jacket, and substituting a THIN athletic shirt over my UnderArmour, and I was really very comfortable. Today I rode in the 30's about 8 miles, and the change to my clothing for this ride was cutting the corners out of a plastic walmart sack, and wrapping that outside my thick wool socks inside my shoes. I saw this trick on another forum and it works great. Again, I got hot, so I stopped and pulled off the balaclava and continued on. Still a little sweaty, but for my purposes that's NBD. Just take the layering advice, go light, and for god's sake, just EXPERIMENT WITH WHAT You HAVE, and find out what suits your style and purposes.
I've just started commuting, and, consequently, it's winter. From that perspective I really can't compare it to other seasons, but so far I enjoy it. I try to keep a pretty fast pace so not sweating buckets is always nice. It's also more satisfying when I make it to my destination and can appreciate the heater more. I agree with Alienator, though: it's really all contingent on your particular style and circumstances. My commute isn't the same as yours and while I may enjoy mine, you may hate it.
I can't stand riding in temperture below 50, but I can't stand riding the trainer either. So this year I bought some winter cycling clothing so I can try to ride down to 40 degrees, but going into the 30's will be pushing me into the hate zone. So I'm hoping that the stuff I bought will allow me to ride later in the fall and earlier in the spring so I can least stay off the trainer a couple of months longer. I have a great lighting system so I'm not worried the least bit riding at night, it's just the cold I hate.

I do know everyone is different when it comes to what their comfort range is when riding outside. The stuff I was wearing at 50 degrees this last fall other people had similar stuff on and some had less and I nearly froze...I am Froze, but I nearly froze...anyway, I still need to get a couple of items before I feel like I can take on the cold cruel world.