Cycling is one of the hardest sports because ...

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In message id <[email protected]> on Thu, 10 Jul 2003 18:44:55 +0100, Farmer Alfalfa wrote in
uk.rec.cycling :

>To me the difference between a game or a sport is if any physical ability or judgement is required.
>If it is (cycling, athletics, football, petanque, snooker, darts) then it's a sport. If it isn't
>(chess, bridge) then it's a game.
>Snooker and darts may not involve a high level of fitness (!!!!) but they do involve eye-to-hand
>co-ordination and accuracy.
>Otherwise - where would you draw the line?

Where judgement is needed by a third party. For all the events you have listed the rules are known
and it is possible to do something in your power to win. Ride faster/longer, run/jump/throw
higher/faster / longer, score more goals /points than an opponent.

But when gymnastics and ice skating are classed as sports and someone has to decide whether a
competitor has scored 5, 6,7 or 10, your ability to win is no longer your own. You need a third
party to decide. What if they get out of bed the wrong side, are nursing a hangover or just don't
like the look of your face? You can hardly rely on your having scored points, times, or distances to
claim a win.

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