Did you vote,

Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]"1. What about McCain and Romney make them RINOs?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]In Mitten's case, a fracking assault weapons ban AND socialized health care. Yes, he's that fracking moronic and STILL light years better than the Kenyan *******.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]McCain...the unconstitutional/repealed[/COLOR] McCain-Feingold Act just for starters. "Maverick", my skinny white ass...the man originally opposed Bush's tax cuts before supporting them.

"2. What qualities make someone a true Republican worthy of nomination and who embodies those traits (that I would recognize)?"

Following the Constitution. Not subverting it.

"He's a photogenic fella all the same."

As opposed to ol' Jug Ears? Sure. Hell,[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)] Ahmadinejad is better looking than the half-white black guy.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]"Great hair as they say"[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]...and a metric ****-ton of money. He's a standup guy, a decent (but, not great) Capitalist, but he's no Republican. He's a politician. Again, with all his failings quadrupled, he's better than the human **** stain currently sitting in the Ovaltine Office.[/COLOR]
So who would you have preferred receive the Republican nomination of those running for said nomination? And would that Republican not have been a politician? That particular statement confuses me quite a bit.

Further, in your mind, following the Constitution in a strict constructionist manner is what being Republican is about? And any Republican who does not do that is a RINO? What if a Democrat subscribed to strict constructionism, would you be OK with them?

I'm also unclear, since you obviously ignored the guidelines I set out (I knew it was not likely, but I had to try) what about McCain's treatment of the Bush tax cuts were unconstitutional. Is it that he changed his stance on the issue? Do you know why he opposed them initially? Do you know if any deals were struck to bring about his support?

Remember, this is not an echo chamber. You're not preaching to the choir. You can make any statement you want, but please back it up. Not with proof; I'm not saying you're lying. Back it up with explanations, clarifications, and rhetoric to support your point. Show me reason, not vehemence.
jpwkeeper said:
Further, in your mind, following the Constitution in a strict constructionist manner is what being Republican is about?
You need to rephrase that a bit as following the Constitution in a strict constructionist manner is dependent on a given person's view of what that strict constructionist method is and how they interpret what is stated in the Constitution.
"So who would you have preferred receive the Republican nomination of those running for said nomination?"

Anyone to the right of Attila the Hun. Alan Keyes for a start. But I have a full list if you want to subscribe to my newsletter.

"And would that Republican not have been a politician? That particular statement confuses me quite a bit."

'Politician' denoting a profession as opposed to a civil servant. Let's rule out lawyers, too. But, I repeat myself.

"Further, in your mind, following the Constitution in a strict constructionist manner is what being Republican is about?"

Yup. Reading is fundamental and we put the fun in mental. Deamonrats? They just want free money and stuff.

"And any Republican who does not do that is a RINO?"

Mostly. Some are crooks. Some are socialist traitors.

"What if a Democrat subscribed to strict constructionism, would you be OK with them?"

By definition and platform, they do not and can not. Thusly, there should be open season on them with no bag limit. No sex restrictions either, since they can't seem to make up their minds. Most of wipe their ass with the constitution so it's a non-issue you bring up. Ref. Queer Chuckie, Ho Chi Finswine, Mao Pelosi, Harry the Red and gang.

And speaking of reading: "what about McCain's treatment of the Bush tax cuts were unconstitutional."

I said:

1. [COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]McCain...the unconstitutional/repealed[/COLOR] McCain-Feingold Act
2. the man originally opposed Bush's tax cuts before supporting them

M-F was unconstitutional.
Failure to support the Bush tax cuts was just moronic and RINO.

Now screw this ****. Let's go over the cliff. I need another good laugh. C'mon alternative tax! I can't wait until this place goes tits up and they lay the bill on the table. That's going to be a fun day, fo' sho'!
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB ....[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]human **** stain currently sitting in the Ovaltine Office.[/COLOR]
I get your humor but I must ask at what point does it go over the line?
"[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]I get your humor but I must ask at what point does it go over the line?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]When an actual real live human being flings a real stinking turd at the Kommissar in Chief?[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]Oh wait. That would still be funny.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]You don't remember the jokes made when Bush the Junior ducked the Iraqi journalist's shoe, do you? I do. And I laughed at them, too.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]Screw the Deamonrats and all that follow their socialist 4-year plans. May they all die a fiery death.[/COLOR]
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

"So who would you have preferred receive the Republican nomination of those running for said nomination?"

Anyone to the right of Attila the Hun. Alan Keyes for a start. But I have a full list if you want to subscribe to my newsletter.

"And would that Republican not have been a politician? That particular statement confuses me quite a bit."

'Politician' denoting a profession as opposed to a civil servant. Let's rule out lawyers, too. But, I repeat myself.

"Further, in your mind, following the Constitution in a strict constructionist manner is what being Republican is about?"

Yup. Reading is fundamental and we put the fun in mental. Deamonrats? They just want free money and stuff.

"And any Republican who does not do that is a RINO?"

Mostly. Some are crooks. Some are socialist traitors.

"What if a Democrat subscribed to strict constructionism, would you be OK with them?"

By definition and platform, they do not and can not. Thusly, there should be open season on them with no bag limit. No sex restrictions either, since they can't seem to make up their minds. Most of wipe their ass with the constitution so it's a non-issue you bring up. Ref. Queer Chuckie, Ho Chi Finswine, Mao Pelosi, Harry the Red and gang.

And speaking of reading: "what about McCain's treatment of the Bush tax cuts were unconstitutional."

I said:

1. [COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]McCain...the unconstitutional/repealed[/COLOR] McCain-Feingold Act
2. the man originally opposed Bush's tax cuts before supporting them

M-F was unconstitutional.
Failure to support the Bush tax cuts was just moronic and RINO.

Now screw this ****. Let's go over the cliff. I need another good laugh. C'mon alternative tax! I can't wait until this place goes tits up and they lay the bill on the table. That's going to be a fun day, fo' sho'!
and all you have to do is follow the worms.

for someone who claims to be filled with laughter, you sure spit a bunch of venom. then again, it wouldn't be the first time you've shown yourself to be an unthinking fool.
Here's your venom salesman:


Dope & Chains, baby!
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]You don't remember the jokes made when Bush the Junior ducked the Iraqi journalist's shoe, do you? I do. And I laughed at them, too.[/COLOR]
No, I don't remember hearing or reading any racist jokes directed at George W. Bush, nor any as vile or profane as yours.
Cracker? You betcha!

Proudly unreconstructed and politically incorrect!

"No, I don't remember hearing or reading any racist jokes directed at George W. Bush, nor any as vile or profane as yours."

I went to the Lenny Bruce School of The Vile & Profane. Post grad work with Carlin...The Seven Politically Incorrect Yet True Things You Can't Say Anymore. Welcome to the United States of The Offended. You asked. I replied. Too bad if you didn't get the answer you wanted to hear.

Here are some 'clean' ones for you. For anyone with the Google Fu of a nine-year old, the good ones are there for ya.

"President Bush announced before he leaves office, he wants to visit the poorest regions of the world. You know, any place where people can't afford to buy shoes." --Jay Leno

"That Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush the other day said he planned his attack for months. Planned it for months? That's what he said! I mean, take off one shoe. You throw it. You throw the other shoe. He planned it for months. And he still missed both times!" --Jay Leno

"The guy is being called a hero in the Arab world. So, he has this plan and it's a failure. And he's a hero. You know, if that's the standard, Bush would be the biggest hero in the Arab world." --Jay Leno

"Today, President Bush told reporters that the shoe-throwing incident was one of the weirdest moments of his presidency. Yeah, Bush said the only thing weirder was the time he got re-elected." --Conan O'Brien

"Have you watched this tape? Some people are criticizing the Secret Service, because the shoe thrower caught them off guard. The man was able to throw a second shoe. A spokesman for the Secret Service said, 'Sorry, but we were laughing our asses off.'" –Conan O'Brien

"This is the country we thought had nuclear weapons. It turns out they have a pair of size 9 Hush Puppies instead." --Jimmy Kimmel

"It's not just President Bush, today somebody threw a pair of shoes at Sarah Palin. And she was very upset. She said, 'Do you have these in black?' and threw them back." --Jay Leno

"I've got to give President Bush credit for this, because he's taking it all pretty well. He says that he's actually happy about the shoe-throwing episode, because he says it proves finally that Iraq does, in fact, possess foot wear of mass destruction." --David Letterman

"It turns out this guy was described as a hot head. He's a guy who is an Iraqi journalist. They say he's a hot head with poor journalistic skills. Well, no surprise, today he was offered his own show on Fox News." --David Letterman

"Well, folks, looks like we finally found something President Bush is good at. Dodgeball!" --Jay Leno

"As you know, yesterday in Iraq, President Bush was attacked by a 'shoe-icide' bomber. President Bush was speaking at a news conference in Iraq when a journalist threw two shoes at him [on screen: the video of Bush having shoes thrown at him]. You see what President Bush did? You see what he did to keep from being hit? Something he's never done before. Lean to the left. He's never done that." --Jay Leno

"You got to admit, whatever you think of the guy, he's got good reflexes. Even Bill Clinton was impressed. You know, Clinton's an expert at ducking shoes, ashtrays, lamps. Everything." --Jay Leno

"Now, here's my question, and no offense here, but where was the Secret Service? I mean, shouldn't they at least have jumped in front of the second shoe? I mean, you know what I'm saying? Come on. Seriously. Aren't these guys supposed to take a bullet for the president?" --Jay Leno

"See, that's when Bush realized he was on his way out, when the Secret Service are going, 'Yeah, we're guarding the new guy now.'" --Jay Leno

"Well, here's my favorite part. Cable news just over-thinks this. On CNN, they brought in an expert on Iraqi culture. And he said, 'Let me clarify what happened here.' He said, 'In the Arab world, throwing your shoes at someone's head is considered an insult.' Oh, really? As opposed to here in America, where it's a huge compliment." --Jay Leno

"Well, the interesting thing was the journalist who threw the shoe was immediately arrested, and then offered his own show on MSNBC." --Jay Leno

"Bush is in Baghdad, he's having a press conference, and a guy, a reporter from Iraq jumps up and starts heaving shoes at the guy. And in Iraqi, or Arabic, he starts screaming, 'Here's your farewell kiss, you dog!' That's what the guy says. I mean, it was the same goodbye I got from NBC." --David Letterman

"Right now, they're trying to find out, they arrested the guy, trying to find out if he's a Shoe-ni or a Shoe-ite. But it's the same old story. You hear this over and over again, a guy, this crazy guy, goes into a Payless store, he purchases a pair of Rockport shoes, and they didn't even do a background check on him." --David Letterman

"You've got to give Bush credit. I mean, the guy moved pretty quickly. ... Too bad he didn't react that way with bin Laden or Katrina, bin Laden or the mortgage crisis, bin Laden or Afghanistan, bin Laden or the Lehman Brothers." --David Letterman

I don't think Bush really has dodged anything like that, well, since the Vietnam War." --David Letterman

"Yesterday, at a press conference in Baghdad, an angry Iraqi threw his shoes at President Bush's head. Yeah, when he saw the shoes, President Bush said, 'See, I knew you guys had weapons of mass destruction." --Conan O'Brien

"The man who threw his shoes at President Bush is being hailed as a hero in Iraq. In fact, when he dies, he'll be greeted in heaven by 72 podiatrists." --Conan O'Brien

"The shoe-throwing incident has made Sarah Palin want to be president even more. Free shoes! You betcha!" --Craig Ferguson

"Of course, the big story over the weekend is that President Bush had that press conference in Iraq, which turned into 'Shoe-pocalypse Now.'" --Craig Ferguson
Dude, you aren't Lenny Bruce or George Carlin. You are a buffoon. They spoke against ignorance, you speak in favor of it. I don't see any racist comments in the jokes you quote, I must admit I didn't read them all.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

And speaking of reading: "what about McCain's treatment of the Bush tax cuts were unconstitutional."

I said:

1. [COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]McCain...the unconstitutional/repealed[/COLOR] McCain-Feingold Act
2. the man originally opposed Bush's tax cuts before supporting them
No Bob, no reading issues, but perhaps a hole in your argument. You have phrased your argument that the central issue between being Republican for real and less so is adherence to the Constitution. You then called out McCain's failure to support the Bush tax cuts as a reason why he's a RINO (later in this same paragraph you did the same thing). So being a true Republican then means following the Constitution to the letter AND agreeing 100% with you?

Said another way, if McCain is a RINO because he failed to support the Bush tax cuts, then being a true Republican apparently isn't just about the Constitution. The Constitution allows people to disagree.

And what, exactly, about being a Democrat means about NOT following the constitution? Is it in there literature somewhere, have you interviewed Democrats about this, are you just following examples?

If your newsletter is online, I'll give it a read. Shoot me the link.
Talk to the Supremes.

They're the ones that ruled M-F unconstitutional...and rightly so.

Of course people can disagree. That means one view is correct and one is incorrect. The Republicans are correct.
"[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]They spoke against ignorance, you speak in favor of it."[/COLOR]
[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]I speak the truth.[/COLOR]
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

Talk to the Supremes.

They're the ones that ruled M-F unconstitutional...and rightly so.

Of course people can disagree. That means one view is correct and one is incorrect. The Republicans are correct.
This entire conversation illustrates my initial point about the current state of the Republican party. The refusal to reason. The belief that if they only shout loud enough they HAVE to be believed. If someone asks a question or presents a counter-argument, just shout louder and meaner. The inability to see anyone's side of an argument but their own. The absolute refusal to even engage in a discussion. "I'm right, you're wrong, and if you disagree you're stupid." It's not all Republicans, but it's becoming the party's signature and that's bad for everyone, Right or Left or Middle.

I, from the middle, reach out to you on the right, and you push me away. I ask questions and I get re-statements and insults (not necessarily directed at me though) in response.

In any arena of discussion other than politics, religion, and (oddly enough) pedaling technique, this approach would be laughed at. It should be laughed at anyway, to be honest, or at least some scoffs or snorts of derision. Something. To be fair, it's not only the Right that does this, but it seems to be far more prevalent from there. I wonder if it has something to do with the tendency of conservatives to focus so heavily on religion, given that religion is mostly discussed in such a manner (since it's hard to discuss it other ways honestly) and maybe that creeps into the political rhetoric. It'd be an interesting study for some sociologist somewhere. I suppose it's possible that this veneer is really all there is to CampyBob. I had thought if I could drill past the facade I would find someone who would discuss their views, but it continues to appear that the facade is all there is. This leaves me feeling very dissatisfied, as I generally try to find the best in people and suffer disappointment when it's not really there.
[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]"I, from the middle, reach out to you on the right, and you push me away."[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]I am not all-inclusive. I do not want anything to do with 'diversity'. I am perfectly content with what I am and see no reason to change. I refuse to engage in "discussion" because I've been on this planet long enough to have learned what is mine and what is not mine.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]It's pretty simple, really. And no amount of talk/type will change that.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]WYSIWYG.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]"[/COLOR]The refusal to reason."

Don't forget: The refusal to pay for other people's free stuff n' stuff.

Another thing, I'm not all that "religious". And as I stated before, I am all for more abortions. I look around and see an immediate need to train an army of abortion providers. Privately funded, of course.

Oh...some of my best friends are Amish.

I am an equal opportunity bigot.
The inherent problem with human is that we think we can perceive everything when in fact we can't even perceive nothing. At least until we die, that is.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]"I, from the middle, reach out to you on the right, and you push me away."[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]I am not all-inclusive. I do not want anything to do with 'diversity'. I am perfectly content with what I am and see no reason to change. I refuse to engage in "discussion" because I've been on this planet long enough to have learned what is mine and what is not mine.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]It's pretty simple, really. And no amount of talk/type will change that.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]WYSIWYG.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]"[/COLOR]The refusal to reason."

Don't forget: The refusal to pay for other people's free stuff n' stuff.

Another thing, I'm not all that "religious". And as I stated before, I am all for more abortions. I look around and see an immediate need to train an army of abortion providers. Privately funded, of course.

Oh...some of my best friends are Amish.

I am an equal opportunity bigot.
I never asked you to change. I asked you to explain, in reasoned tones, why you believe what you believe. To someone like me, who does not understand your beliefs but would like to. And you continue to reply with mockery and dismissal. Which was exactly my point several pages ago.

It doesn't matter how self-evident you believe your views to be if more than half of the actively voting population thinks you're a nut-job.

Said another way, as bad as Romney did, imagine if it had been Santorum or Gingrich or, and I even hesitate to type this, Bachmann? Not saying they're bad people, I'm saying they would have gotten a serious a**-kicking in the election because the perception of them is that they're off their meds.

And this is bad for America. If the Republicans keep painting themselves as the bat-sh*t crazy party, there will be nobody out there to balance out the Democrats. And if I believe in one thing, it is balance.

Oh, and Duct Tape. So I guess two things.
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Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

Another thing, I'm not all that "religious". And as I stated before, I am all for more abortions. I look around and see an immediate need to train an army of abortion providers. Privately funded, of course.

Oh...some of my best friends are Amish.

I am an equal opportunity bigot.
Not to say that you are, but the Republican party generally is, especially given the number of Republican nominees who all but outright stated that they'd abolish the separation of church and state given the chance. Personally your style of argument seems to reflect that of most of the right-wing pundits out there, so I think it's an indirect effect.

Not...really...sure what your point was about the Amish thing. Good on ya', Mate?

I have a hard time believing that you're as bigoted as you appear as well. I swear at times I wonder if you idolize Stephen Colbert and are completely bull-sh*tting us.