Did you vote,

jpwkeeper said:
And this is bad for America.  If the Republicans keep painting themselves as the bat-sh*t crazy party, there will be nobody out there to balance out the Democrats.  And if I believe in one thing, it is balance.  
It's also bad because it hinders or prevents problem resolution, something that is equally bad for America. The majority of Americans are already on record as being ****** off about partisan politics and the resulting lack of progress on problem resolution in DC.
jpwkeeper said:
Not to say that you are, but the Republican party generally is, especially given the number of Republican nominees who all but outright stated that they'd abolish the separation of church and state given the chance.  Personally your style of argument seems to reflect that of most of the right-wing pundits out there, so I think it's an indirect effect. Not...really...sure what your point was about the Amish thing.  Good on ya', Mate? I have a hard time believing that you're as bigoted as you appear as well.  I swear at times I wonder if you idolize Stephen Colbert and are completely bull-sh*tting us.
Note that Stephen Colbert is actually funny as opposed to someone being deluded about his sense of humor.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

Talk to the Supremes.

They're the ones that ruled M-F unconstitutional...and rightly so.

Of course people can disagree. That means one view is correct and one is incorrect. The Republicans are correct.
and in ironies of ironies, they also ruled "obamacare" constitutional.

seems others are seeing that you bluster but offer nothing to bolster your positions, mr. peepers.
"The inherent problem with human is that we think we can perceive everything when in fact we can't even perceive nothing. At least until we die, that is."

I can perceive the wealth re-distributionists attempting to rob me!
"they also ruled "obamacare" constitutional."

Add one dumbass socialist latina and one lezbo commie queer...instant commie court.

I figure the halfrican will appoint two more commies in his second term.
"I have a hard time believing that you're as bigoted as you appear as well. I swear at times I wonder if you idolize Stephen Colbert and are completely bull-sh*tting us."

You just might be one of two that has a clue! Three, if you count me, but da alien and slob would have a **** fit it we did that.

I will re-state for the record that cyclists, as a group, are a bunch of bed-wetters, libtards, commies, cry-babies, union slugs, and pussies. Exceptions are rare.

And yeah, it's weird being constantly proven correct.

Now me? I'm just conservative white trash that still gets a thrill racing basement dweller kids 1/3 my age.

Bang a gong, bro. I got a workout to log...back in a few.
Quote: Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

"The inherent problem with human is that we think we can perceive everything when in fact we can't even perceive nothing. At least until we die, that is."

I can perceive the wealth re-distributionists attempting to rob me!

look out, bobbo! chairman mao is under your bed!

Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

"they also ruled "obamacare" constitutional."

Add one dumbass socialist latina and one lezbo commie queer...instant commie court.

I figure the halfrican will appoint two more commies in his second term.

and yet for all that hatred that still does not constitute a majority. who was it that tipped the balance five to four on that issue? gosh, who was it? v. i. lenin?
Originally Posted by alienator .

It's also bad because it hinders or prevents problem resolution, something that is equally bad for America. The majority of Americans are already on record as being ****** off about partisan politics and the resulting lack of progress on problem resolution in DC.
Al, you and I disagree about, well just about everything to be honest. But I've got to raise a glass to this one brother. You hit the nail right on the head.
"chairman mao is under your bed!"

No he isn't. He's busy posting commie drivel on a BBS.

"gosh, who was it? v. i. lenin?"
No, Tovarich. It was Benedict V.Stalin. Perhaps Dear Leader's new 4-year plan will include a Collective and new tractors for the 19,000 fired Hostess striking union employees. No worries. America still has a glut of twinkies.
She's your typical conservative...stunning, adorable and a good cyclist. Damned good shot with a pistol and rifle. Loves shooting submachineguns.


As opposed to libtard broads...


Should put a Rachel Madcow up, but I don't want to cause anyone to have a seizure.
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"That made me giggle."

Ain't it wonderful how love works?

Even you found someone fugly enough to breed with.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

"That made me giggle."

Ain't it wonderful how love works?

Even you found someone fugly enough to breed with.
jeez, bobbo. you seem to be less mirthful today. don't be a hater. lance don't like haters. besides it was you that stated you took your wife to the polls to scare people. another one of those things you should have seen coming, but, being a perfect idiot, you didn't.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .
NOT a Deamonrat.

Slobbo, your village is still looking for you.
mr. peepers, mr. peepers...you and your hating. really, it wasn't me that posted how you dropped your wife at the polling place to scare the other voters. it wasn't me that posted how you had to get on your bike to keep ahead of the angry mob with their pitchforks and torches as they chased your monster wife to the windmill. that was you. of course, given that you have a freakishly scary wife, i now understand your fixation with glory holes and peeping under skirts.
" i now understand glory holes and peeping under skirts."

No foolin'...
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

" i now understand glory holes and peeping under skirts."

No foolin'...
no, no, bobbo. what i wrote was "i now understand your fixation with glory holes and peeping under skirts". sure it's a subtle distinction, but even a high school drop out like you should get the difference.
no, no, slobbo. what i wrote was "i now understand your fixation with glory holes and peeping under shirts". sure it's a subtle distinction, but even a junior high school drop out like you should get the difference.