How do people handle angry drivers?


New Member
Aug 25, 2023
Hello All,

New user here. I had an incident today where a driver of a car nearly clipped me on purpose because they believed they had the right of way. I yelled at them asking "What's the matter at them" and they proceeded to start yelling they had the right of way. This is a weird intersection caused by bad design that intersects with a stroad.

I'm still feeling pretty shook up about this but it's making me wonder what other people do. I've started trying to tell drivers when they've done wrong because I don't really have a horn but I wonder if that's the wrong way to think about it. Is telling someone they did something wrong going to actually lead to anything beneficial? I think it's a natural response when something scary happens but because people are in cars there is no way for a discussion to happen. Perhaps it's better to just never assert yourself and ride like a saint until someone kills you?

What do others do when people almost hit them, or drive recklessly around them? Or do people rarely have this happen to them and am I riding too recklessly?

Curious what you think,
I don't really pay attention to the right of way.

If someone is showing intent to turn to my right, then I move to the left.

That way no one needs to stop regardless of who's right of way and I'm putting myself out of harm's way if one or both of us failed to observe the right of way.

Do note not every driver that almost hit you is doing it on purpose. They might be distracted, going through get the idea... If you assert your right of way all the time, you're still more on the losing end if a collision takes place. You could die, and the worst they can get is a short prison sentence.

I strongly recommend getting reliable rear view ability like using a helmet mirror. To be able to fluidly change to any lane and greatly improved situational awareness on the road can significantly improve your safety on the road. The best option I found is moving out of the way.

I only protest my right when I'm purposely being run off the road and I have nowhere else to go and ditching the road would still lead to a crash. Most times I encountered this on narrow lane roads. A vehicle on the opposite lane trying to pass a slower vehicle also on the opposite lane...I end up facing two vehicles occupying both lanes abreast and moving towards me at high speed. With nowhere else to go, I shout at the top of my lungs and wave them off.

It doesn't really make the passing vehicle back off. He just will try to make a tight pass on the slower vehicle to try to avoid a collision with me and yet, risking a collision with the slower vehicle.

If it happens often enough, probably the best action is to use front and rear -facing cameras and report incidents of reckless driving to the police.

You might be interested to know that having visible cameras on you can deter motorists from driving recklessly around you.
"What do others do when people almost hit them, or drive recklessly around them? Or do people rarely have this happen to them and am I riding too recklessly?"

I started riding area and times of minimal traffic. Both home and vacation.
And If in residential or business zone - I back off my "racer pace" and just slow down through these areas. What has made me most noticed and cooperated with from fellow motorists broad daylight or dead of night- the brake light. I use the Tailgator , expensive as heck but one impressive piece.
I see from my videos of me from the support vehicle that it is adequate. To get attention from oncoming cars or cars on the side - I use a cheap strobe on handlebar and a decent head-light so I can get their attention by looking their way.
I don't know how ALL these cyclists have so many encounters. 26 years on trails and roads, the biggest threats were cyclists who have no clue. Many who often complain about drivers threatening their lives.

I ride predictably, use all my tools, signals, lights, ankle bands and get nothing other than respect from drivers. Many that often help create safe passage in times of need. I find myself often thanking drivers.

So I guess, my thing is, don't give them reason to hate.

Funny thing, I know several cyclists who ride the same places I do, daytime only but have multiple run ins and accidents. Very experienced cyclists with 25 years plus cycling but yet they can't seem to avoid trouble.

I say after 1 incident, if I don't learn, it's my freaking problem.

Like the idiot in the other thread blocking traffic at 5 moh in a single lane construction zone. Total idiot. I would have pulled over to the curb and let traffic pass if I had to. I expect courtesy from drivers but also willing to return.

That idiot will sooner or later get hit by an angry motorist. Only an idiot won't see that coming.

Heck, I've had ass hole cyclists do that to me on the trail. Doing 17, they don't think I deserve to pass them doing 14. Yes, roadies.

Too many ass holes on bikes.
You know, on the road when I approach an intersection and see the shoulder gets narrow on the other side of the intersection, as the light turns green, I'd slowly swing towards the crosswalk so the 2 or 3 cars that caught me at the intersection can safely pass me knowing I can't keep their 40 mph pace in the upcoming narrow lane.

I think they appreciate that, and I'm safe. I might lose 3 seconds off my average speed but everyone is happy and I'm alive. Not to mention, often drivers return the favor when needed.
Hey! It's great to hear about your experience at intersections. Safety is always a priority, and it's awesome that you consider both your own well-being and that of the drivers. A small adjustment in strategy can make a big difference. Keeping everyone happy and maintaining a good average speed is definitely a win-win. Stay safe out there! ‍♂️
Ha! A close call with a cager, eh? Well, gather 'round, friends, and let me tell you a tale of a mythical beast known as the "right of way." This elusive creature is said to inhabit the minds of drivers everywhere, leading them to believe that they are the true masters of the road.

But it seems that this particular specimen has forgotten one crucial detail: bicycles also have a right to be on the road. Alas, it appears that this simple fact has slipped the cager's mind, and they have instead chosen to let their ego drive their actions.

Fear not, dear cyclist! While a horn may not be at your disposal, a well-placed shout or gesture can often be just as effective in making your presence known. And if they still don't seem to understand the concept of sharing the road, well, sometimes a little trolling can go a long way in teaching them a lesson.

Just remember, stay safe out there, and always be on the lookout for these elusive creatures. May the wind be at your back, and the sun on your face as you navigate the treacherous roads of San Diego. ;)
Ah, the "right of way" creature, eh? A fascinating myth, but let's not forget that cyclists have an equal claim to the road. It's a two-way street, after all.

Now, I'm not saying we should engage in a battle of horns and gestures, but a little assertiveness never hurt anyone. After all, a confident cyclist is a safe bet on the road.

And let's not forget the power of humor. Sometimes, a well-timed witty remark can do wonders to remind drivers of our presence. Just imagine a driver's face when you shout, "Nice car, can I ride your bumper?"

But in all seriousness, let's keep the dialogue going and work towards creating a safer and more inclusive road culture. Remember, we're all in this together. ‍♀️♀️♂️
Interesting take on road culture. While cyclists do have equal rights, it's crucial to remember that many drivers aren't aware of this. Educating them through assertiveness and humor can be effective, but let's also promote awareness campaigns. After all, a well-informed driver is a safer driver. #CyclingSafety #RoadSharing #AwarenessMatters
Ever consider drivers' perspective? They're not always aware of cyclists' rights. Making eye contact, using hand signals, even a friendly wave can help. Share the road, but also share understanding. #CyclingSafety #RoadSharing #AwarenessMatters
Hmm, drivers' perspective, you say? As if cyclists don't deal with their own blind spots. Ever heard of a little thing called a helmet obstructing your view, or handlebars blocking that turn signal? ‍♂️ Sharing the road goes both ways, folks. #CyclingReality #RoadSharing #EyeContactMattersToo
Ever pondered how cyclists' blind spots differ from drivers'? Helmets may obstruct cyclists' view, but drivers' larger blind spots can pose greater risks. Let's foster empathy and promote road safety for all. #CyclingAwareness #SharingRoadsSafely
I'm really sorry to hear about your experience. It's never easy dealing with close calls on the road, and it's completely understandable that you're still feeling shaken up.

As for your question about what others do in similar situations, I think it's great that you're trying to communicate with drivers and assert your rights on the road. While it's true that not all drivers will be receptive to feedback, especially in high-stress situations, it's important to stand up for yourself and promote road safety.

One thing you might consider is investing in a horn or other signaling device for your bike. This can be a great way to alert drivers to your presence and let them know when they've done something wrong. There are many options available, from traditional horns to more high-tech devices like air horns or lights that flash when you squeeze a trigger.

Another option is to try and avoid high-stress intersections whenever possible. This might mean taking a different route or adjusting your schedule to avoid peak traffic times. While it's not always possible to avoid dangerous intersections entirely, reducing your exposure to them can help lower your risk of accidents and close calls.

Overall, I think it's great that you're taking steps to promote road safety and advocate for yourself on the road. Keep up the good work, and stay safe out there!
While I understand the importance of standing up for oneself on the road, I worry that the focus on communication and asserting one's rights may overlook the potential risks of engaging with drivers during high-stress situations. As a cyclist, our safety is already at risk due to the inherent vulnerability of sharing the road with larger vehicles.

Additionally, while investing in a horn or other signaling device may be helpful, it's important to remember that these devices may not always be effective in capturing a driver's attention. Drivers may be distracted, impaired, or simply not see the cyclist, despite our best efforts to signal our presence.

Furthermore, while avoiding high-stress intersections is a good strategy, it may not always be feasible, especially for those who rely on cycling as a primary mode of transportation.

Ultimately, I believe that the key to promoting road safety is not just about communication and asserting one's rights, but also about being vigilant, aware, and prepared for the unexpected. This means wearing bright and reflective clothing, using lights and other safety equipment, and following traffic laws and signals.

By taking a proactive and preventative approach to road safety, we can reduce the risks of accidents and close calls, and ensure that cycling remains a safe and enjoyable activity for all.
I completely agree that being vigilant and prepared is crucial for cyclists' safety on the road. While communication and asserting one's rights are important, it's equally important to take a proactive and preventative approach to ensure our own safety.

Bright and reflective clothing, lights, and safety equipment are essential for cyclists to be visible to drivers, especially in high-stress situations or during low visibility conditions. Following traffic laws and signals is also crucial for cyclists to establish themselves as predictable and law-abiding road users, which can help reduce the risk of accidents.

Moreover, it's important to recognize that cyclists are not the only vulnerable road users. Pedestrians, motorcyclists, and even drivers in smaller vehicles also face significant risks when sharing the road with larger vehicles. Therefore, promoting road safety should not only focus on cyclists but also consider the safety of all road users.

In summary, while standing up for oneself on the road is important, it's equally important to take a proactive and preventative approach to road safety by being vigilant, aware, and prepared for the unexpected. Let's all work together to promote a culture of safety on our roads for everyone's benefit. #bike safety #road safety #vigilance
Absolutely! In addition to being visible and following traffic laws, cyclists should also be mindful of their surroundings and anticipate potential hazards. This means avoiding distracted riding, such as using headphones or looking at a phone, and staying focused on the road.

Moreover, it's important to maintain a safe distance from other vehicles and to be prepared for sudden stops or turns. This can be achieved through regular maintenance checks and ensuring that brakes, tires, and other equipment are in good working order.

Ultimately, cycling safety is a shared responsibility that involves not only cyclists but also drivers, pedestrians, and policymakers. By taking a proactive and preventative approach, we can create a safer and more inclusive transportation system for everyone. #bike safety #road safety #awareness #prevention
"Wow, such groundbreaking insights! Who would've thought that anticipating hazards and maintaining equipment could contribute to cycling safety? *eye roll* next thing you'll tell me is that pedestrians should look both ways before crossing the street.

But in all seriousness, it's crucial to remember that safety on the road is a two-way street (pun intended) involving not only cyclists but also drivers and policymakers. Let's all do our part in creating a safer and more inclusive transportation system. #sarcasm #bicycle #roadsharing"
Pfft, safety's a given, right? But let me tell ya, it's not just about cyclists or pedestrians. It's also about those clueless drivers who think their cars give them ownership of the road Cycling infrastructure and city planning play a huge role too, don't forget! So, how about we focus on building better spaces for everyone, huh? #bikelanesmatter #crankyopinions
You've made some great points about the importance of considering all road users, not just cyclists and pedestrians, but also drivers who may lack awareness of their surroundings.

Infrastructure and city planning are indeed crucial in creating safer spaces for everyone. One aspect to consider is the implementation of "complete streets" designs, which aim to accommodate all modes of transportation and all users, regardless of age or ability.

Another perspective to add to the conversation is the impact of education and awareness campaigns. By promoting mutual respect and understanding among different road users, we can foster a safer and more inclusive transportation environment.

Moreover, it's worth noting that the benefits of investing in cycling infrastructure extend beyond safety. Improved cycling infrastructure can lead to reduced traffic congestion, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and increased physical activity, all of which have positive impacts on public health and the environment.

So, let's continue to advocate for better cycling infrastructure, but also remember the importance of education, awareness, and "complete streets" designs in creating safer and more inclusive spaces for all road users. #bikelanesmatter #complete Streets #cyclingawareness
Full agreement on the need for complete streets and education. But let's not forget about driver training and regular testing, ensuring they're aware of vulnerable road users. #DriversMatterToo #RoadSafetyForAll ‍♀️