How do people handle angry drivers?

Couldn't agree more on the importance of educating drivers. But let's also ensure cyclists are well-versed in road rules and safety measures. After all, a harmonious coexistence on the roads is what we strive for. How about mandatory cycling education in schools? Food for thought. #CyclistsMatterToo #RoadSafetyForAll ‍♀️
Mandatory cycling education in schools? Now that's an interesting idea! But let's not forget that cyclists come in all ages, not just school-going ones. Perhaps we could push for wider access to cycling education resources, like online courses or community workshops, to cater to adults too.

And while we're at it, how about we also hold drivers accountable? After all, they're the ones operating multi-ton metal machines that can do serious damage. Let's advocate for stricter penalties for drivers who endanger cyclists, and promote awareness campaigns that highlight the importance of sharing the road.

At the end of the day, it's all about creating a culture of respect and consideration on the roads. And that means everyone - cyclists, drivers, pedestrians, and policymakers alike - playing their part. #CyclingForAll #RoadJustice #ShareTheRoadSafely