Lance Armstrong Won't Fight Usada Charges

I always liked DiLuca as a rider - and I was disappointed when he doped first time around.
The fact that he chose to dope for a second time destroys any remaining interest I had in the rider.

As for Armstrongs comments, he's correct, He (Armstrong) has zero credibility.
Jan Armstrong speaks...

"The German, who is currently serving a two-year suspension for his involvement with Dr. Eufemiano Fuentes, refused to directly confess to doping during his career, but admitted that all the riders of the era did the same things."

"As before, Ullrich would not directly address doping charges against himself, saying only “I made mistakes, but I'm not a bad person.”"

"And when confronted with his earlier statement that he had never betrayed anyone since all the riders were doing the same thing, he answered “Exactly”."

Pages from Lance's playbook.

All glory to Hypnotoad!
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .

Jan Armstrong speaks...

"The German, who is currently serving a two-year suspension for his involvement with Dr. Eufemiano Fuentes, refused to directly confess to doping during his career, but admitted that all the riders of the era did the same things."

"As before, Ullrich would not directly address doping charges against himself, saying only “I made mistakes, but I'm not a bad person.”"

"And when confronted with his earlier statement that he had never betrayed anyone since all the riders were doing the same thing, he answered “Exactly”."

Pages from Lance's playbook.

All glory to Hypnotoad!
How would a confession serve him or the sport at this point? He is not planning a comeback.
"How would a confession serve him or the sport at this point?"

By bolstering the truth...they all doped. Of course Danilo and Santa are just outliers...

"He is not planning a comeback."

Yeah. That's sad. I miss watching The Big German race.

Lance would gladly do a 3-week Gran Fondo thru France to ride against Jan. Ferrari and Fuentes and Floyd as side characters against a backdrop of epic Alpine climbs and an ITT where riders have to draft station wagons? Awesome television possibilities.
Originally Posted by jhuskey .

How would a confession serve him or the sport at this point? He is not planning a comeback.
How did Lance's confession serve himself or the sport? How is it different?

Jan doped. We know it, he knows that we know it, and we know that he knows that we know it. It seems silly to keep tap-dancing around it.
jpwkeeper said:
How did Lance's confession serve himself or the sport?  How is it different? Jan doped.  We know it, he knows that we know it, and we know that he knows that we know it.  It seems silly to keep tap-dancing around it.
Armstrong's incomplete confession served him allowing him to justify his doping to his fans and the cancer patients to whom he lied, and the manner of his incomplete confession, i.e. being "interviewed" by Oprah, allowed him to avoid tough, direct questioning. Instead he got large softballs tossed his way. As a bonus, he got to fake cry on TV so that people would think he was contrite and being honest. Armstrong would have been better served to not say anything. With all that said, please show the proof that the level of doping that Ullrich participated in even approached the level of the program that Armstrong helped create and enforce. Please dig up the evidence that shows that Ullrich threatened, intimidated, libeled, and lied about people who didn't follow his script. See, Armstrong did those things. If Armstrong had just been a simple doper, he very likely wouldn't have flayed the way he has.
Originally Posted by alienator .

Please dig up the evidence that shows that Ullrich threatened, intimidated, libeled, and lied about people who didn't follow his script.
No digging required, since I never said he did any of those things, nor do I believe he did so. Jan and Lance are VERY different people.

The reason nobody calls for Jan's head like they do Lance's head has little to nothing to do with doping. Jan himself said it in a recent interview, Lance made way too many enemies. I've said it many times here; if Lance hadn't been a douchebag we likely wouldn't be having this discussion.

That being said, the importance of the confession itself, both to himself and for the good of the sport, doesn't really change. I think Lance's confession was good for himself (though not the way he'd want) and good for cycling.

I think a confession would be good for Jan and good for cycling just the same. I think Jan is a good guy and deserves the peace that putting this to bed would bring him. The sport could use some transparency to fully understand what exactly went on in those days to help the future.
I think Ullrich is perfectly fine and doesn't feel the need to fess up to anything. He's left pro cycling behind for the most part and has moved on with his life. As for Armstrong, his "confession" would have been useful for cycling if he'd given a full confession and worked with USADA and WADA to provide additional information. Alas, he didn't, so his "confession" is worthless. He couldn't bribe his way out of his mess, and there's no reason whatsoever to think he has any interest to help further. If he had such an interest, the **** head would be spilling his guts instead of continuing his posing and lying.
Jan was linked to Fuentes OB/GYN by DNA.

He and Rudy were knee deep in the hoopla. He was a product of the East German 'system'. He was an alumnus of the University of Freiburg.

I don't care if he confesses or does not confess. I don't care if his results are stricken or stand.

T-mob was just as doped up as USPS ever dreamed of being. Vino and Floyd need to write a history of the era. If Lance "cheated", Jan most certainly did the same.

Did one cheat the other? Which doped first in their career?

Book 'em, Dano!
A reunion race between Jan, Armstrong etc would be great but I am told no sponsor will touch it so it doesn't look like it will ever happen although it has been discussed.
Originally Posted by jpwkeeper .

The reason nobody calls for Jan's head like they do Lance's head has little to nothing to do with doping. Jan himself said it in a recent interview, Lance made way too many enemies. I've said it many times here; if Lance hadn't been a douchebag we likely wouldn't be having this discussion.
I would only partially agree with this assessment. Lance being a complete a-hole did have a lot to do with his downfall, but I really believe that the bigger factor was winning 7 TDFs in a row. Although the average cycling fan seemed to revel in Lance's domination of the world's greatest bike race, too many insiders saw it for what it really was - a probable sham. His unbelievable time while ascending Sestriere in 1999 prompted a lot of people to say "What the hell?....doping again, already?" One TDF victory turned into two, and then eventually into seven. He rarely had any bad luck, and when he did, he always managed to pull some superhuman performance out of his bag of tricks. It just wasn't normal. Anyone could have one or two great years, but seven?

I don't know about anyone else, but I personally looked at the whole debacle as a disgusting example of greed. If he had won one, two or three tours, and gone away quietly as others before him had done, I probably wouldn't have given a damn about him. But he was like a pig at a trough, and a mean pig at that.
Lancer only won a couple more than Eddie's four consecutive, five total, almost six if not for a sucker punch, three times busted for doperz doped. Only a few more than Anquetil's four consecutive "leave me in peace" confessed doper bad. A couple more than Big Migs five consecutive Salbutamal Let me try to find a greedy pig at the trough again... A couple more than...Contadope...damn!

Well, there's always good old, not too greedy, Jan...****! Him too!

Yeah...about that...
lance_armstrong said:
I would only partially agree with this assessment.  Lance being a complete a-hole did have a lot to do with his downfall, but I really believe that the bigger factor was winning 7 TDFs in a row.  Although the average cycling fan seemed to revel in Lance's domination of the world's greatest bike race, too many insiders saw it for what it really was - a probable sham.  His unbelievable time while ascending  Sestriere in 1999 prompted a lot of people to say "What the hell?....doping again, already?"  One TDF victory turned into two, and then eventually into seven.  He rarely had any bad luck, and when he did, he always managed to pull some superhuman performance out of his bag of tricks.  It just wasn't normal.  Anyone could have one or two great years, but seven?  I don't know about anyone else, but I personally looked at the whole debacle as a disgusting example of greed.  If he had won one, two or three tours, and gone away quietly as others before him had done, I probably wouldn't have given a damn about him.  But he was like a pig at a trough, and a mean pig at that. 
Alas, Armstrong didn't win 7 TdF's in a row. He won none.
[SIZE= 10pt][COLOR= black]Alienator, what do you do for living? [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= medium]You are such an-ass h.. why don’t you stop bashing Armstrong on every chance you get. Don’t you have anything better to do??! It is such an old …………story………..and by the way he did win 7 TdF's beating all other dopers, believe it or not, recognized it or not. We all know it and he knows it! He suffered in the mountains, he trained many km a year for many years. He was tough on his team and people around him, he protected his way, his “business”, and it was his business and he did it his way (like many other pros), right or wrong to you and many others that do not understand European cycling and cycling area that existed then…..He did not invent doping, he just beat all other 95% of dopers with PED and we all loved exiting cycling. He made money so did many others and everyone and many teams benefited.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= medium]And ass like you and Travis cannot take that away, it does not matter how hard you try……name can be stricken from the records to satisfy your wish for “truth” to come out and Travis’s ego and existence…..but we all know who won. There are many who do not care about digging into cycling past. Right or wrong![/SIZE]
[SIZE= medium]But on the other hand, I sincerely hope now that that area is over and that cycling cleans itself in the future. I also hope that people like you can turn the page and stop digging into past. You all are hurting cycling and not cleaning it up!![/SIZE]
mmkah said:
You are such an-ass h.. why don’t you stop bashing Armstrong on every chance you get. Don’t you have anything better to do??! It is such an old …………story………..and by the way he did win 7 TdF's beating all other dopers, believe it or not, recognized it or not. We all know it and he knows it!  He suffered in the mountains, he trained many km a year for many years. He was tough on his team and people around him, he protected his way, his “business”, and  it was his business and he did it his way (like many other pros), right or wrong to you and many others that do not understand European cycling and cycling area that existed then…..He did not invent doping, he just beat all other 95% of dopers with PED and we all loved exiting cycling. He made money so did many others and everyone and many teams benefited. And ass like you and Travis cannot take that away, it does not matter how hard you try……name can be stricken from the records to satisfy your wish for “truth” to come out and Travis’s ego and existence…..but we all know who won. There are many who do not care about digging into cycling past. Right or wrong! But on the other hand,  I sincerely hope now that that area is over and that cycling cleans itself in the future. I also hope that people like you can turn the page and stop digging into past. You all are hurting cycling and not cleaning it up!!
Ah, it's been a while since we had a true devoted Armstrong saddle sniffer here. Welcome! I know you're confused but here's the deal: Armstrong didn't win a single TdF. If you don't understand then you really need some help. Alas, I don't bash Armstrong at every opportunity, because unlike you, my life doesn't revolve around him. I will however, discuss the Texas Turd when he comes up in threads like this. Say, did you happen to notice the topic of this thread. Let me help you: it's "Lance Armstrong won't fight USADA charges." Damn! That means it's about Armstrong. You should also note that the man whose used shorts you chew did a lot more than dope. If he had just doped that would have been pretty much it. Alas, your cowardly hero did much more, profaning people, threatening people, intimidating people, suing people for daring to tell the truth about him, and so on. Then he topped the whole fetid cake off with a thick layer of pseudo acceptance of responsibility, excuse making, and further lying. The cherry on top was made of the fake tears for all the years that he lied to his children. Sadly for you, everyone does know Armstrong cheated. He is no longer looked at as champion but rather as a purulent scab. The vast majority of the cycling community, including the fans, are glad to be rid of him. Oh, why the **** would I discuss anything about me or what I do with you? Is there something special about you?
[SIZE= medium]Alienator, your reply proves to me that you have a sick mind, bashing and bashing Armstrong (one person) and your narrow minded brain does not see or acknowledge the other 95% of cycling professionals that race or have raced in that area using PED. You are the one that really needs some help.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= medium]Your concentration is on one man only that you hate for whatever he did and you don’t see or acknowledge of other people’s opinions. That tells me that you are quite stupid peanut brained person. I am not going to repeat what I said in my previous quote, but you can read it slooooowly again, maybe you will understand what I said or ask someone to translate it to you to understand that I expressed my opinion..[/SIZE]
[SIZE= medium]I am not Armstrong hater or lover, but I think in general he got a rotten deal, which is not fair….you like it or not….who gives a f…..what you think! Who the **** are you anyway to judge people so harshly and comment on every one's quote here, that is about LA?! Have you ever ridden a bike….do you know what bike is?[/SIZE]
[SIZE= medium]Let me suggest to you, to leave this site – Cycling Forums, as your comments are sickening and boring, repetitive and they are all about Armstrong hating! I am sure that many people would like to turn the page and not to worry about the past. That would be good for cycling![/SIZE]
mmkah said:
Alienator, your reply proves to me that you have a sick mind, bashing and bashing Armstrong (one person) and your narrow minded brain does not see or acknowledge the other 95% of cycling professionals that race or have raced in that area using PED. You are the one that really needs some help. Your concentration is on one man only that you hate for whatever he did and you don’t see or acknowledge of other people’s opinions. That tells me that you are quite stupid peanut brained person. I am not going to repeat what I said in my previous quote, but you can read it slooooowly  again, maybe you will understand what I said or ask someone to translate it to you to understand that I expressed my opinion.. I am not Armstrong hater or lover, but I think in general he got a rotten deal, which is not fair….you like it or not….who gives a f…..what you think! Who the **** are you anyway to judge people so harshly and comment on every one's quote here, that is about LA?! Have you ever ridden a bike….do you know what bike is? Let me suggest to you, to leave this site – Cycling Forums, as your comments are sickening and boring, repetitive and they are all about Armstrong hating!  I am sure that many people would like to turn the page and not to worry about the past. That would be good for cycling!
You know this is the one of only two threads you've posted in? All your posts are in defense of Armstrong. Talk about single minded.... Why would respond if you didn't care what I think? Are you attracted to me? Do you masturbate when you read my posts? Have you ever been convicted of stalking? Why else would say you don't ****ing care and still follow my posts in this thread like a lovestruck pimply teenager? No matter, I think you should ease up on the violent onanism as it's taking blood flow away from you brain. 95%? That is likely high (It's certainly high compared to previously stated 90%), but even if it isn't, so? This thread isn't about those riders. It's specifically about Armstrong. A fact which you conveniently and always ignore is that Armstrong went beyond simple doping. Come on: if you're going to participate in this specific thread, then you need to look at the totality of Armstrong's actions. Did the other doping riders sue people for telling the truth about them? Did they arrange threatening calls or **** women as Armstrong did? There is no doubt that during the 90's and into the 00's doping, especially the use of EPO, was common. So? Some of those were caught; some died (Pantani); and some are still awaiting justice. More importantly, cycling has started to clean itself up. This is the result of a new generation that wants to be different than the old generation. It's also the result of increased (albeit still short of where it needs to be) and better testing. Note there was not an EPO test for much of the 90's. Alas and again, all of that is a topic for another thread because this is an Armstrong thread. Do you have difficulty reading or a learning disability? I only ask because as mentioned before that this is an Armstrong thread is indicated by the thread title right at the top of the page. I hate to disappoint you, I won't be leaving the site. Perhaps you should expand your vision and try posting in other threads. There are many here, in none of which you've posted any of your 7 posts.