Lance Armstrong Won't Fight Usada Charges

[SIZE= medium]Alienator-Peanut brain, I am not wasting any more time responding to you, as I can see, it is obvious that in your 11,318 posts you are narrow minded ***** and your intelligence does not let you change a topic. I am still strongly suggesting that you leave this site as your treads are boring and your comments are stupidly nasty and too aggressive! Obviously that is the way you try to communicate to people trying to prove your stupid nerrow minded point of view. Have a life as hole.[/SIZE]
Originally Posted by mmkah .

[SIZE= medium]Alienator-Peanut brain...[/SIZE]
Haven't found too much use for the LA doping threads but your post just made my day. That's pretty damn funny.

I've seen Alienator get under some folk's skin over the years and have seen some name calling but yeah, insulting his intelligence and calling him a peanut brain, that's new.

It sucks when you're on the wrong side of an issue and someone calls you out on it but dude get a grip. You may not like his communication style or dogged adherence to known facts and logic but cognitive skills aren't his weakness. Nor is narrow minded thinking. The number of times he's given the good advice for a newcomer to ignore the herd mentality and enjoy bike riding for their own personal reasons or wear the kit that strikes their fancy or similar advice does not speak to narrow mindedness.

But sure, we can all get on each other's nerves and maybe you'll want me to take a hike now but in the balance I'll take Alienator's sometimes rough edged viewpoints over someone who only participates here to try to redeem their fallen hero.

So do you have other cycling interests or does riding a bike start and end with a certain known doper and admitted liar and cheat from Texas?
Originally Posted by mmkah .

[SIZE= medium]Alienator-Peanut brain, I am not wasting any more time responding to you, as I can see, it is obvious that in your 11,318 posts you are narrow minded ***** and your intelligence does not let you change a topic. I am still strongly suggesting that you leave this site as your treads are boring and your comments are stupidly nasty and too aggressive! Obviously that is the way you try to communicate to people trying to prove your stupid nerrow minded point of view. Have a life as hole.[/SIZE]
And, the idiot says "what"?

That's your cue.

I don't subscribe to getting down in the mud with someone like you, but I'm getting damn tired of the relatively few die hard Lance wannabees coming back to this forum whenever they think of some new way to say the same old, same old. Have a little self respect. You don't have to join the ranks of the many who suspected that Armstrong wasn't the best thing to happen to cycling. You just have to retreat, lick your wounds, and find someone else to worship. Better yet, don't worship anyone at all. Go out and do something positive on your own. Do it right, so that no one can take it away from you later. After a while, you'll realize that there's a hell of a lot more to life than worrying about why some defrocked superstar doesn't mean **** anymore.
[SIZE= medium]Here we are CAMPYBOB.......Another insulting birdbrain that has no respect for anyone’s opinion accept their own twisted way of thinking! By the way I am not Armstrong defender. My opinion of fairness is my opinion. Anyway, the more staff about use of PED is coming out every day. Maybe your strong opinion about LA might change.[/SIZE]
[COLOR= black]The above post was meant to respond to lance_armstrong and respond to CAMPYBOB was;[/COLOR]
[COLOR= black]What plant you said you are from?[/COLOR]
mmkah said:
Here we are CAMPYBOB.......Another insulting birdbrain that has no respect for anyone’s opinion accept their own twisted way of thinking! By the way I am not Armstrong defender. My opinion of fairness is my opinion. Anyway, the more staff about use of PED is coming out every day. Maybe your strong opinion about LA might change.
So you're doing exactly what you accuse others of doing which is attacking people for their opinion. Apparently you didn't read all the responses to your posts.
mmkah said:
Sorry... [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=000000]The above post was meant to respond to lance_armstrong and respond to CAMPYBOB was;[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=000000]What plant you said you are from?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Originally Posted by mmkah .

[SIZE= medium]Here we are CAMPYBOB.......Another insulting birdbrain that has no respect for anyone’s opinion accept their own twisted way of thinking! [/SIZE]
You're lucky they only let Bob use the computer for an hour a day in that senior citizens home.
right. german authorities have decided to go full force on an investigation of jan ullrich & the t-mob.

right. the afld tests l. jalabert's pee from way back when and it turns up positive for epo.

right. the dutch authorities have their hands full with the revelations about how rabobank and their medical staff knowingly participated in the chicken's and others doping efforts.

can we finally, armstrong chamois sniffers, put to rest the belief/whine that poor little lance is being picked on?
Yeah, it's looking like Jan might really be Lance-lite after all. Looks like he did just about everything Lance did, just not quite so much of it. Not as many wins, not as many lawsuits, not as much bullying, not as many doping products. But definitely some of everything.

It's very disappointing, because I would have sworn that Lance and Jan were cut from different cloth, but maybe not so much.
The Germans have never let up on Jan. He has been harassed for years about doping. I have never understood why some think that Armstrong is the only so called victim. He just got a free pass for a long time.
Originally Posted by jpwkeeper .

It's very disappointing, because I would have sworn that Lance and Jan were cut from different cloth, but maybe not so much.

Prof cycling is serious business with "big" money behind it. Not the same kind of money as "major sports", but still ...

That's why the possibility (probability) of LA doping wasn't a major issue for me. Cheating in cycling started way before LA. As with anything competitive, one has to understand the game and decide how to play. Even though there are SWAGs that PEDs have no beneficial impact on performance, all of the "winners" were partaking. Gaining every competitive advantage was a prerequisite - may still be. Not a desirable choice, but we all decide what we're willing to stomach as we move through competitive sport/business. That said, there are (and should be) consequences for intentionally skirting the rules. Without that there is chaos (or lopsided dominance until implosion of competition).

It would be refreshing to see the PED genie put back in the bottle for cycling, but there is still a very long way to go. The money supporting cycling doesn't like to be associated with cheating/scandal, but it likes to win. Ying - yang.
Originally Posted by sitzmark .

Not because of the PED use, which is hardly a shock, but because of the douchebaggery he employed to cover it up. This is the first I've heard of it honestly.

To me that was they key difference between the big two, but maybe not so much.
Originally Posted by jpwkeeper .

To me that was they key difference between the big two, but maybe not so much.
I wasn't aware Ulrich had resorted to a bold level of character assassination but then again I haven't been staying on top of current events. Is there a tell all expose floating around I missed?
"You're lucky they only let Bob use the computer for an hour a day in that senior citizens home."

Originally Posted by danfoz .

I wasn't aware Ulrich had resorted to a bold level of character assassination but then again I haven't been staying on top of current events. Is there a tell all expose floating around I missed?
Or started a "charity" and falsely telling donors to that charity that he was clean.
Or wrote fictional books extolling the virtues of being clean.
The best cheat is the biggest cheat doesn't wash with me. Jan probably does not have the character flaws LA does but he and Riis and the rest are just as guilty. Riis was a cheat and motivated young riders to dope. He got off with out so much as a slap on the wrist.

You guys hate Lance so much you are willing to live without truth to extract your pound of flesh. The UCI and USADA jurisdiction don't cover immoral acts with charities...... or do they?

It is obvious that Tygart hates his guts and you really can't stand objectively with that level of personal emotion invested.

It is one law for all, not one law for the guys you like and another for the guys you don't!
Originally Posted by Busch .

The best cheat is the biggest cheat doesn't wash with me. Jan probably does not have the character flaws LA does but he and Riis and the rest are just as guilty. Riis was a cheat and motivated young riders to dope. He got off with out so much as a slap on the wrist.

You guys hate Lance so much you are willing to live without truth to extract your pound of flesh. The UCI and USADA jurisdiction don't cover immoral acts with charities...... or do they?

It is obvious that Tygart hates his guts and you really can't stand objectively with that level of personal emotion invested.

It is one law for all, not one law for the guys you like and another for the guys you don't!
I don't read posts here attempting to defend Riis or Ullrich or Pantani or Jalabert.

I read a lot of drivel here from the likes of you attempting to defend Armstrong even after your man publicly makes a confession on one of the biggest syndicated shows in your country.
Of course you're entitled to try to defend the indefensible, but don't be surprised that what you post gets ridiculed.
Originally Posted by jpwkeeper .

Not because of the PED use, which is hardly a shock, but because of the douchebaggery he employed to cover it up. This is the first I've heard of it honestly.

To me that was they key difference between the big two, but maybe not so much.
The stink of all this is probably far deeper than the individuals involved. Leadership comes with some unpleasant stuff sometimes - even company presidents get told what to say and how they are going to say it. White lies spin out of control and trying to keep something this involved becomes exponentially more difficult as people with different vested interests work harder and harder to dig up the dirt. As has happened, once a few high-profile individuals cracked the door, it not only tarnished their brand, but also the team, the sponsorship, etc. Much to lose for everyone - including UCI which basically turned a blind eye while cycling benefited greatly from the notoriety of LA's TdF dominance.

Lance had a powerful and politically connected enemy in Bob Hamman (SCA Promotions), who's only hope of getting back his $7.5mil was to totally discredit and out LA. A war of power and connections and one where nice guys get eaten for lunch. As a team leader and cycling superstar, Jan likely carried many of the same burdens as it related to protecting the team, team sponsors, the sport, etc. His public persona isn't as cutthroat as LA's, but you never know.
"[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]You guys hate Lance so much you are willing to live without truth to extract your pound of flesh."[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]The truth.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(24, 24, 24)]It hurts.[/COLOR]