Off the bike for a fricken week or more


small change

Some total asshat ran a stopsign from a side street onto an arterial where I
was going along minding my own business in a line of cars... plowed right
into the side of my car. Good thing I saw him coming and swerved, so we only
got smashed from an angle instead of a full blown t-bone. Witnesses say he
never even slowed down to check traffic.

What's really lucky/bizarre is that this happened right in front of a
retirement home where there was a paramedic hanging around. He heard the
crash, came right out and called the cops. We aren't hurt other than the
usual thrown around-neck shoulder ****. Oh, and my rear quarterpanel and
rear passenger door are caved in. Frankly I was surprised when the other
driver pulled out an insurance card as he didn't look like the type to have
one. Lots of nice witnesses, 100% the other guys fault, but jeez - 9 am in
the morning, what a way to start the day.

JD will appreciate this - the main witness says she saw the whole thing as
she was watching my car, trying to read my bumper sticker , you know that
one that says, "I've got a singletrack mind".

So off the bike for ??.

small change wrote:
> Some total asshat ran a stopsign from a side street onto an arterial where I
> was going along minding my own business in a line of cars... plowed right
> into the side of my car. Good thing I saw him coming and swerved, so we only
> got smashed from an angle instead of a full blown t-bone. Witnesses say he
> never even slowed down to check traffic.
> What's really lucky/bizarre is that this happened right in front of a
> retirement home where there was a paramedic hanging around. He heard the
> crash, came right out and called the cops. We aren't hurt other than the
> usual thrown around-neck shoulder ****. Oh, and my rear quarterpanel and
> rear passenger door are caved in. Frankly I was surprised when the other
> driver pulled out an insurance card as he didn't look like the type to have
> one. Lots of nice witnesses, 100% the other guys fault, but jeez - 9 am in
> the morning, what a way to start the day.
> JD will appreciate this - the main witness says she saw the whole thing as
> she was watching my car, trying to read my bumper sticker , you know that
> one that says, "I've got a singletrack mind".
> So off the bike for ??.
> Penny

Sorry to hear that. I think you should get your neck looked out by a
specialist... that your lawyer recommends. ;)

Get well soon!

o-o-o-o Ride-A-Lot o-o-o-o
small change wrote:
> Some total asshat ran a stopsign from a side street onto an arterial where I
> was going along minding my own business in a line of cars... plowed right
> into the side of my car. Good thing I saw him coming and swerved, so we only
> got smashed from an angle instead of a full blown t-bone. Witnesses say he
> never even slowed down to check traffic.


Wow, that sucks! It definitely could have been worse, so I'm glad you're ok.

On Mon, 5 Jun 2006 19:04:48 -0700, small change wrote:
> Some total asshat ran a stopsign from a side street onto an arterial where I
> was going along minding my own business in a line of cars... plowed right
> into the side of my car.

Man, when I read that first line I thought you were going to say you were
on your bike. It was a bit of a relief to hear you're Ok.

Heal quick, summer's here!

To e-mail me, unmunge my address
On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 19:04:48 -0700, small change wrote:

> Some total asshat ran a stopsign from a side street onto an arterial where
> I was going along minding my own business in a line of cars... plowed
> right into the side of my car.


small change wrote:
> Some total asshat ran a stopsign from a side street onto an arterial where I
> was going along minding my own business in a line of cars... plowed right
> into the side of my car. Good thing I saw him coming and swerved, so we only
> got smashed from an angle instead of a full blown t-bone. Witnesses say he
> never even slowed down to check traffic.

Were you told to stay off the bike? Might help the aches and pains.
Glad the car absorbed most of the idiot's maneuver.
Heal fast.


P.S. Remember 50% of everyone is dumber than average, but most of 'em
still drive. =:0
small change wrote:
> Some total asshat ran a stopsign from a side street onto an arterial
> where I was going along minding my own business in a line of cars...
> plowed right into the side of my car. Good thing I saw him coming and
> swerved, so we only got smashed from an angle instead of a full blown
> t-bone. Witnesses say he never even slowed down to check traffic.
> What's really lucky/bizarre is that this happened right in front of a
> retirement home where there was a paramedic hanging around. He heard
> the crash, came right out and called the cops. We aren't hurt other
> than the usual thrown around-neck shoulder ****. Oh, and my rear
> quarterpanel and rear passenger door are caved in. Frankly I was
> surprised when the other driver pulled out an insurance card as he
> didn't look like the type to have one. Lots of nice witnesses, 100%
> the other guys fault, but jeez - 9 am in the morning, what a way to
> start the day.
> JD will appreciate this - the main witness says she saw the whole
> thing as she was watching my car, trying to read my bumper sticker ,
> you know that one that says, "I've got a singletrack mind".
> So off the bike for ??.
> Penny

"Ow! My neck!!!"

That sucks Penny, hope you get back riding soon.

Shawn wrote:>
> Were you told to stay off the bike? Might help the aches and pains.
> Glad the car absorbed most of the idiot's maneuver.
> Heal fast.
> Shawn
> P.S. Remember 50% of everyone is dumber than average, but most of 'em
> still drive. =:0

yes- I saw my chiropractor within 6 hours. She's also my mtb mentor, taught
me to ride and we still ride together. She's been know to adjust me in a
field after an OTB experience. Anyway, if she says it's a good idea to stay
off the bike for about two weeks, I'll take her word for it.

What I'm really bent about at the moment is that the first estimate comes
up with my Subaru as a loss, this is with one quarter panel and a door
squished but still servicable. We aren't anywhere near done with this
process yet. Anythoughts on how to compare blue book with how the market
actually is? We all know that Sub's hold their value way over blue book.

I'm fine, a little stiff, but life goes on.

small change wrote:
> Shawn wrote:>
>>Were you told to stay off the bike? Might help the aches and pains.
>>Glad the car absorbed most of the idiot's maneuver.
>>Heal fast.
>>P.S. Remember 50% of everyone is dumber than average, but most of 'em
>>still drive. =:0

> yes- I saw my chiropractor within 6 hours. She's also my mtb mentor, taught
> me to ride and we still ride together. She's been know to adjust me in a
> field after an OTB experience. Anyway, if she says it's a good idea to stay
> off the bike for about two weeks, I'll take her word for it.
> What I'm really bent about at the moment is that the first estimate comes
> up with my Subaru as a loss, this is with one quarter panel and a door
> squished but still servicable. We aren't anywhere near done with this
> process yet. Anythoughts on how to compare blue book with how the market
> actually is? We all know that Sub's hold their value way over blue book.
> I'm fine, a little stiff, but life goes on.

Get the insurance company to show you comparable cars in your area
(model, options, miles, condition before the wreck) for the cost of the
insurance payout plus deductible, including tax registration and all the
other car purchase ********. If they can get reasonably close, it would
be a good call, if not, they need to fix yours.
Sounds optimistic though doesn't it?
Good luck.

small change wrote:

> yes- I saw my chiropractor within 6 hours.

I would think that you would want to be seen by a
real doctor, rather than a witch doctor. was a much more accurate
reflection of our totaled vehicle's worth.

My insurance company actually pulled recent sales
data from Norcal on 30+ "similar" vehicles to
establish my payoff. The payoff was even higher
than the NADA price.
small change wrote:
> JD will appreciate this - the main witness says she saw the whole thing as
> she was watching my car, trying to read my bumper sticker , you know that
> one that says, "I've got a singletrack mind".

Fruitian juju is good juju.

Just get back on the bike and ride it off.

small change wrote:

> What I'm really bent about at the moment is that the first estimate comes
> up with my Subaru as a loss, this is with one quarter panel and a door
> squished but still servicable. We aren't anywhere near done with this
> process yet. Anythoughts on how to compare blue book with how the market
> actually is? We all know that Sub's hold their value way over blue book.

Definately go for the totality, You could end up MAKING money, or
upgrading to a same model, less miles. You've been coerced (by the
law) into betting against yourself for years, might as well get back as
much of the wager as you can.

(coerced insurance for profit should be illegal)

small change wrote:
> Some total asshat ran a stopsign from a side street onto an arterial where I
> was going along minding my own business in a line of cars... plowed right
> into the side of my car.<snip>

'> So off the bike for ??.
> Penny

I am very sorry to hear it Penny.
Carla went through it last October and is still going to doctors...
I know you have probably heard it a couple of dozen times by now but...
As long as you came out of it ok that is all that matters...
The very best thing about this is you have witnesses!
I hope it all works out.
Feel better soon!

Jimbo...heh heh you said asshat...(san)
small change wrote:
> Some total asshat ran a stopsign from a side street onto an arterial where I
> was going along minding my own business in a line of cars... plowed right
> into the side of my car. Good thing I saw him coming and swerved, so we only
> got smashed from an angle instead of a full blown t-bone. Witnesses say he
> never even slowed down to check traffic.
> What's really lucky/bizarre is that this happened right in front of a
> retirement home where there was a paramedic hanging around. He heard the
> crash, came right out and called the cops. We aren't hurt other than the
> usual thrown around-neck shoulder ****. Oh, and my rear quarterpanel and
> rear passenger door are caved in. Frankly I was surprised when the other
> driver pulled out an insurance card as he didn't look like the type to have
> one. Lots of nice witnesses, 100% the other guys fault, but jeez - 9 am in
> the morning, what a way to start the day.
> JD will appreciate this - the main witness says she saw the whole thing as
> she was watching my car, trying to read my bumper sticker , you know that
> one that says, "I've got a singletrack mind".
> So off the bike for ??.
> Penny

Dang! That really sucks. Hope you all heal up quick, but not so quick
as to preclude a huge settlement!

The day before AMB-ID 02, I was rear-ended in the former sports utility
beater by some idiot doing 45mph. Good thing for me the old truck was
made of steel. The next day, I drank at least a pint of cheap whisky
(for the pain, of course) while the Freak drove us up to McCall and
kept me distracted with Dr Demento and Disney tunes.

small change wrote:
> What I'm really bent about at the moment is that the first estimate comes
> up with my Subaru as a loss, this is with one quarter panel and a door
> squished but still servicable. We aren't anywhere near done with this
> process yet. Anythoughts on how to compare blue book with how the market
> actually is? We all know that Sub's hold their value way over blue book.
> I'm fine, a little stiff, but life goes on.
> Penny

Don't settle on the car until you get fair replacement value. And if
you need a good local gunslinger to help, give a holler..:)

I wondered if it was your sube wagon. You know, those hombres are
tough! I was t-boned in one in 1992, and it took a hell of a beating
to save my life.

"small change" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Some total asshat ran a stopsign from a side street onto an arterial where
> I was going along minding my own business in a line of cars... plowed
> right into the side of my car. Good thing I saw him coming and swerved, so
> we only got smashed from an angle instead of a full blown t-bone.
> Witnesses say he never even slowed down to check traffic.
> What's really lucky/bizarre is that this happened right in front of a
> retirement home where there was a paramedic hanging around. He heard the
> crash, came right out and called the cops. We aren't hurt other than the
> usual thrown around-neck shoulder ****. Oh, and my rear quarterpanel and
> rear passenger door are caved in. Frankly I was surprised when the other
> driver pulled out an insurance card as he didn't look like the type to
> have one. Lots of nice witnesses, 100% the other guys fault, but jeez - 9
> am in the morning, what a way to start the day.
> JD will appreciate this - the main witness says she saw the whole thing as
> she was watching my car, trying to read my bumper sticker , you know that
> one that says, "I've got a singletrack mind".
> So off the bike for ??.
> Penny

coming in a little late here but glad to hear you didn't get too banged up.
A week off the bike sucks but 6 or 7 weeks would have been a real bummer.

Gary (still trying to get back in shape from December's mess up)
GeeDubb wrote:
> Gary (still trying to get back in shape from December's mess up)

Where have you been? Coming up to CO anytime soon?

o-o-o-o Ride-A-Lot o-o-o-o
Paladin wrote:
> I wondered if it was your sube wagon. You know, those hombres are
> tough! I was t-boned in one in 1992, and it took a hell of a beating
> to save my life.

I hate to be "that guy" that stereotypes people, but man, people in
Boise do not know how to drive! The only place I've ever been that was
worse was Sun City, AZ where it's 99% people who are 99 years or older.
I've yet to get on the freeway(s) behind someone who wasn't trying to
merge with 65MPH traffic @ 35mph. Boise needs to put up MINIMUM speed
limits on the freeway. I've also had to blare my horn at countless
people doing things in their car and not paying attention to the light
that turned green 30 seconds ago. There's lot of other things, but I'm
sure you've experienced them as well.

What gives?

"Ride-A-Lot" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> GeeDubb wrote:
>> Gary (still trying to get back in shape from December's mess up)

> Where have you been? Coming up to CO anytime soon?
> --
> o-o-o-o Ride-A-Lot o-o-o-o

I was just there, thus the hiatus from posting. I haven't figured out how to
post from my cell phone yet :)
Unfortunately I worked on my place up there for the week and didn't ride but
one 13 mile dirt road ride (which I've posted about before). I'll be back
up on June 30 for two weeks. Big group ride in Durango on or around the 4th
(possible good chance to meet Craig), and hopefully Matt will be a gracious
offerer of good ridings (hint hint) on the Gunnison front. Then there's
always GJ or Fruita for some HOT riding (gives me some advantage).

Nice thing was......I missed the record high temperatures that Phoenix
experience this past weekend! I had to turn the heater on in the car on the
way home yesterday morning as it was in the upper low 50's in Telluride.
my puppy doesn't like Phoenix anymore having been spoiled in the mountains
of Colorado........

"x1134x" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Paladin wrote:
>> I wondered if it was your sube wagon. You know, those hombres are
>> tough! I was t-boned in one in 1992, and it took a hell of a beating
>> to save my life.
>> CDB

> I hate to be "that guy" that stereotypes people, but man, people in
> Boise do not know how to drive! The only place I've ever been that was
> worse was Sun City, AZ where it's 99% people who are 99 years or older.
> I've yet to get on the freeway(s) behind someone who wasn't trying to
> merge with 65MPH traffic @ 35mph. Boise needs to put up MINIMUM speed
> limits on the freeway. I've also had to blare my horn at countless
> people doing things in their car and not paying attention to the light
> that turned green 30 seconds ago. There's lot of other things, but I'm
> sure you've experienced them as well.
> What gives?
> x1134x

small town. Learn to live with it or get out. Not meaning to be mean but
that's just the way it is in most smaller communities.

Gary (yes, Boise is small town compared to PHX)