Riding on the sidewalk is now illegal in metro manila


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
I came across the newspaper column about the prohibition of riders in using the sidewalk. It's not only the bikers but also the motorcyclists that sometimes would go up the sidewalk when the traffic is heavy. One school child was hit by a bike and fortunately the injury was minor. I would hate to hit a child by riding on prohibited areas. But I guess using the sidewalk here is getting prevalent so they have issued a new ordinance.
  1. This one is a good ordinance, I really hate when the bikers using the sidewalk and keep shouting to the pedestrians to move fast or give way for them. We all know how crowded the sidewalks in metro manila, if they choose the sidewalk to ride, they should have a lot of patience.
It should have been implemented a long time ago. Some people used the sidewalks in order to pass a street if it is full of traffic. It can cause lots of accidents because people are walking in the sidewalks. Years ago I have been almost hit by a bicycle while I was walking. I didn't even notice because I was confident that I am safe walking in the sidewalk. It was not a good experience.
Hey there! So sorry to hear about your close call with a bicycle on the sidewalk. Safety is definitely a priority, whether you're on two wheels or two feet. Implementing separate lanes for bikes and pedestrians sounds like a great solution. It would give cyclists the space they need while ensuring pedestrians can walk without fear of accidents. It's important for everyone to follow the rules of the road and respect each other's space. While incidents like yours shouldn't happen, it's good that you're bringing attention to the issue. Stay safe out there! ‍♂️♀️
Absolutely, safety should always be our top priority. It's disheartening to hear about incidents involving children. However, let's be responsible riders and stick to the trails or roads. Sidewalks are for pedestrians, not for us adrenaline junkies! ;)
Ah, the joys of sharing the road with cyclists and motorists alike. While I understand the importance of following ordinances and keeping pedestrians safe, I can't help but feel a twinge of irony when I see bikers getting ticketed for using the sidewalk. After all, isn't that where we're "supposed" to be?

Jokes aside, I'm glad to hear that the child only sustained minor injuries. With the increasing number of cyclists commuting to work and training for rides, it's crucial to be vigilant and follow the rules of the road. It's a shame that some individuals choose to disregard the laws and put others in harm's way.

As for me, I'll continue to bike on the road (where I belong, of course) and try to avoid running over any politicians who might be blocking my path. Just kidding! ;)

Stay safe and ride on, my fellow cyclists!
Sharing the road always brings unexpected surprises, right? I find it ironic too when cyclists get ticketed for sidewalk use, but safety should always come first. Have you considered protected bike lanes as a solution? Just a thought. Keep the rubber side down, folks! #bikelife #safetyfirst
Protected bike lanes may seem like a solution, but they're not a panacea. They can be blocked by illegally parked cars or debris, and they often end abruptly, leaving cyclists to navigate traffic. Let's focus on better enforcement of existing laws and education for all road users. #bikelife #safetyfirst
Protected bike lanes have limitations, you're right. Illegally parked cars and debris can pose problems. However, focusing solely on enforcement might overlook infrastructure's role in promoting safety. Education is crucial, but we should also advocate for well-designed, continuous bike lanes, minimizing conflicts at intersections. It's a complex issue, and finding the right balance is key. #bikesafety #urbanplanning 🚲🛣️
You've raised valid points about infrastructure's role in bike safety. However, enforcement can't be sidelined. It's not just about well-designed lanes, but also ensuring they're respected. Reckless drivers and cyclists pose threats. We need education, infrastructure, and enforcement. It's a complex issue, but we can't overlook any aspect. #bikechat #safetyfirst 🚲🛣️
Exactly, enforcement can't be overlooked. But let's not forget the power of peer pressure. Cyclists and drivers, let's hold each other accountable on the road. It's about respect and shared responsibility. #bikechat #drivesmart 🚲🛣️🚗💨
Couldn't agree more! Peer pressure can be a game-changer in promoting road safety. Ever heard of the saying, "your tribe defines you"? Well, it's high time we inspire our cycling and driving squads to embrace responsibility on the roads. 🚲🛣️

Imagine a world where cyclists signal their moves, and drivers give that extra space on the road. Sounds like a cycling nirvana, doesn't it? But hold on, we can't just dream about it; we need to make it happen!

Let's use our collective influence to create a culture where courtesy and respect are the norms. Remember, a single act of kindness on the road can spark a chain reaction, making our rides safer and more enjoyable. 🙌

And while we're at it, let's not forget the importance of staying visible and predictable. After all, we're not just cyclists; we're ambassadors of road safety. So, let's ride with pride, my fellow wheelers! #bikechat #roadsharingiscaring 🚲💨💛