Schiavo debate: Ploy for evangelical vote in 06'?

limerickman said:
I defer to your knowledge of your own law.

However I would have assumed that the issue - the issue being this unfortunate lady's chances of recovering - were thrashed out in their entirety in your country's judicial system.
And the courts found, after hearing medical opinion from both sides, that this lady wouldn't have recovered from her unforunate predicament.

Ethically, I have very grave concerns with anyone taking away a feeding tube
from a person in that lady's condition.
But if the courts explored this issue and found that there was no chance of recovery, I suppose the decision to stop life support was legally sound.

Ethics and legality are two separate issues though.
I think the main issue here is not the argument if she could have recovered fully I believe the sticking points are A. Why didn't mike just give custody to her parents and more importantly, if this was a "legal" execution and C. If one believes "C" then why not give her the same treatment you would give a dog, horse or criminal in some states...Giver her a lethal injection instead of making her dry up like a freakin prune for two weeks....
I have to chime in and say that everyone in this thread is caught up on the politics that the world and politicians are hung up on.

I am not being insensitive to anyone here who has had to watch a loved one die helplessly because I have...I watched my mother die in 6 months from Pancreatic cancer. There was NOTHING we could do but watch and ease the pain. If she would have asked us/me to end it I/we would have.

It was brought to my attention that the Schiavo's at some point when they were happily married made a pact that they would never let this sort of thing happen. Everyone should have stayed the hell out of their business. I can tell you if my mother had asked and it got out and some liberal piece of **** lifer came to my house and told me how to handle my business they would have gotten a fist in the mouth.

I CAN NOT believe that the government or anyone else for that matter had the audacity to even think that this was anyone's business but the Schiavo's. Mr. and Mrs. Schiavo will atone for their lives with God...this includes the decisions they make in life. Let this issue be between them and God and everyone else worry about how they are living their own lives.
zapper said:
I think the main issue here is not the argument if she could have recovered fully I believe the sticking points are A. Why didn't mike just give custody to her parents and more importantly, if this was a "legal" execution and C. If one believes "C" then why not give her the same treatment you would give a dog, horse or criminal in some states...Giver her a lethal injection instead of making her dry up like a freakin prune for two weeks....

As far as I understand the case, this lady was married.
So in respect of "A" - could her parents be given custody of her ? Surely her husband has primacy in this case ?

It is a very very sad case.
jaguar75 said:
I have to chime in and say that everyone in this thread is caught up on the politics that the world and politicians are hung up on.

I am not being insensitive to anyone here who has had to watch a loved one die helplessly because I have...I watched my mother die in 6 months from Pancreatic cancer. There was NOTHING we could do but watch and ease the pain. If she would have asked us/me to end it I/we would have.
I only have one question... Would you let your mother lay there with out water, food or ice chips for two weeks...You just stated that all you could do was watch and ease the pain...You would have been arrested if Michael schiavo was your mothers husband...That is the point..politics aside. I too watched my Father-in law die (he was like a father to me, I loved him dearly)...We still provided water, ice chips and anything else we could to comfort him in his final days... That has nothing to do with politics, just human dignity..
limerickman said:
As far as I understand the case, this lady was married.
So in respect of "A" - could her parents be given custody of her ? Surely her husband has primacy in this case ?

It is a very very sad case.
He could have signed it over to them and went on with his life...Like I said, the main problem I have is how the murder was committed and what a pandora's box it opened up!
zapper said:
I only have one question... Would you let your mother lay there with out water, food or ice chips for two weeks...You just stated that all you could do was watch and ease the pain...You would have been arrested if Michael schiavo was your mothers husband...That is the point..politics aside. I too watched my Father-in law die (he was like a father to me, I loved him dearly)...We still provided water, ice chips and anything else we could to comfort him in his final days... That has nothing to do with politics, just human dignity..

You are correct Zapp...We gave her whatever she wanted...My use of the word watch was only to say that we could do nothing to stop the cancer. I agree with you also that it was no way to die, however, it was still no ones business but theirs.
jaguar75 said:
It was brought to my attention that the Schiavo's at some point when they were happily married made a pact that they would never let this sort of thing happen.
Herin lies the problem...Hearsay.

Jag here’s the deal...

#1 If there was a pact between them...why wait 7 years to make that pact known?

#2 If there was a pact, isn't it ironic that he only made it known after a law was passed that heresay could be used in this case?

#3 Her murder was unconstitutional that is the issue thus that’s why the government got involved then wussed out because they were watchin the polls.

#4 As I recall after her death, the polls reversed themselves so go figure...

Bottom line, its a done deal but I find it odd that you have flaming libs of PETA spraying women wearing fur coats, sneaking into chicken packing plants ETC but when a human being was being denied food and water, they looked away and proclaimed she was in a EUPHORIC state? Sad really...
zapper said:
Herin lies the problem...Hearsay.

Jag here’s the deal...

#1 If there was a pact between them...why wait 7 years to make that pact known?

#2 If there was a pact, isn't it ironic that he only made it known after a law was passed that heresay could be used in this case?

#3 Her murder was unconstitutional that is the issue thus that’s why the government got involved then wussed out because they were watchin the polls.

#4 As I recall after her death, the polls reversed themselves so go figure...

Bottom line, its a done deal but I find it odd that you have flaming libs of PETA spraying women wearing fur coats, sneaking into chicken packing plants ETC but when a human being was being denied food and water, they looked away and proclaimed she was in a EUPHORIC state? Sad really...

Zapp...That is exactly right it is hearsay...Only god and the Schiavo's will ever know. This is Pandora's box because now laws will be passed that prevent people from choosing to die. If Kavorkian had been brought in would it still be murder or suicide assist in your eyes? Our freedom rights as Americans are slowly being stripped from us, I am sure that this is not the first Schiavo in the world and it will not be the last.
jaguar75 said:
You are correct Zapp...We gave her whatever she wanted...My use of the word watch was only to say that we could do nothing to stop the cancer. I agree with you also that it was no way to die, however, it was still no ones business but theirs.
Oh by the way my condolences...I lost my father in-law to a cancerous tumor of the brain and my mother just had a lobectamy (removal of the upper left lung)...Perhaps one could say it was only their business to let her die, but how about the method?
jaguar75 said:
Zapp...That is exactly right it is hearsay...Only god and the Schiavo's will ever know.
Lucky for mikey...

This is Pandora's box because now laws will be passed that prevent people from choosing to die. If Kavorkian had been brought in would it still be murder or suicide assist in your eyes?
It could not have been suicide assist for Terry didn't ask for it. However, I would have rather that happen than think about what her parents and family had to endure...I would have been arrested for I would not have let my daughter be treated so inhumanely!

Our freedom rights as Americans are slowly being stripped from us, I am sure that this is not the first Schiavo in the world and it will not be the last.
That's my point...14th amendment article III...
zapper said:
Oh by the way my condolences...I lost my father in-law to a cancerous tumor of the brain and my mother just had a lobectamy (removal of the upper left lung)...Perhaps one could say it was only their business to let her die, but how about the method?

Same to you Zapp...

I remember right after my mom passed I was talking to a friend about Kavorkian (Her passing was a short time after the Kavorkian controversy subsided) I was telling him that I now understand what those people were going through. I was very torn with the issue for a very long time and I would just tell people until you go through it you will never know. Then one day it hit my like a ton of is a concept that we all take for granted everyday because we make so many of them everyday but when you stop to think about this word and what it really is...It is action and consequence, both good and bad.

Just curious Zapp, where do you stand on Stem cell research...Another great issue of debate...I for one would love to see a cancer free world!
jaguar75 said:
Just curious Zapp, where do you stand on Stem cell research...Another great issue of debate...I for one would love to see a cancer free world!
I'm for it as long as it involves cells that are already available..I'm not for harvesting embryo's until it has been proven fully that there is no other productive way to produce results...
zapper said:
I'm for it as long as it involves cells that are already available..I'm not for harvesting embryo's until it has been proven fully that there is no other productive way to produce results...

I completely agree!
"Thread master" checking in here. I see the word "murder" being bandied about the last one or two pages & it distresses me :confused: . There is "killing" & there is "murder". The two are different. 80% of Americans beleive Congress stuck its nose where it didn't belong. That says alot considering that approximately 80% of Americans beleive in some sort of God. Another thing, marriage is between two people & their god not two people their god & one of the spouses parents. Saying the parents would have "happily" kept here "alive" does not address the issue of what Mrs. Schiavo wanted only what here parents wanted. Finally we know there would have been no "cure", at least from stem cell research seeing as how the reseach, under this compassionate conservative admin. is limited to a dozen or so strains that have had the hell researched out of them. The law is the law. The judge was appointed by a Republican. I beleive this was for political points in 06' but to the Repub's dismay, the disappointing poll #'s (see above) came out. DIW, much like the Soc. Sec. "fix" (aka-get ($) out while the gettins' good)-wither on the vine :rolleyes: Incidentally, as an aside, starving has been equating to "fasting" (christian?) which has been shown to induce hallucinations/euphoria.
davidmc said:
"Thread master" checking in here. I see the word "murder" being bandied about the last one or two pages & it distresses me :confused: .
You should be used to the term "murder." You libs use it all the time when referencing the means to which chickens and cows are prepared for our tables. BTW "thread master"? haha yeah, checkin in from the "POUND"?

There is "killing" & there is "murder". The two are different. 80% of Americans beleive Congress stuck its nose where it didn't belong. That says alot considering that approximately 80% of Americans beleive in some sort of God.
Wrongo again Peabody…First what about Megans Law, the Amber alert Roe vs Wade??? These are all cases where “government” got involved over one PERSON. Second, the biggest problem with the poll you mention were the questions. They were misleading…Might I refer you to the Zogby poll which had completely different results…You can find it easily but here is a couple of items for your doggy bowl… “The Zogby poll found that, if a person becomes incapacitated and has not expressed their preference for medical treatment, as in Terri's case, 43 percent say "the law presume that the person wants to live, even if the person is receiving food and water through a tube" while just 30 percent disagree.” Or how about his one…. "If a disabled person is not terminally ill, not in a coma, and not being kept alive on life support, and they have no written directive, should or should they not be denied food and water," the poll asked. A whopping 79 percent said the patient should not have food and water taken away while just 9 percent said yes.
Finally we know there would have been no "cure", at least from stem cell research seeing as how the reseach, under this compassionate conservative admin. is limited to a dozen or so strains that have had the hell researched out of them.
There is has been no proof of this…This is your opinion

Soc. Sec. "fix" (aka-get ($) out while the gettins' good)-wither on the vine
Where were you in 98 when you hero “Bill” was holding town meetings to do same????

Incidentally, as an aside, starving has been equating to "fasting" (christian?) which has been shown to induce hallucinations/euphoria.
Do me us a favor…How about staying away from your Alpo and doggy water bowl for two weeks and document the Euphoria you experience…No cheating now…no milk bones or ice chips…
zapper said:
Do me us a favor…How about staying away from your Alpo and doggy water bowl for two weeks and document the Euphoria you experience…No cheating now…no milk bones or ice chips…
Remember, I have mentioned that I have been homeless (hungry) before.
davidmc said:
Remember, I have mentioned that I have been homeless (hungry) before.
Therefore you will savour life in a more positive way. It may not cut the mustard with the general shitbags you meet. Just say Hello to them.
When I raced in France I married a French woman and we came to live in England. Ran my own engineering business. Her favourite song for me was 'Where ever I rest my that's my home'. Habits of a lifetime following your baggage about.
davidmc said:
Remember, I have mentioned that I have been homeless (hungry) before.
You were could scavenge for food..she couldn't...Please describe to us the euphoric feeling you had when you had a rumbly in your tumbly...
davidmc said:
Remember, I have mentioned that I have been homeless (hungry) before.

Not a very happy or satisfactory position to have been in, David.

You have done very well to overcome those circumstances which lead to your being homeless.

To expand the discussion, it is unforgivable in a world that has plentiful food, that anyone could be allowed to be hungry or to starve for lack of food.
Schiavo excepted.
zapper said:
You were could scavenge for food..she couldn't...Please describe to us the euphoric feeling you had when you had a rumbly in your tumbly...
From Lokstah: She's possesing of a brain stem only, a primordial knob of neural tissue which governs involuntary responses to stimuli and facilitates basic involuntary body function. With no cerebral cortex, she's currently and will never again be capable of self-awareness, any form of cognition, fear, pleasure, pain or comfort. christians & Muslims (of which I am neither) fast for weeks at a time. Its less barbaric than electrocution of which a certain Gov. of a certain State, sharing a boundary w/ Mexico, had no trouble invoking even on women