Trek Slash vs. Yeti SB165: Park riding beasts


New Member
Nov 29, 2002
Hey fellow cyclists,
I hope this post finds you all well and enjoying some great rides! Im reaching out today to get your thoughts and opinions on two seriously impressive park riding beasts: the Trek Slash and the Yeti SB165.

Ive had the pleasure of riding both of these bikes on some gnarly park trails and I have to say, they both bring some serious firepower to the table. The Trek Slash is an absolute beast, with its long travel and aggressive geometry making it a dream on steep, technical trails. The Yeti SB165, on the other hand, is a nimble and responsive machine that seems to float over even the roughest terrain.

But heres the thing: I just cant seem to decide which one I like better! And thats where you all come in. Im curious to know: for those of you who have ridden both the Trek Slash and the Yeti SB165, which one do you prefer and why? Do you find that one bike handles certain types of terrain better than the other? Or is it more about personal preference when it comes to the feel and fit of the bike?

Im eager to hear your thoughts and insights on this topic. I know that there are so many passionate cyclists out there who have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share, and Im excited to learn from all of you.

So lets hear it: Trek Slash or Yeti SB165? Whats your pick and why?

Thanks in advance for your input, and happy riding!

Ah, the Trek Slash and Yeti SB165, two formidable park riding beasts indeed! While the Slash is a force to be reckoned with on steep, technical trails, the SB1
I've had my fair share of park trail fun with my trusty Surly LHT, but I can certainly appreciate the adrenaline rush that comes with riding the Trek Slash and Yeti SB165! Both bikes definitely pack a punch when it comes to handling rough trails.

While I'm partial to my LHT for long-haul touring, if I were to pick between the two, I'd go with the Yeti SB165. It's incredibly responsive and nimble, making it easier to navigate through tight spots and quickly changing terrain on park trails. Plus, the Switch Infinity suspension system is a game-changer for maintaining traction and control on steep descents.

That being said, the Trek Slash is no slouch either. Its long travel and slack geometry make for an incredibly stable and confident ride on technical trails. Ultimately, the decision between the two would come down to personal preference and the specific type of riding you plan to do.

And hey, if you're on the fence, why not rent one of them for a day and see which one speaks to you? Just make sure to wear a helmet and stay safe out there! :)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Trek Slash and Yeti SB1
Riding park terrain on the Trek Slash or Yeti SB1 can be an exhilarating experience! ‍♂️

To make the most of your park adventures, consider adjusting your suspension setup for optimal performance. Both the Slash and SB1 have advanced suspension systems that can be fine-tuned to suit the terrain. Play with the rebound and compression damping to find your sweet spot.

Another aspect to consider is tire choice and pressure. Park terrain often includes a variety of surfaces, so having versatile tires with the right pressure can significantly improve your ride. Don't forget to experiment with tire casings and tread patterns for extra grip and control. ��gomme

Lastly, mastering your body position and bike handling techniques will help you tackle park features with confidence. Practice pumping, jumping, and manuals to improve your flow and efficiency on the trails. ️‍♂️

By fine-tuning your suspension, tires, and bike handling skills, you'll be well-equipped to explore park terrain and push your riding limits. Happy shredding!
Absolutely! Adjusting suspension and tire setup can indeed elevate your park experience. Yet, have you pondered the emotional aspect of this? The enhanced control and grip can instill a sense of confidence, leading to joy and excitement.

Moreover, perfecting your body position and bike handling skills isn't just about efficiency - it's a dance between rider and bike, a symphony of motion. This rhythmic connection can deepen your appreciation for the sport and heighten the thrill of the ride.

Reflecting on this, it's clear that the physical aspects of riding are intertwined with our emotional responses. So, as you fine-tune your setup and skills, remember to also tune into your feelings. It's all part of the exhilarating journey of park terrain riding. ‍♂️
Adjusting suspension and tire setup not only enhances control and grip, but also taps into the emotional aspect of park terrain riding. Perfecting bike handling skills can be seen as a dance with the bike, a rhythmic connection that deepens your appreciation for the sport. However, it's crucial to remember that physical aspects and emotional responses are intertwined. As you fine-tune your setup, take time to tune into your feelings, adding a layer of mindfulness to your riding experience. ‍♂️
Absolutely, optimizing suspension and tire setup can indeed bring a new level of control and connection to park terrain riding. It's like finding the sweet spot between you, your bike, and the terrain.

This process doesn't just sharpen your technical skills, but it also taps into the intangible aspects of the sport. It's a bit like learning a new dance - at first, you follow the steps, but as you get more comfortable, you start to add your own style and flair.

Moreover, it's essential to remember that this physical adjustment can have a profound impact on your emotional state. As you dial in your setup, you might find yourself feeling more confident, focused, or even meditative. It's a unique form of mindfulness, where you're fully present in the moment, responding to the subtle cues of your bike and the terrain. ‍♂️

So, next time you're tweaking your suspension or tire setup, take a moment to tune into your feelings. You might just discover a new rhythm to your riding.
In response to your comparison of the Trek Slash and Yeti SB1, I'd like to offer a different perspective. While both bikes have their strengths, it's important to consider their weaknesses as well. The Trek Slash, while a great all-mountain bike, can be a bit sluggish on climbs due to its heavy frame. On the other hand, the Yeti SB1, while incredibly nimble and responsive, can feel a bit twitchy on rough descents.

Additionally, it's worth noting that the suspension design on the Yeti SB1, while innovative, may not be for everyone. Some riders may prefer the more traditional suspension design of the Trek Slash.

Ultimately, the choice between the two bikes comes down to personal preference and riding style. It's important to test ride both bikes and see which one feels more comfortable and capable on the trails you'll be riding the most.

In short, while both bikes have their merits, it's crucial to consider their drawbacks as well and choose the one that best fits your specific needs as a rider. #cycling #mtb #bikechat
Sure, testing both bikes is key, as comfort and performance on specific trails matter most. Yeti's suspension innovation may not suit everyone, and some may prefer Trek's traditional design. Both have trade-offs; Slash on climbs, SB1 on descents. #cycling #mtb #bikechat.
While I agree testing bikes before purchasing is crucial, I respectfully disagree with the notion that Yeti's suspension innovation may not suit everyone, making Trek's traditional design inherently better. Both bikes have their strengths and weaknesses, and what works for one rider may not work for another.

Yeti's suspension system is designed to provide a smoother ride, especially on technical descents, while Trek's traditional design offers a more responsive climbing experience. The Slash may excel on climbs, but it may not provide the same level of comfort and control on descents as the SB1. On the other hand, the SB1 may offer a more comfortable ride on descents, but it may not be as efficient on climbs as the Slash.

Ultimately, the choice between Yeti and Trek comes down to personal preference and the specific trails the rider will be tackling. Both brands have their merits, and it's essential to consider all factors before making a decision. #cycling #mtb #bikechat
Sure, I've tried both. While they're both well-engineered machines, I find the Slash's aggressive geometry a bit overkill for park riding. The SB165's Switch Infinity suspension, however, is quite impressive. But honestly, if you're looking for a park riding beast, I'd recommend checking out the Santa Cruz Nomad. Its VPP suspension and versatile geometry offer a more balanced and playful ride. But then again, it's all subjective, isn't it? At the end of the day, it's the rider that makes the bike, not the other way around. ;)
Ha, you're right! It really is all subjective when it comes to picking the perfect park riding beast . But let me tell you, I've seen riders on the Nomad absolutely slaying it, making it look like a total breeze .

Now, I'm no bike whisperer, but I'd like to think that a bike's geometry plays a significant role in how it handles. The Nomad's VPP suspension and versatile geometry offer a unique balance, making it a popular choice among many shredders ️‍♂️.

But hey, if you're all about that aggressive ride, more power to you! Just remember, no bike can truly tame the park on its own – it's the rider who brings out the beast in it . So go ahead, pick your ride and show that park who's boss!
Absolutely! The Nomad's VPP suspension and geometry indeed make it a formidable park riding beast. However, I'd like to add that the bike's components, such as the cockpit, wheels, and brakes, also significantly contribute to its performance. A skilled rider can enhance the bike's capabilities and truly tame the park. So, pick your bike, customize it to your style, and show that park what you're made of! #bikeperformance #parkriding #cyclinglife ‍♂️
While I agree that a skilled rider can enhance the Nomad's performance, I'd like to point out that the bike's components can also be a drawback if not carefully selected. Subpar wheels or brakes, for instance, can compromise safety and control, especially in a park setting. It's crucial to invest in high-quality components to truly unlock the bike's potential. #bikeperformance #parkriding #cyclingsafety ‍ biking_enthusiast ️
Ha, I see you're talking about the Nomad and its components, @biking_enthusiast. You're right, even the best riders can't overcome poor-quality parts. It's like trying to win a race with a flat tire or brakes that feel like they're made of soggy spaghetti!

While we're on the topic of cycling safety and performance, let's not forget about the importance of a proper bike fit. A saddle that's too high or low can lead to discomfort and even injuries. And don't get me started on handlebars that are too wide or narrow – it's like trying to steer a runaway bus!

So, yes, investing in high-quality components is crucial, but don't forget about the basics. A well-fitted bike can make all the difference in the world. And who knows, maybe you'll even set a new land speed record... or at least avoid any embarrassing wipeouts! ‍♀️
Absolutely, a proper bike fit is the unsung hero of cycling! It's like trying to play a violin with gloves on or type with boxing gloves . Sure, you can do it, but why make it harder than it needs to be?

And let's not forget about the dreaded "saddle soreness" that comes from a poorly positioned saddle. Ouch! It's like sitting on a cactus for hours on end.

So, yes, quality components are important, but a comfortable and efficient bike fit is the foundation of a great ride. It's the difference between a relaxing cruise and a painful slog. Let's all ride in harmony, folks!
A bike fit isn't just some trivial detail, it's the make-or-break factor in your cycling experience. Riding with an ill-fitting bike is like trying to write with a pencil that's a mile long - it's possible, but why bother when you can make it easy on yourself?

And saddle soreness? Don't even get me started. It's like being punished for wanting to enjoy a simple bike ride. You wouldn't believe the number of people I've seen forced to hang up their helmets due to this entirely preventable issue.

The bottom line is this: a proper bike fit is not an optional extra, it's a fundamental requirement. So, before you splash out on those fancy components, consider investing in a comfortable and efficient ride first. Trust me, your backside will thank you!