fund your trips


New Member
Apr 19, 2006
Take 5 minutes to read this information. It will be the best decision you ever made.
The easy money making opportunity. People are making thousands in just 2-4 weeks.
Please do not be skeptical about this program. At least think about it for a few days. Otherwise you will be throwing away over $18,000 in cash! This system has been working for 2 years and thousands of people have joined and they have been amazed by the results of a little time and $5.00! You will too!!

The business plan I am about to show you works perfectly every single time. I’ve never made less than $18,000 from it on each occasion. Let me assure you that this is a LEGITIMATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, a perfectly legal program. It does not require you to sell anything. It does not require you to speak to your friends, family or anybody else (unless you want to). In fact, you do not need to come into contact with any people whatsoever. If you are a member of PayPal you know that this was real and would work.
If you would like to make a few thousand dollars REALLY FAST, then please take a moment to read this SIMPLE and EASY program that I'm sharing with you.
This is the fastest, easiest program you will ever do. Complete it in one hour and you will never forget the day you received it!

You are probably still skeptical at this time, especially with all the different programs out there
on the Internet. However, I am sure once you read the following you will agree this is a very powerful and exciting opportunity that WORKS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.


STEP 1 - E-mail $5 U.S from your PayPal account to the
FIRST (#1) NAME on the list below along with a note
saying, "Please add me to your mailing list", this
makes it legal.
If you're not already a PayPal user, the first thing you need to do is
sign up. Just click the link below! It's really easy and it's F*R*E*E*.

Here's the link:

It takes about two minutes and is one of the securest ways to transfer money. Make sure you upgrade to a premiere account or you will be limited to $100 (unless that is all you want to make), everything is free of charge or else I wouldn't be doing it myself.

STEP 2 - Edit the list at the bottom of this letter.
Remove the FIRST (#1) NAME from the list after you
send them the $5 U.S. Move the other 2 names UP and
ADD YOUR NAME to the list in the
Third(#3) position.

STEP 3 - Once you've sent payments (along with your note - this is VERY important!), the next thing you need to do is to obtain a copy of the contents of this page, as you'll be sending it out (as an email message or by advertising your page) to at least 200 people (with all the different ways of advertising for free on the internet the amount of views and signups under you could well exceed into the hundreds or thousands if you wish).

The copy that you will send out will contain YOUR email address at number 3 in the list - having deleted the address at Number 1 in the list, and moving the others up a position.

The best way to do this is you can copy and paste into emails to your family and friends. You can copy and paste it and put ad's on the internet on message boards etc. Or you can create your own free website, by copying and pasting. There are many free webpages you can build on the web.

The best part of having this info on a website for people to follow is you can post links to your site on paid to click websites or paid to read email sites, for great advertising. There are countless ways to get more people like me and you involved in this amazing program. You can find email addresses anywhere (forums, message boards, yahoochat, hotmail, people who send you emails)!

So, anyone's MAXIMUM INVESTMENT is ONLY a one time $5.

Please note this is 100% legal - refer to U.S. Postal
and Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and 1341, or
Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, which state a
product or service must be exchanged for money
received. In this case you are being placed on a
mailing list (a service) for $5.


Unlike many other programs, this THREE LEVEL PROGRAM is very realistic. It is easier and much much faster. Because of this, the response rate for this program is VERY HIGH and you can do this as many times as you want.

Due to the LOW INVESTMENT, SPEED and HIGH PROFIT POTENTIAL this program has a VERY HIGH RESPONSE RATE. Follow the SIMPLE instructions and in two or three weeks, even assuming a low response rate you can still receive thousands in your accoun in a couple of weeks!
Not bad for 1 hour's work and $5!


CAN YOU DO IT MORE THAN ONCE? OF COURSE YOU CAN! This plan is designed for everyone to send out a minimum of 200 emails each. However, you are certainly not limited to 200. Send out as many as you want. GO FOR IT! THE MORE YOU PUT INTO IT, THE MORE YOU GET OUT OF IT! Your contact source is UNLIMITED! Consider that MILLIONS of people surf the Internet everyday, all day and all over the world! Remember 50,000 (and rising) new people get on the Internet every month. PayPal has 12 MILLION members. It boggles my mind to think of all the possibilities!

This is what you need to do to get started!!!!!!

To send your newsletter by email, copy this ENTIRE information and paste it in the message of your e-mail.

1. Go to EDIT and SELECT ALL.

2. Go to EDIT and SELECT COPY.

3. Go to your email account and go to (COMPOSE) a new
email message(ensure its PLAIN TEXT so everyone can
view it).

4. Fill in the ADDRESS and SUBJECT box.

5. Go to EDIT and PASTE.

Now you can edit the addresses with ease. Delete the top address, add your address to the bottom of the list. Do not add your name in the first position in order to earn money fast (be honest). If you do that, you will only reach people you sent an e-mail to and then your name will be immediately removed from the first position and you can't reach more people, thus
making no more money. But if you add your name on the THIRD position, there will be tons of people receiving emails with your name first later.

DO NOT forget to send $5 by PayPal (along with your note) to the TOP E-MAIL address before deleting it.

Once YOUR version of the letter is ready, just start emailing. That's all there is to it! There should be multiple $5.00 bills in your PayPal Account in a couple of weeks. When your name reaches the first position in a few days, it will be your turn to collect your MONEY! 2,000 to 4,000 people like yourself, who are willing to invest one hour to receive thousands in cash, will send the money to you.

Imagine thousands for one hour's work and $5! This is real money that you can spend on anything you wish! Just deposit it to your own bank account or spend it directly from your PayPal account! It's just that EASY! I think its WORTH IT, don't you?

Each time you run this Program, just follow steps 1 through 3 and everyone on your gift list benefits. SIMPLE ENOUGH? YOU BET IT IS! Besides, there are no mailing lists to buy (and wait for) and trips to the printer or copier and you can do it again and again with your regular groups or gift givers, or simply just start up a new group. I've been watching these types of programs for years and this is about as EASY and FAST as you can get it. There are NO STAMPS, NO ENVELOPES, NO COPIES TO BE MADE... Just a little effort and goodwill!


That's the key to this program's success. Playing by the rules will not cost anything but your time and if everyone plays fair, everyone WINS. Be SURE and PAY the first person on the list. This is proof that you paid to be put on the list. That is the service rendered to make all this legal.

Your name must run the full gamut on the list to produce the end results. Sneaking your name higher up on the list WILL NOT produce the results you think and it only cheats the other people who have worked hard and have earned the right to be there. So please play by the rules and the $$$ will come to you.

$$$Let's ALL make some serious money$$$

Here are the 3 people to start with:

Signup and send $5.00 to the FIRST person!

1. [email protected]

2. [email protected]

3. [email protected]

When you signup for PayPal, you can start accepting payments instantly. As the world's number one online payment service, PayPal is the fastest way to open your doors to over 40 million member accounts worldwide. Best of all, it's completely free to sign up!

GOOD LUCK and THANKS!!!!!!!!!!

You won't beleive it and the best of can keep on doing it......just start with no. 3 again!!

Please Be Honest and it will truely work for you: Congrats!