A question about bananas...


New Member
May 6, 2004
Ok, I keep hearing about how great and healthy and nutritious bananas are, but is this all bananas or only tree-ripened bananas? Finding a banana not picked green here is impossible, and I cannot imagine that they have the nutrient value of tree-ripened bananas. When I see data showing the nutritional value of a banana, is that a ripe banana or unripe?
ClemmonsHoo said:
... When I see data showing the nutritional value of a banana, is that a ripe banana or unripe?
It's definitely ripe as unripe banannas are starchy, have much lower sugar content and are basically unpalatable. But they're probably run of the mill banannas picked green and ripened during transit. It's not like the research facilities grow bananna trees just so they can vine ripen them before testing, they buy banannas like everyone else. And I doubt many studies were based on banannas picked ripe from the trees unless the study was specifically structured to investigate the sort of differences you're concerned about.

Bananas will always be bananas, whether ripe or green. The main difference is that green bananas have to be cooked and when they are cooked/heated, they lose most of their nutritional values unlike the ripe banana that can be eaten raw.
Researchers have found that ripe bananas are a lot healthier than unripe bananas. However, any banana is healthier than no banana. If you are thinking this in depth about what kind of banana you should eat, I think you are doing pretty good!

I don't eat anything that comes before 4 and after 6. There's also an 8 - a very dark one.
I agree with some posts here that bananas when picked ripe are more nutritious that those picked when green and ripened only in the storage. We have bananas in our backyard and we harvest about 4 times a year at the least. And we only harvest when we see a yellow banana to make sure that the banana are already matured. After harvesting, all those bananas will be ripe within the week.

Back to the nutrients, I guess there's not much difference between a ripe banana from the tree and a green provided that the green is already matured. But for a layman like us, if the banana tastes good then that means it is nutritious.

I don't eat anything that comes before 4 and after 6. There's also an 8 - a very dark one.

I want to say that I have read somewhere that bananas with the spots are better for you, but I don't know how credible that article is so i won't share it. I prefer 4 through 6 as well. I will only eat 1 or 2 if it is baked in bread, cake, or mashed in a smoothie. They are a little harder to eat as they don't taste as sweet, but I'll use them if I need to.
Yellow, ripened bananas are the easiest to digest because they're soft. So for some people, like children and those with digestive problems, yellow bananas are healthier. For example, I have in the past suffered oesophagitis which has meant I've sustained an injury to my oesophagus and eating soft food helped it to recover faster. I've also heard that as bananas ripen the level of antioxidants in them increases, which can only be a good thing.

I don't eat anything that comes before 4 and after 6. There's also an 8 - a very dark one.

The seventh one is alright to consume. Ripe enough bananas are usually sold cheaper than earlier stages of the fruit. Also, it tastes sweeter and its texture is softer too.

I don't eat anything that comes before 4 and after 6. There's also an 8 - a very dark one.
You can eat the number 7 without a problem, I'm sure of this because a doctor told me. The banana is just getting old, but that's the time all the nutrients are developed.
Bananas are actually very good for you,specially since you and many of us practice biking.For me, I eat the good and yellow bananas as i think they have more flavor and are high on sugar content.The green bananas are not mature yet, and as a result i don't think they are that good for you. Besides, it's more common to find yellow,cheap bananas in the market, than the green ones i think. Specially where i live.
Nearly all bananas are picked green. If you see they are rip when they are sold it's because they went through a ripening station.
Ripe bananas are number 7+. You have to eat them regularly to understand that though. The reason bananas are not tree-ripened more often is because they get looted by the bugs and the birds ahead of time.
Bananas will always be bananas, whether ripe or green. The main difference is that green bananas have to be cooked and when they are cooked/heated, they lose most of their nutritional values unlike the ripe banana that can be eaten raw.
Yes, they are always the same but the ripped bananas taste little sugery and sweet. I love the ripped ones.
Just as Corzhens points out any green banana is picked up only when it gets matured otherwise, it does not ripen in storage. It simply gets rotten. Tree ripened bananas are difficult to preserve and transport. Hence, mature bananas are plucked and ripened in storage.

However, naturally ripened bananas alone retain their flavor and nutrients. Artificially ripened bananas with Calcium carbide are 100% carcinogenic. So be cautious next time round. Discard those which are blemishless, uniformly yellow and shining in color with greenish tinge at top stem and bottom.
I saw that article about bananas which claimed that bananas with dark spots were healthier for you too. Unfortunately, you're right to question the validity of that article. It's a complete myth. The darkening is caused by TNF which causes necrosis in the banana skin. The claim is that TNF is health for humans but, of course, is only develops on the skin and not on the actual edible part of the banana.
There are many benefits of eating bananas. I go to the gym every day and my teacher has always been telling me to eat bananas daily. Slowly, I developed a habit of eating bananas daily. It contains vitamins which are beneficial for the eyesight. I also heard that it is very good for the heart. It contains fiber as well as various anti-oxidant. It is also a good source of energy. That's why I love bananas.
Okay, so what's the general consensus on how many bananas can be eaten safely each week? I've heard many many times people claiming that you shouldn't eat too many bananas in a given week due to the high potassium content. So, how many bananas is it healthy to eat each week?
Okay, I come from a banana producing country and believe me that I know alot about bananas. First there are different kinds and colors of bananas, there are green ripe bananas, yellow ripe bananas, red ripe bananas, purple ripe bananas and the brown ripe bamanas and all of them are nutritious. You eat ripe bananas as a fruit while unripe bananas is made into sweet crunchy chips or pounded and made into a banana flour that can be made into bread, cakes and other food products.