Best way to get into cycling?


New Member
Aug 10, 2007
Hey, I'm 18 and new to the forums. I'm fairly active and want to get into competitive cycling (possibly due to my love for tdf ;p other tours and also the history of the sport). What's the best way to go about it for a person of my age? None of my mates are into cycling and I've been reading it's best to join a club. Would it be good to join the one at uni (usyd) or the most local? From there is it best to go on the group rides for training etc.

As well, I'd like some general advice on buying a road bike (for some commuting but mainly training and racing). I've read it's best to shop around at your LBS etc, but was wondering what are the most popular entry level bikes, as well what could be the best for me in my situation. Budget of around 1.5k (can give or take 500 if necessary :p). Was wondering as well is it a good time to buy a bike (have read new 2008 stock is coming in, thus reducing prices of 2007 models?)

Thanks for any advice and suggestions you can give me! (excuse my newness! :D)
yeah, eventually join a club, but in the mean time, talk to guys at shops who are into racing (usually the shops who sell the fancy stuff) to find out about training groups so you can get a handle on your fitness

other than that, buy a bike a ride it! :) Generally, ride hard 3 days a week, preferable on alternate days, and ride easy on the other days

Yep, the 2 best times to buy are when the new models come out, and at the end of the financial year (June)
I've only just got into cycling myself .. instead of joining a club immediately, I
located a bike store that actually does weekend rides ( Sat and Sun morning ) as
a group ( about 10-15 ppl during winter, more in summer ).

The good part about riding in this bunch, is it's not a race, no one is left behind as the group starts together and finishes together ( and there are a few pro riders amongst us who are more than happy to give advice during the ride on technique etc ) Usually ride about 50kms .. different routes each week. <-- that's who I am talking about.

In regards to your first bike, I ended up getting a custom build, but there are quite a few good entry level roadies for $~1500.

Felt '75'
Orbea 'Udana'
Avanti 'Giro'
Trek '1200'
Gitane 'Mach 1800'

I'm currently doing about 300KM week ( 3 x 90KM return rides a week to work ... which happens to be usyd ;-) ) and a weekend ride.

Hope this helps
I would second silent89's suggestion. Find a social group either in or outside uni that does about 30 km/hr first and caters to all all ages and abilities first. These groups are good and often around here anyway weekend trips and long rides which are great can be organised. Start at the back of the group and learn your cornering and peddaling at lower speeds before joining training rides.
When your skills are right and you can then join i training ride of your choice. Mind you if you are motivated enough you are better training by yourself. It is harder to follow a proper training manual in a group as you have to do there pace not yours which may not be suitable for your training programme at the time.
Although you are probably fast enough to join some sort of faster ride from the start i don't recomend it. New riders are often defficient when it comes to the finer points such as fast coirnering and group riding, brake use, proper cadence. Learn these things at lower speed first.
Thanks so much for the advice! It's good to hear your experiences also. Keep it coming!
The first thing I would suggest is to ride into uni with something like a CRX4/OCR3. Once you build up the strength go join a group from either your lbs/uni/club. Then if you're still riding after a year; purchase your dream bike for the weekends, or if you're a pgrad lock it in you room at uni.