Burning body fat

If I ate 174 3/4 Double Whoppers with cheese in a single day, that would get me to 173,000 calories. I guess that's reasonable. That's only 153.4 lbs of cheeseburgers.
Originally Posted by azdroptop .

I have always used body weight x 1,000 as a good starting point for calorie consumption. Its not perfect and I'm not a dietician, but it works. 175 and generally start at 1750 calories a day for a base line.
Don't you mean X 10? A multiple of 10 would get most people into the ballpark of their metabolic baseline, that's a nice simple way to remember it!
Originally Posted by azdroptop .

Consider a 2 hour LSD training ride where you ride at an easy pace and burn 600 calories vs a higher intensity interval training ride where you burn 800 calories in an hour. Your percentage of calories burned from fat may be higher in the LSD ride, but overall calories are less and your total number of fat calories will be higher from the higher intensity ride.
OK, I'm a bit confused by this. On the LSD, wouldn't you have burned 1200 calories (600 per hour for 2 hours), vs. 800 doing 1 hour of high intensity?

Or are you advocating that he tries do do the 800 pace for the same 2 hours?

His question sounded more like comparing high intensity/short time vs. low intensity/longer time.
In January, I switched to a "mostly paleo" diet/lifestyle. Basically no sugar, dairy or grains...and NOTHING processed. I also got more serious about my training regiment. I do intervals, one or two time trial type rides and one fast group ride every week. I went from ~175 lbs to ~155 lbs in the first ten weeks and have plateud there (thankfully). I can only imagine if I were heavier to start with, the weight loss would have continued. There were other physical changes that continue, but in the interest of staying on topic I will tell you about them some other time.
Good old fashioned calorie counting and cutting out **** has always worked for me. Presently I do not practice what I preach and have found myself almost 30 pounds overweight. My other issue is to think I can treat myself to whatever I want after a long ride. Re-reading the original South Beach Diet book always gives me religion though - enough to turn down french fries and ice cream - for a while. Veganism is an obnoxious trend that goes against millions of years of human development and natural selection as a species (sorry Kansas). When people wax poetic about their super-restrictive diets I sort of glaze over and re-play the bit from Mel Brook's 2000 and thirteen year old man in my head explaining his "Natural Foods" diet (it's on iTunes) - I've just aged myself.
Hi J Boogie. Interesting to read your reply regarding your paleo diet. As you know I'm interested in cycling to try shedding a few pounds. My main worry is losing muscle mass in the process(although I know some will almost certainly be inevitable). Am interested to hear of these "other" changes you were talking about in your previous post when you get time!
If the diet and exercise are reasonable providing you don't over do ether one, the lowering of body fat without losing muscle mass will happen.This provided your intake of protein, carbohydrates, fats along with the essential amounts of vitamins and minerals will have the desired effect. Elimination of all carbohydrates can cause rage and elimination of proteins can cause your hair to fall out, etc. So called starvation diets cause the body to loose muscle mass because the intake isn't balanced - this is what happens to prisoners and the populace of North Korea. I would recommend to have a consult with a real (read, medical Dr.) and a physical with your general practitioner before embarking on any radical lifestyle change.
Originally Posted by jaygeephoto .

Good old fashioned calorie counting and cutting out **** has always worked for me. Presently I do not practice what I preach and have found myself almost 30 pounds overweight. My other issue is to think I can treat myself to whatever I want after a long ride. Re-reading the original South Beach Diet book always gives me religion though - enough to turn down french fries and ice cream
This is my strategy of choice. When I was dropping weight last year just counted the "calories in" a little more scrutinously and did things like having one slice of pizza instead of two, eliminating soda, and substituting a side of corn with my burger instead of the usual fries, etc.
robbyh said:
Hi J Boogie. Interesting to read your reply regarding your paleo diet. As you know I'm interested in cycling to try shedding a few pounds. My main worry is losing muscle mass in the process(although I know some will almost certainly be inevitable). Am interested to hear of these "other" changes you were talking about in your previous post when you get time!
Robby, The other changes include bucking my genetic tendencies by having perfect blood work (cholesterol, triglycerides, pressure, sugar, etc) for the first time in my life. I also feel ten years younger. My chronic stomache problems have disappeared. I have ENERGY! The funny thing is, I eat more now than I ever did, its just good, fresh delicious food.
Losing weight can be difficult. Worse... or more difficult than just losing the pounds is creating a lifestyle that promotes fitness and a healthy weight.

I lost over 70 pounds with diet and fun. OK... you could call bicycling exercise.... but mostly it was just good fun. I used a diet app called “Lose it!”. The app “my fitness pal” in good too. There is also a ton of free healthy food advice at the CDC Web Site. Find the style/type of bicycling you enjoy the most... and just have fun. Have a lot of fun.

Read about diets and exercise plans everyday. Exercise everyday. Count every calorie.... everyday. Not only will you lose weight it will melt off very predictably. Then hopefully... you will be left with an enjoyable lifestyle that will enable you to maintain a fit, ideal weight.
Originally Posted by jaygeephoto .

Veganism is an obnoxious trend that goes against millions of years of human development and natural selection as a species (sorry Kansas).
Hi jay, most of the stuff I can find supporting this view is essentially marketing spin or very suss studies funded by industry. I did only have a quick search in between eating a beef sandwich and milk shake.
jaygeephoto said:
Veganism is an obnoxious trend that goes against millions of years of human development and natural selection as a species (sorry Kansas). 
Please provide evidence supporting your outrageous claims, and try to use something called "objectivity" instead of applying the thick coating of bias BS that you've slathered on the topic already.
OK Al, calm down. If veganism works for you and those around you, that's great. I have no evidence to support my subjective claim except the thick coating of bias-ply body fat that I carry around because I slather two much animal fat on my white bread. Oh, woe is me!

Other than the space aliens who abducted me on my recent cycling visit to the Midwest; They rejected me for a trip to their vegan home planet because I was in their words, an omnivore. Personally, I think they were part of the whole charging overweight people more to fly - just being polite perhaps. They did steal my new bike helmet however, since they felt I had little if anything worth protecting. Either way, I guess I would be a nuisance to them.
jaygeephoto said:
OK Al, calm down.  If veganism works for you and those around you, that's great.  I have no evidence to support my subjective claim except the thick coating of bias-ply body fat that I carry around because I slather two much animal fat on my white bread.  Oh, woe is me!
I'm not a vegan, and neither is anyone around me. The point was that you don't know no clue about that which you were talking.
Apparently neither do any of the people who taught me human anthropology or the writers of textbooks I read. Gonna have to set those guys straight over at The New England Journal of Medicine too. What does one eat that causes a loss of sense of humor? Does your bike have a saddle? Keep riding, keep smiling!
Some good reading about human diet (and lighthearted stuff) can be found here:
jaygeephoto said:
Apparently neither do any of the people who taught me human anthropology or the writers of textbooks I read.  Gonna have to set those guys straight over at The New England Journal of Medicine too. What does one eat that causes a loss of sense of humor?  Does your bike have a saddle?  Keep riding, keep smiling! :) Some good reading about human diet (and lighthearted stuff) can be found here: http://www.beyondveg.com/index.shtml
Ah. So you think you've got a sense of humor worth displaying. I guess we all have our delusions.
Simple portion control works too. Also, don't eat until you're full. It takes the body a while to signal satiation, so stop short of that.
Originally Posted by hyperliterate .

Simple portion control works too. Also, don't eat until you're full. It takes the body a while to signal satiation, so stop short of that.
This is very true.
hyperliterate said:
Simple portion control works too. Also, don't eat until you're full.  It takes the body a while to signal satiation, so stop short of that.
Eating slowly helps prevent flying by that point at which you start to feel full. If you eat fast, it's much easier to end up beyond full and in the range of bloated or worse.
I've got yer proof right here.

Cavemen were not whacktard vegan socialists.

You no hunt? You no eat!