BUSH yes or no

davidmc said:
...I heard this stuff can ignite, is this true?...[/url]
Not sure, but it does smell good. Speaking of alternatives, we sometimes use sugar as a temporary threadlocker on Drill Pipe and Casing connections in Diamond Coring - Sprinkle sugar on the tool joint, lock it up and apply a gas torch to it. Another use for sugar is as a retardant in concrete - If you are mixing concrete and don't think you will have enough time to work it before it starts setting, throw a cup of sugar in there and be pleasantly surprised. It also works surprisingly well as a sweetening agent in beverages such as coffee!
I wonder what GWB thinks about this?
davidmc said:
Ever use "linseed oil" for wheel building :confused:
"Dipping the Spokes in Linseed Oil to lubricate and prevent loosening. Linseed Oil dries to a gel-like consistancy and acts as a thread locker, while still allowing the nipple to turn. "
I heard this stuff can ignite, is this true?


That's a new one on me, Dave.
Linseed oil for spoke building ?!?!

The only thing I know Linseed oil is used for in sport is for coating the willow of cricket bats to protect the face of the cricket bat (game of cricket...men dressed in white.....cricket bats).
ahinalu said:
The farmers won't be able to grow (G?)rape seed oil without fertilizer or pesticides unless they use more land and have less people to feed.

.......and how about the oil to lubricate the machine to extract the rape seed from the crop.

I see where you're coming from : oil is indigenous to everything, even for the extraction of alternative products.
Nightmare scenario.
EoinC said:
There are going to be a lot of tears before bedtime when we see a series of jumps in the fuel price over the next few years, but this pain is the very thing which should help bring a focus to development of alternatives. As I see it, a change in the future is inevitable - we can arrive there in control and prepared, or we can be dragged kicking and screaming. The other plus that goes with developing alternative sources of energy and petrochemicals is that the reduced dependency on hydrocarbons will prolong their tenable lifetime.

I can see your thinking "Necessity being the mother of invention and all that".

I've been reading a lot of stuff on the oil industry at the moment and I am not convinced by the argument that oil prices are increasing because of lack of supply/higher demand.

I closely monitor several companies and BP is one of them.
Lord Browne the CEO of BP said recently that oil supply has actually increased
in recent years and while demand for oil has also increased, he suggested that there were other factors as to why oil prices were increasing.
One of them being the lack of investment in refineries in the industry.

He suggested that part of the problem was the delay between extracting the oil from the ground and the time delay in the refining process, was holding up immediate supply of oil and this is - in part - driving the increase in demand/price.
just ask fidel castro, i hear he has got a supply for sale but the us cannot touch it because don't ya know there is a cold war, er, i mean war on terror, ah,
fight for freedom goin' on?
what about the axis of evil?
isn't there an evil empire?
do you not believe in the dominoe theory?
where is your patriotism?
are you some kind of commie?
don't you support the troops?

glad to clear things up for you. i thank my awareness of history and television for being so well informed as to be of help here.

EoinC said:
Not sure, but it does smell good. Speaking of alternatives, we sometimes use sugar as a temporary threadlocker on Drill Pipe and Casing connections in Diamond Coring - Sprinkle sugar on the tool joint, lock it up and apply a gas torch to it. Another use for sugar is as a retardant in concrete - If you are mixing concrete and don't think you will have enough time to work it before it starts setting, throw a cup of sugar in there and be pleasantly surprised. It also works surprisingly well as a sweetening agent in beverages such as coffee!
I wonder what GWB thinks about this?
Hypnospin said:
just ask fidel castro, i hear he has got a supply for sale but the us cannot touch it because don't ya know there is a cold war, er, i mean war on terror, ah,
fight for freedom goin' on?
what about the axis of evil?
isn't there an evil empire?
do you not believe in the dominoe theory?
where is your patriotism?
are you some kind of commie?
don't you support the troops?

glad to clear things up for you. i thank my awareness of history and television for being so well informed as to be of help here.
Enjoy going over the line, do you :confused: :rolleyes:
the beaver walks in the door to his waiting mom.
"what did you learn in school today, dear?"
"aww, nuthin' ma, can i watch some tv?"

davidmc said:
Enjoy going over the line, do you :confused: :rolleyes:
ryan_velo said:
what are your thoughts about bush?
By Stan Moore, Media Monitors Network

The Presidency of George W. Bush is without a doubt the most catastrophic presidency in the history of the American republic. The cost and the level of layers of cost are almost beyond accounting, but gradually we are realizing what a catastrophic presidency this one is and has been.

Even today, word is out that the Bush administration is suspected of playing politics with the numbers of American soldiers killed in Iraq, and only listing numbers of soldiers who actually died in battle as war dead, but not including those who died in hospitals or from war wounds after being shipped to Germany or even to the United States. Some are saying that the Bush deception is concealing an estimated 9000 deaths of American soldiers in the Bush War of Aggression in Iraq, a much higher cost than the 1800+ deaths the Bushites are publicly acknowledging.

After Bush is out of power, the American military will have to leave Iraq and will have to leave Afghanistan, and the proxy governments installed and vetted by American to prop up American interests will be removed by the native peoples. Their countrymen will either kill these puppet rulers or they will have to emigrate to the U.S. or elsewhere. Iraq and Afghanistan are already lost wars of aggression by the U.S. in its devil's bargain of blood for oil. It is just a matter of time before the Americans must withdraw, but the high price of lost American soldiers will certainly grow higher before the carnage is over.

But let no one believe that American soldiers will only pay the extremely high cost of Bushism. Obviously, dead Iraqis and Afghans greatly outnumber dead Americans. Grieving families from those nations will forever remember the high cost of Bushism.

The international diplomatic community will always grieve the high cost of Bushism, not in lives lost, but in opportunities lost, in diplomatic potential discarded needlessly, in hard feelings and estrangement from allies. Bushism is the untoward synergy of arrogance and ignorance, and it harms good will between men and nations and has forestalled productive problem-solving in the United Nations and elsewhere.

As terrible as Bushism has been for the outside world, the tragedies of Bushism will forever mostly harm America herself and her people. Working people will forever be harmed by the obscenely insane Bush-led increase in national debt. Bush has heavily engaged in class warfare, and the further transferal of wealth to the wealthiest elite, who have received almost unlimited tax advantages, wealth transfers, removal of business regulations and other stipends to their already excessive accumulations of wealth.

Bush has greatly harmed the people, greatly harmed the environment, greatly harmed democracy, greatly harmed the constitution, greatly harmed the prestige of the nation, and he smiles and smirks and acts as if he is proud of himself. Perhaps George W. Bush is truly insane. Perhaps he is dutifully preparing America for the "rapture". Perhaps Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rice ARE the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Nothing else even begins to make sense. Bushism has had an extremely high price for America and promises to leave America bankrupt, environmentally damaged, unsafe, and insecure.

Can it get any worse? Well, rumor is that Jeb Bush would love to complete the job his brother started. The American people are so complicit in their own demise that it would not be a major surprise to see Jeb Bush emerge as a major presidential candidate in 2008. The Bush Curse on America is far from over.
Thank you.
Wurm said:
By Stan Moore, Media Monitors Network

The Presidency of George W. Bush is without a doubt the most catastrophic presidency in the history of the American republic. The cost and the level of layers of cost are almost beyond accounting, but gradually we are realizing what a catastrophic presidency this one is and has been.

Even today, word is out that the Bush administration is suspected of playing politics with the numbers of American soldiers killed in Iraq, and only listing numbers of soldiers who actually died in battle as war dead, but not including those who died in hospitals or from war wounds after being shipped to Germany or even to the United States. Some are saying that the Bush deception is concealing an estimated 9000 deaths of American soldiers in the Bush War of Aggression in Iraq, a much higher cost than the 1800+ deaths the Bushites are publicly acknowledging.

After Bush is out of power, the American military will have to leave Iraq and will have to leave Afghanistan, and the proxy governments installed and vetted by American to prop up American interests will be removed by the native peoples. Their countrymen will either kill these puppet rulers or they will have to emigrate to the U.S. or elsewhere. Iraq and Afghanistan are already lost wars of aggression by the U.S. in its devil's bargain of blood for oil. It is just a matter of time before the Americans must withdraw, but the high price of lost American soldiers will certainly grow higher before the carnage is over.

But let no one believe that American soldiers will only pay the extremely high cost of Bushism. Obviously, dead Iraqis and Afghans greatly outnumber dead Americans. Grieving families from those nations will forever remember the high cost of Bushism.

The international diplomatic community will always grieve the high cost of Bushism, not in lives lost, but in opportunities lost, in diplomatic potential discarded needlessly, in hard feelings and estrangement from allies. Bushism is the untoward synergy of arrogance and ignorance, and it harms good will between men and nations and has forestalled productive problem-solving in the United Nations and elsewhere.

As terrible as Bushism has been for the outside world, the tragedies of Bushism will forever mostly harm America herself and her people. Working people will forever be harmed by the obscenely insane Bush-led increase in national debt. Bush has heavily engaged in class warfare, and the further transferal of wealth to the wealthiest elite, who have received almost unlimited tax advantages, wealth transfers, removal of business regulations and other stipends to their already excessive accumulations of wealth.

Bush has greatly harmed the people, greatly harmed the environment, greatly harmed democracy, greatly harmed the constitution, greatly harmed the prestige of the nation, and he smiles and smirks and acts as if he is proud of himself. Perhaps George W. Bush is truly insane. Perhaps he is dutifully preparing America for the "rapture". Perhaps Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rice ARE the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Nothing else even begins to make sense. Bushism has had an extremely high price for America and promises to leave America bankrupt, environmentally damaged, unsafe, and insecure.

Can it get any worse? Well, rumor is that Jeb Bush would love to complete the job his brother started. The American people are so complicit in their own demise that it would not be a major surprise to see Jeb Bush emerge as a major presidential candidate in 2008. The Bush Curse on America is far from over.
teammiyata said:
Thank you.
This needs to be screamed loudly - every day all day - from every rooftop in the US until Bush and his cronies are brought to justice.
the numbers of us troops who die while in iraq from drug overdose, suicide, and "friendly fire" have also been withheld.

add to this cost the numbers of deaths and other consequences to themselves, their families and society these troops will have upon returning to attempt to lead "normal" lives after having been involved in perpetrating the us led war atrocities.

Wurm said:
By Stan Moore, Media Monitors Network

The Presidency of George W. Bush is without a doubt the most catastrophic presidency in the history of the American republic.

Even today, word is out that the Bush administration is suspected of playing politics with the numbers of American soldiers killed in Iraq, and only listing numbers of soldiers who actually died in battle as war dead, but not including those who died in hospitals or from war wounds after being shipped to Germany or even to the United States. Some are saying that the Bush deception is concealing an estimated 9000 deaths of American soldiers in the Bush War of Aggression in Iraq, a much higher cost than the 1800+ deaths the Bushites are publicly acknowledging.
this hillary you mention, never did voice any objection to the bush wars, or their intent.

in fact, she publicly endorsed sending more soldiers, weaponry and the spending of more from us taxpayers to support the bush wars efforts.

her main criticism were the war efforts are not big enough for her liking.

as for supporting a democrat, did not 20+ million democrats vote bush last time? any candidate from that party knows where the support of their voting constituency lies and will act accordingly.

and as for elected democrats, how many voted against the many unconstitutional measures increasing the dictator powers of bush in creating and continuing these wars, and stifling to opposition to it?

or voiced protest? how about support public protest?

unless a dem candidate comes forward that offers a true alternative to the "two" party system of meeting each other in the middle for business as usual we are better off voting our concsience with a third party such as peace and freedom.

or voting "none of the above" as a valid choice, and registering a protest vote.
enough of these come through, and it will send a message of dissatisfaction far more challenging for these so-called democratic representives to dismiss than a vote for (almost) any member of what passes for the "two" party system.

ahinalu said:
Hillary in 2008!!!
Hypnospin said:
and as for elected democrats, how many voted against the many unconstitutional measures increasing the dictator powers of bush in creating and continuing these wars, and stifling to opposition to it?

or voiced protest? how about support public protest?
Very true, and also despicable of the so-called "Democrats" in Congress.
To me, they're all in the same basket...
We had Georgey Boy on TV last night.
It was all about, in the end, if Pissy chose to invade Iraq, it was his own decision and it was for the good of the UK (sic) and that Pissy was seriously mistaken if he thought that this would bring the US closer to ratifying Kyoto...
I mean, they should have asked me at the time, because I could have told them exactly how the whole thing was going to end up...
Do I have ESP, or do others had the same "pre-cognitive" experience?

The only thing I don't understand is where does Pissy's interest lie in supporting George...
Where does anybody's interest lie in supporting him?
The French and the Germans didn't have any problem showing him the finger.
All they got for it for a lot of spilt wine and all the freedom jokes. Hardly anything to make them shake in their boots...

Seing George on TV last night was a revelation: He is, to paraphrase that arselick Bono's words, pleasant to talk to and warm, quick-witted, humourous, even... Unlike what many have said, he's not stupid at all.
His use of grammar is, to say the least, unusual, but not necessarily shameful.
Then, behind the warm manner, the affected accent; the stare. He's got that fixed, rigid and distant stare. He's not stupid. He's a psychopath.

so... what are we waiting for?

Wurm said:
Very true, and also despicable of the so-called "Democrats" in Congress.
Don Shipp said:
I cannot see any way at all that Bush will win the TdF.

Come on now! There are two and a half weeks to go, it's anybody's race at this point.
He will probably make his move in the mountain stages.
jhuskey said:
Come on now! There are two and a half weeks to go, it's anybody's race at this point.
He will probably make his move in the mountain stages.
Bush failed the Dope test.