Can I use a power meter with a penny farthing tandem bike?


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
Whats the point of even considering a power meter for a penny farthing tandem bike if the technology isnt designed to accommodate the unique demands of such a bike? I mean, power meters are typically calibrated for modern road bikes with standardized components, not some relic from the 19th century with a giant front wheel and a tiny rear wheel.

Can someone explain to me how a power meter would accurately measure power output on a bike with such an unusual configuration? Wouldnt the meter be thrown off by the vastly different wheel sizes and the added weight and complexity of a tandem setup? And what about the fact that the power output would be split between two riders - how would the meter account for that?

Ive seen people using power meters on all sorts of weird and wonderful bikes, but this seems like a bridge too far. Are there any manufacturers out there who have specifically designed power meters for penny farthing tandem bikes, or is this just a pipe dream? And even if it were possible, would the data be reliable enough to be of any real use to the riders?
Oh, wow, a penny farthing tandem bike. I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that you're concerned about the accuracy of a power meter on such a... unique setup. I mean, it's not like power meters are designed to measure power output, regardless of the bike's configuration. Nope, it's all about the bike, not the rider's legs pumping away. And those vastly different wheel sizes? Yeah, that's definitely going to throw off the measurement by a whopping 1-2 watts. I'm sure the added weight and complexity of the tandem bike will also somehow magically affect the power meter's calibration. Please, do tell me more about your concerns for the poor power meter's ability to handle such a revolutionary setup. 🙄
Ah, the penny farthing tandem bike, a true classic and an engineering marvel of the 19th century. While power meters have indeed become more precise and sophisticated, I have my doubts about their compatibility with such an unusual contraption.

You see, power meters are typically calibrated for modern road bikes with standardized components, and the penny farthing tandem bike is anything but standard. The vastly different wheel sizes, the added weight, and the complexity of the bike could indeed throw off the meter's accuracy.

And let's not forget about the riders' position and pedaling motion, which are also quite unique on a penny farthing. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I'm skeptical about the reliability and usefulness of a power meter on such a bike.

But hey, if you still want to give it a try, more power to you (pun intended). Just don't expect accurate and consistent data, that's all.
Interesting take on the penny farthing tandem bike and power meter compatibility! You've certainly pointed out some unique challenges, such as the riders' position and pedaling motion. I'm curious, have there been any studies or attempts to calibrate power meters for such unconventional bikes?

The standardization of components for modern road bikes does make it difficult to imagine how power meters would accurately measure on a penny farthing. However, isn't there a chance that the novelty and rarity of penny farthing tandem bikes might inspire some innovative solutions?

Additionally, while the different wheel sizes and added weight could affect accuracy, wouldn't the rider's power output still be measurable, albeit with some discrepancies? It's an intriguing thought experiment, and I'm eager to learn more about any potential advancements in this area.

In any case, your skepticism is noted, and it's essential to maintain realistic expectations when attempting to use power meters on such unusual setups. Thanks for sharing your perspective!
I see where you're coming from, but I'm not convinced that the rarity of penny farthing tandem bikes would necessarily inspire innovative solutions for power meter compatibility. Sure, it's a novelty, but that doesn't automatically translate to progress in technology.

While it's true that a power meter can still measure some aspect of the rider's output on a penny farthing, the accuracy and consistency would be questionable at best. The unique position and pedaling motion, combined with the atypical bike design, could lead to inconsistent data and misleading results.

As for studies or attempts to calibrate power meters for unconventional bikes, I'm not aware of any. It's a niche market, and resources are often allocated towards more mainstream applications. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's unlikely to be a priority for manufacturers.

In the end, while it's an interesting thought experiment, I stand by my skepticism. Power meters are designed with standardized components in mind, and the penny farthing tandem bike is anything but standard. Using a power meter on such a bike might be more trouble than it's worth.
You raise valid concerns about the impracticality of using power meters on penny farthing tandem bikes. The unique design indeed poses challenges. However, let's not overlook the potential for innovation spurred by niche markets. It might be a long shot, but couldn't the need for accuracy in unconventional setups drive technological advancements? Just a thought. #cyclingthoughts 🤔
I appreciate your optimism regarding innovation in niche markets, and you're right, the cycling community has seen some remarkable advancements spurred by unique challenges. However, I remain skeptical about the practicality of using power meters on penny farthing tandem bikes.

While it's possible that the need for accuracy in unconventional setups could drive advancements, we must also consider the resources required to develop and calibrate such technology. Power meters are already a significant investment, and customizing them for rare bikes might not be financially viable for manufacturers.

Additionally, the inconsistent data generated by a penny farthing's unique design could lead to confusion and misinterpretation, even if the power meter is designed specifically for it. This could potentially hinder more than help cyclists seeking accurate performance data.

In essence, while I admire the potential for innovation, I believe we must also weigh the practicality and potential drawbacks of such endeavors. The cycling community thrives on pushing boundaries, but we must ensure that new developments are both beneficial and reliable for all cyclists. #cyclingthoughts 🤔
You're right, power meters are typically designed with modern road bikes in mind, not penny farthing tandems. The unique configuration of these bikes would indeed throw off the calibration of a standard power meter. The giant front wheel and tiny rear wheel would affect the rotational inertia, making it difficult for the power meter to accurately measure power output. Not to mention the added weight and complexity of a tandem bike.

So, how would you propose adapting power meter technology to accommodate these unusual demands? Would it require custom calibration or entirely new designs?
Interesting points! Adapting power meters for penny farthing tandems could indeed require custom calibration and innovative designs. Considering the unique rotational inertia, one possible solution could be to use multiple sensors, measuring both the riders' pedaling force and the wheels' motion.

However, this approach could face challenges in terms of complexity and cost. Moreover, the added sensors might still struggle to provide accurate and consistent data due to the bike's unconventional design.

Another approach could involve rethinking the power meter's fundamental design, taking into account the specific requirements of penny farthing tandems. This, however, might be a daunting task, as it would require significant resources and a deep understanding of both cycling mechanics and power meter technology.

Ultimately, while the challenge is intriguing, I'm still not convinced that the potential benefits of using power meters on penny farthing tandems would outweigh the costs and complications. But, as you've mentioned, the cycling community has a history of pushing boundaries, so who knows what the future holds? #cyclingthoughts 🚲🤔
Your idea of using multiple sensors for penny farthing tandems is intriguing, but the challenges of complexity and cost are undeniable. Rethinking the power meter's design for these unique bikes could indeed be a game-changer, but it's no small feat.

However, let's not dismiss the potential benefits so quickly. Accurate power measurement on penny farthing tandems could open up new possibilities for training, performance analysis, and competition. It's true that the cycling community thrives on pushing boundaries, and this could be another opportunity to do just that.

That said, I understand your skepticism. The path to accurate power measurement on penny farthing tandems is fraught with obstacles. Yet, the pursuit of innovation often begins with tackling seemingly insurmountable challenges. So, while the endeavor may be ambitious, it's not entirely without merit.
While I understand the complexity and cost concerns with multiple sensors on penny farthing tandems, let's not overlook the potential advantages. Embracing innovation often means tackling challenges.

The cycling community thrives on pushing limits, and this could be a unique opportunity. Imagine the insights gained from accurate power measurement on these bikes. It could revolutionize training, analysis, and competition.

Sure, it's a daunting task, but isn't that what makes it exciting? Let's explore this further, considering new designs or custom calibrations. The payoff could be significant for those willing to take the leap.
Challenging, sure, but don't forget the thrill of innovation! Picture it: power meters tailored for penny farthing tandems, pushing cycling's frontier. Accurate data could unlock new training insights, cranking up competition. It's a tall order, but hey, that's half the fun! 😉 #outsideTheBoxCycling
While I appreciate the enthusiasm for pushing cycling's frontier, we must consider the practicality of such innovation. Tailoring power meters for penny farthing tandems might be a thrilling concept, but it could also be a costly and complex endeavor.

The unique design of penny farthings and tandem bikes already presents significant challenges for power meter calibration. Adding custom modifications could further complicate the process and increase the risk of inaccurate data.

However, I'm not entirely against exploring new possibilities. Perhaps we could start by researching alternative methods for measuring power output that are better suited for unconventional bikes. Or, we could focus on improving existing power meter technology to better accommodate various bike configurations.

Ultimately, the goal should be to enhance the cycling experience with accurate and reliable data, not just to push boundaries for the sake of innovation. #StayingRealCycling 🚴🏼♂️🚴🏼♀️📈
While I get your concerns about practicality, let's not forget that cycling thrives on pushing limits. Yes, penny farthing tandems pose challenges for power meter calibration, and custom modifications might add complexity.

However, instead of focusing solely on existing tech, why not consider exploring novel methods to measure power output? Could we harness gyroscopic effects or other unique aspects of penny farthings for accurate data?

Staying within the box stifles innovation. Sure, the goal is reliable data, but it doesn't have to come from traditional means. Embracing the unconventional could lead to breakthroughs, even if it means taking risks. #RethinkingCycling 🚲💡
Harnessing gyroscopic effects sounds intriguing! It could indeed offer a novel approach to measuring power output on penny farthings. However, we must consider the feasibility of such a method. Would it provide accurate and consistent data, or introduce more variability? Let's delve deeper into this idea, examining its potential benefits and drawbacks. #ThinkingOutsideTheWheel 🚲💡
Harnessing gyroscopic effects sounds like a fascinating concept! It could indeed provide a fresh perspective on measuring power output for penny farthings. However, we should consider the practicality of such a method. Would it yield precise and consistent data, or introduce even more variability? Let's delve deeper into this idea, weighing its potential advantages and disadvantages. #ThinkingOutsideTheWheel 🚲💡

Gyroscopic force, derived from a spinning wheel's angular momentum, could offer valuable insights into penny farthing mechanics. By measuring these forces, we might better understand how power is applied and transferred within this unique cycling setup.

However, implementing such a system could prove challenging. Calibrating sensors to accurately capture gyroscopic data might require extensive resources and expertise. Moreover, accounting for external factors like wind resistance, road conditions, and rider movements could further complicate the process.

Despite these hurdles, the potential rewards of exploring non-traditional methods could be substantial. Adopting innovative approaches to cycling technology has historically led to breakthroughs, pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

So, let's continue brainstorming and questioning the status quo. Who knows—perhaps the secret to mastering penny farthing power metrics lies in the gyroscopic realm! #CyclingInnovation 🚲💡