Cannondale Synapse Seatpost


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
Hi everyone.

I own Cannondale Synapse Save Road Bike from 2010.

Frame has lifetime warranty, but my question is does seatpost (also manufactured by Cannondale) have lifetime warranty?

Is seatpost also a part of frame on this bike?

Frame warranty generally covers frames, forks and swing arms. Seat posts are usually considered a component and covered by either a separate time limit (one year in the case of Cannondale) and/or the manufacturer's warranty. Suspension forks are also covered only by the manufacturer's warranty in most cases.
Also, note that your lifetime frame warranty doesn't cover normal wearout of the frame, only manufacturing defects. Just like every other major brand, C'dale doesn't guaranty you free frames for life. The warranty is clear about excluding fatigue damage (normal wear and tear) which leads to failure of the frame.
"The warranty is clear about excluding fatigue damage (normal wear and tear) which leads to failure of the frame."

State laws may give consumers rights NOT listed in the manufacturer's warranty or negate the wording the manufacturer specifies. This is why we keep sharks in boat payments and M-B's.

"Fatigue damage" may or may not be covered, depending on where you live and the circumstances of the failure despite the manufacturer's claim not to cover it.
I have read somewhere that warranty based repairs is not something that is actually legally backed up. It's supposed to be something of a "friendly agreement" with the client.

Nothing to do with bike frames but 3 years ago I came back to my apartment and the ceiling was leaking bad. The last contractor who snagged about 3000euro from the buildings administration to install 300euro's worth of bitumen membranes (3 days work), had also offered us a 10year waranty for the job. I am not sure what the warranty was for (water damage or the membranes being ok for 10 years) but anyway when we asked him to repair the roof he simply refused and said that the soonest that he can repair it is in the summer time (it was winter when we asked him) and no earlier then that. I ended up scraping the membranes from the roof my self and repainting the whole thing on my own and with my own expenses just to stop the leak during the winter time. Fun times! /img/vbsmilies/smilies/mad.gif

The other day I also had a problem with an HTC "touchphone". The phone has a 2 year warranty and the contact for the ear phones is damaged, it just doesnt keep contact when I am listening to heavy metal and drink beer which is ofcourse annoying. Its clearly a manufacturers issue. I got the phone back to the shop and they sent it over to their workshop to repair it for free. I have ofcourse removed the software from the phone and replaced it with a custom android version so there will be less processes running and so my battery will last more then one day. It worked, the phone would stay charged for 3 days instead of just one. But because I changed the software of the phone, the shop not only refused to repair the hardware issue, but it also tried to charge me 7 euro for the courier expenses because their repair facilities are not in my city! /img/vbsmilies/smilies/mad.gif I am gonna restore this phone to its original state and send it back (to anothe branch because I did quite a number to the last one I been) and they will probably repair it. The phone was 200euro new when I bought it and the repair costs were estimated at 130euro! I think that they would probably replace everything except the screen...