Clydesdale community challenge part iv

16,512.2 + 23.7 = 16535.9

After taking the day off yesterday due to a twinge in my right knee after my century on Sunday, all felt great today and I got a good ride in this evening after work.

New weight 208 down from 242 (May of this year)
Originally Posted by Chavez .

16,567.6 + 26.5 = 16,584.1

I realized today - this is my usual group ride, but I was sitting there going "eh, legs don't have it, I'm going to be totally lazy and cut it short" - which means a whole 2 miles (or ~5%) less on the ride. Plus I did have the nice experience of getting up to pull a couple different groups and riding them off my wheel...nothing like that turning around and having to go "hey, why are you all way back there?"

Being the slowest fast guy sucks but being the fastest slow guy is fun.
16,615.1 + 10.1 = 16,625.1

Originally Posted by Chavez .


Being the slowest fast guy sucks but being the fastest slow guy is fun.

Originally Posted by Chavez .

I realized today - this is my usual group ride, but I was sitting there going "eh, legs don't have it, I'm going to be totally lazy and cut it short" - which means a whole 2 miles (or ~5%) less on the ride. Plus I did have the nice experience of getting up to pull a couple different groups and riding them off my wheel...nothing like that turning around and having to go "hey, why are you all way back there?"

Being the slowest fast guy sucks but being the fastest slow guy is fun.
Only time it gets real important is when you are the second slowest guy being chased by a bear.
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16,625.1 + 28.5 + 30.3 + 11.6 = 16,695.5

Forgot to post this week so far. Hopefully I'll get another 50 before Sunday..
Originally Posted by Dad-2-3 .

16,781.9 + 20.8 = 16,802.7
/img/vbsmilies/smilies/hissyfit.gif/img/vbsmilies/smilies/hissyfit.gifDouble tap /img/vbsmilies/smilies/hissyfit.gif/img/vbsmilies/smilies/hissyfit.gif
Originally Posted by Dad-2-3 .

16,781.9 + 20.8 = 16,802.7
16,802.7 + 10.1 = 16,812.8

I got a short ride in tonight. I've got a 50+ mile ride planned for tomorrow, plus the darn wind is blowing 15mph. Wind just kicks my butt. One particular gust almost blew me into traffic!
Anyone know what happened to my 10 miles I posted last night? I accidentally had 2 posts so edited the 2nd but now both are gone.
Originally Posted by Dad-2-3 .

16,802.7 + 10.1 = 16,812.8

I got a short ride in tonight. I've got a 50+ mile ride planned for tomorrow, plus the darn wind is blowing 15mph. Wind just kicks my butt. One particular gust almost blew me into traffic!
Actually it was 12 miles from the other night.

16,812.8 + 12 + 8 = 16,832.8