Doping news 2005 TDF


New Member
Jun 3, 2005
The suspicion surrounding Frigo is the second doping debacle in two days at the Tour de France, following the exclusion from the race of Lampre rider Evgeni Petrov Tuesday.

The 27-year-old Russian failed a random blood test, registering abnormal hematocrit levels, an indication of possible E.P.O. use.


Frigo is a high-profile catch in cycling's war on drugs; the 31-year-old Italian is a former Tour de France stage winner (in 2002) and laureate of the overall prize at Paris-Nice in 2001.

A spokesman for Frigo's Fassa Bortolo team confirmed the arrest Wednesday, but was adamant about putting some distance between Frigo's alleged antics and the anti-doping philosophy of the Italian formation.

"The gendarmes came at 7:30 this morning, arrested [Frigo] and held him for questioning," the spokesman said.

"It is a case which concerns only Dario Frigo and not the team."

I would bet there is less than 10% not doped i dont
believe it is possible to place in the top 5 without
If my memory serves, I think Frigo was caught with drugs during the Giro in either 2000 or 2001 as well.
His reason that time was that although he had the drugs in his possession, he never used them (the drugs).
Curious defence, I have to say.
News reports state that this latest find was in his wife's car (echoes of Mrs Rumsas ?????????????????).

The quantity of drugs found appears to be too big for one individual's usage (although these days nothing would surprise me if it was all intended for him alone).
But we have effective drug testing, WADA endorsed for 2005.

No way.

Lance Armstrong is clean---he has been tested just like Frigo, like Millar, like Museeuw, maybe even more? He often brags about it.

Let's find the next 1,500 syringes and medical waste---it ought to be piling up after 11 stages.

Tous Dope!

limerickman said:
If my memory serves, I think Frigo was caught with drugs during the Giro in either 2000 or 2001 as well.
His reason that time was that although he had the drugs in his possession, he never used them (the drugs).
Curious defence, I have to say.
News reports state that this latest find was in his wife's car (echoes of Mrs Rumsas ?????????????????).

The quantity of drugs found appears to be too big for one individual's usage (although these days nothing would surprise me if it was all intended for him alone).