Evangelical Disconnect

Geoff Vadar said:
Looks like garage sale took his bat and ball and went home!
Well, let's see what happened with our discussion on Afghanistan. He feels it was preemption. He feels negatively about it. Before we could even discuss it, I had to educate him. And then, all he did was change the subject. Certain people, you don't argue with.

I think you mean Kramer folded up his karate uniform and went home.

Really, Geoff, did you read what the guy wrote?
Bro Deal said:
GT should be happy. Palin believes that dinosaurs and humans lived together, presumably like the Flintstones. And that's the good news. The bad news is that she is a fundamentalist nut who thinks Jesus will return in her lifetime and is incapable of anything but black and white thinking.

Why should I care if she's a fundamentalist?

We're just all the same to you anti-religion hatemongers, aren't we?

BTW she has more executive experience than Obama, Biden and McCain combined.
garage sale GT said:
Why should I care if she's a fundamentalist?
Because you are one too. A religious simpleton who believes Iraq is a task from god should be right up your alley.

garage sale GT said:
BTW she has more executive experience than Obama, Biden and McCain combined.
Yeah, she drove a small town twenty million dollars into debt, spent $50K redecorating her office while telling the city council she can do anything she wants unless a judge tells her she cannot, and her first duty as governer was to install a tanning bed in the governer's mansion, which forced state money to be spent on the upgrading the mansion's electrical wiring to support the tanning bed. Then there is abusing her power to try to get her brother-in-law fired and ordering state employees not to comply with subpoenas investigating the incident. Seems like we already have a regime like that in Washington. We don't need another.
Bro Deal said:
Yeah, she drove a small town twenty million dollars into debt, spent $50K redecorating her office while telling the city council she can do anything she wants unless a judge tells her she cannot, and her first duty as governer was to install a tanning bed in the governer's mansion, which forced state money to be spent on the upgrading the mansion's electrical wiring to support the tanning bed. Then there is abusing her power to try to get her brother-in-law fired and ordering state employees not to comply with subpoenas investigating the incident. Seems like we already have a regime like that in Washington. We don't need another.
At least she's not green as the day is long.
Bro Deal said:
....her first duty as governer was to install a tanning bed in the governer's mansion, which forced state money to be spent on the upgrading the mansion's electrical wiring to support the tanning bed.
I'm glad you mentioned that. I wonder how much the state would have had to shell out for Obama's housing if he'd been busted when he was smoking that weed.

BTW we don't know what a duty is, do we?
Bro Deal said:
Because you are one too. A religious simpleton who believes Iraq is a task from god should be right up your alley.
When did I say I was a fundamentalist?

I try to insinuate you have no basis for assuming I am a fundamentalist but instead of backing down, you make like the captain of the Bismarck, wrap yourself in the nazi flag, and scuttle your untenable ship yourself.
Now the religious crackpots are praying for Jesus to defeat Obama. Pastor Arnold Conrad included this in his prayer at a McCain rally in Iowa:

"I would also pray, Lord, that your reputation is involved in all that happens between now and November, because there are millions of people around this world praying to their god — whether it’s Hindu, Buddha, Allah — that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons. And Lord, I pray that you will guard your own reputation, because they’re going to think that their god is bigger than you, if that happens. So I pray that you will step forward and honor your own name with all that happens between now and election day."

Bro Deal said:
Now the religious crackpots are praying for Jesus to defeat Obama. Pastor Arnold Conrad included this in his prayer at a McCain rally in Iowa:

"I would also pray, Lord, that your reputation is involved in all that happens between now and November, because there are millions of people around this world praying to their god — whether it’s Hindu, Buddha, Allah — that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons. And Lord, I pray that you will guard your own reputation, because they’re going to think that their god is bigger than you, if that happens. So I pray that you will step forward and honor your own name with all that happens between now and election day."

Of course, we now realize that both sides seem to be influenced by religious nuts.............. Wait, John M had this guy at his event. That would be a stretch to say he was influenced by this guy.
I forgot, it was Obama that was actually "influenced" by a religious nut.
Of course, some enjoy the J.Wright message.