Feedback on Bikesdirect Products


New Member
Dec 14, 2007
I am in the process of buying my first bike. I have narrowed it down to the bikes offered by In particular the Windsor Leeds or the Motobecane Mirage Sport. Can anyone please give me some feedback on these bikes. Good or Bad. I am just looking for a solid entry-level bike that is within my budget.
Thank You
rdflynn said:
I am in the process of buying my first bike. I have narrowed it down to the bikes offered by In particular the Windsor Leeds or the Motobecane Mirage Sport. Can anyone please give me some feedback on these bikes. Good or Bad. I am just looking for a solid entry-level bike that is within my budget.
Thank You
Do a forum search on subject: bikesdirect. There is quite a bit of feedback. Also check the reviews on the particular bike on (search for manufacturer: motobecane)
My take is that the best deals are in the mid-price to the more expensive bikes (say $1,500 to $2,500). On the lower end, the deals (comparing components and frame) are not that great from what you can get at your LBS; especially at this time of year.
The most common complaint I've read about are flats and cheap adjustable stems. It seems the rim tape is not properly installed so I would check the rim tape as soon as you get the bike. The stem may not be a problem if you get a fixed stem bike. My 0.02, I'd go for the carbon fork (50 bucks more)
Good luck and enjoy!