Full list of dope suspects published

here is a articel aboult jackshe.. my german is not so good can someone translate it?

Jaksche verrät, warum er Fuentes kennt

Von Matthias Seng

13.12.2006 - Jörg Jaksche trainiert derzeit in der Toskana. Er will sich zusammen mit ambitionierten Hobbyfahrern, Amateuren und anderen Profis fit halten. Fit für eine Zukunft, von der er nicht weiß, wie sie aussehen wird. Der deutsche Profi zählt zu den 58 Fahrern, denen im Zusammenhang mit der Operation Puerto Doping vorgeworfen wird.

Sein Fall lässt Zweifel an den Ermittlungsergebnissen der Guardia Civil aufkommen!

Jaksche bestätigt im Gespräch mit Radsport aktiv, den ihm Zentrum des Skandals stehenden spanischen Arzt Eufemiano Fuentes zu kennen – allerdings nicht im Zusammenhang mit Doping. „Ich kam mit Dr. Fuentes in Kontakt, als er mich um Hilfe für seine zweijährige Tochter bat, die an Augenkrebs leidet“ sagt Jaksche. „Sie hatte schon ein Auge verloren. Um das zweite zu retten, sollte ich mich bei meinem Vater, der selber Augenarzt ist, nach einer renommierten Klinik in Deutschland erkundigen. Mit Doping hatte ich nichts zu tun.“

Dann bezieht der 30-jährige Franke ausführlich Stellung zu den Vorwürfen gegen ihn. „Ich weiß nicht, wie die auf mich kommen“, so Jaksche zu den Meldungen, wonach auch er auf der ominösen Fuentes-Liste stünde. „Das müssen Sie die Leute von der Guardia Civil fragen. Ich werde dort unter sieben verschiedenen Spitznamen geführt, u.a. als Bella und Jorge. Mal davon abgesehen, dass es in Spanien einige Millionen Männer mit Namen Jorge gibt: Dieser Jorge, also ich, soll während der Malaysia-Rundfahrt 2005 von Kuala Lumpur nach Madrid geflogen sein, dort Blut verabreicht bekommen haben und am Abend wieder in Kuala Lumpur gewesen sein. Entschuldigung: Aber das ist kompletter Schwachsinn!“

Jaksche ist überzeugt davon, die gegen ihn gerichteten Indizien entkräften zu können. Dabei sollen ihm zweifelsfreie Belege helfen, anhand derer er nachweisen will, dass er sich oftmals gar nicht an den ihm unterstellten Orten aufgehalten haben kann. Jaksche: „Natürlich vermag ich nicht, die letzten Jahre lückenlos zu rekapitulieren, aber 98 Prozent der Vorwürfe kann ich allein durch Telefonrechnungen, Visa-Card-Abbuchungen oder ähnliches widerlegen. Nur zwei weitere Beispiele: 2004 soll ich den Dokumenten nach bei Tirreno Adriatico gefahren sein. Zu der Zeit gewann ich aber Paris-Nizza. Im letzten Jahr soll ich bei Paris-Roubaix kurz vor der letzten Kopfsteinpflasterpassage meine Freundin angerufen und zehn Minuten mit ihr gesprochen haben. Das stimmt vorne und hinten nicht.“

Sein spanischer Anwalt hat ihm Auszüge aus den Ermittlungsakten geschickt. Zudem hat sich Jaksche im Internet kundig gemacht, wo ebenfalls Auszüge der Akten veröffentlicht wurden. Nach dem Abgleich der ihn betreffenden Stellen mit seinen Dokumenten ist er sich sicher, seine Unschuld nachweisen zu können. Zudem empört ihn, dass anhand der Ermittlungsakten schon Vorverurteilungen ausgesprochen wurden, ohne dass die betroffenen Fahrer Möglichkeiten gehabt hätten, sich zu verteidigen.

„Der spanische Ermittlungsrichter ist der Einzige, der sich momentan an Recht und Gesetz hält“, so Jaksche. „In einem schwebenden Verfahren ist es illegal, Ermittlungsakten an die Öffentlichkeit zu geben. Deshalb hat er auch Strafverfahren gegen Beamte der Guardia Civil eingeleitet.“

Nachdem der Österreichische Verband aus Mangel an Beweisen ein Verfahren gar nicht erst eröffnet hat, dürfte Jaksche ab sofort wieder Rennen fahren. Allerdings ist seine vertragliche Situation so verworren, dass bis jetzt völlig ungewiss ist, wie es weiter geht. Jaksche: „Ich bin bis Ende 2007 vertraglich an Active Bay und Manolo Saiz gebunden. Vor der Tour de Franc hat Astana mit Saiz einen Vertrag abgeschlossen. Im August hatte man kein Interesse mehr mit ihm zusammenzuarbeiten. Es ist ein bisschen wie in einer Ehe: Saiz–Astana haben einen nach spanischem Recht gültigen Vertrag miteinander, den Biver- oder Rominger-Astana dann einseitig gekündigt haben.“

Jaksche würde gerne wieder für seinen ebenfalls unter Dopingverdacht stehenden langjährigen Teamchef Manolo Saiz fahren - sofern dieser Sponsoren findet und ein Budget zusammenstellen kann. „Ich will Saiz gegenüber loyal bleiben“, lautet die Begründung. „Ich habe mit ONCE/Liberty/Astana sehr schöne Zeiten erlebt. Das Team war wie meine zweite Familie, und ich würde mich freuen , mit Beloki und den anderen Jungs wieder fahren zu können.“

Für Jaksche ist es noch lange nicht ausgemacht, dass Saiz, eine der schillerndsten Figuren unter den Teamchefs, sich bei dem Treffen mit Dr. Fuentes Dopingmittel besorgt hat. „Das ist doch alles spekulativ. Im Endeffekt weiß momentan niemand, was tatsächlich vorgefallen ist. Es hieß, es wären Blutbeutel in Saiz’ Thermotasche gewesen. Meiner Meinung nach ist das nichts als eine Zeitungsente. Man würde mit seinem Leben spielen, wenn man auf die Art und Weise mit Blutbeuteln hantieren und sich das Blut dann zuführen lassen würde. Wir bewegen uns momentan im Reich der Spekulation. Wir sollten abwarten, bis das Gericht eine Entscheidung trifft. Anfangs schien an dieser Geschichte alles klar. Aber mittlerweile sieht man, dass es ganz und gar nicht klar ist. Saiz z.B. hat meines Wissens nach nicht einmal eine Kaution zahlen müssen. Er hat seinen Reisepass behalten dürfen und ist nach Kasachstan geflogen, um dort mit Astana zu verhandeln.“

Dagegen kritisiert Jaksche seinen Landsmann und ehemaligen Teamkollegen Jens Voigt für dessen jüngste Äußerungen zum Fall Basso. „Zunächst einmal gehe ich davon aus, dass Jens Voigt immer noch nach der Trainingsmethodik von Cecchini arbeitet, denn der hat die bis 2004 für CSC Trainingspläne erstellt“, vermutet Jaksche, der selber ein Jahr lang für CSC fuhr. „Voigt hat jahrelang an den Erfolgen von Ivan Basso mitverdient. Wenn er ihn dann so verurteilt, muss er auch so konsequent sein, dass Geld, dass er durch Bassos Erfolge verdient habe, nicht anzunehmen und stattdessen einem karitativen Zwecke oder der Dopingforschung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ansonsten muss er sich den Vorwurf der Heuchelei gefallen lassen.“

Momentan schwankt Jaksche zwischen Zuversicht und Skepsis: „Ich habe noch die Hoffnung, dass es weitergeht. Ich glaube, dass ich wieder vorne mitfahren kann. Ich versuche zu trainieren, aber die Angst ist immer da, die Angst, dass ich nicht mehr in meinem Beruf zurückkehren kann. Nicht, weil ich Angst davor habe, des Dopings überführt zu werden, sondern wegen des schlechten Images, das ein in Verdacht geratener Fahrer hat. Bei Milram etwa sagte man zu mir: Du bist sportlich interessant, aber Du hast ein schlechtes Image. Da kriegt man schon Existenzängste. Aber wenn alles den Bach runtergeht, kann ich immer noch studieren.“

Keine Angst hat Jaksche davor, dass der Österreichische Verband das Verfahren gegen ihn wieder aufnehmen könnte: „Für mich ist die Sache gegessen. Ich bin da ganz ruhig, weil ich nichts zu befürchten habe. Ich habe keine Bedenken, dass noch negative Folgen für mich entstehen könnten.“
Basically Jackshe has a hissyfit and calls Voigt a hypocrite and big girl because he used Cecchini up to 2005 and he has the nerve to question Basso (who also uses Cecchini)... Jackshe knows this because he rode with CSC in 2004.... Jackshe goes onto say he knows Fuentes well because he helped him and his daughter who had a form of eye cancer and without Fuentes help she would have lost both eyes... (this is why he was filmed going into his clinic – without his daughter ??) he then goes through all the evidence and claims how could he be in the places to receive transfusions that the evidence says he was... ie Paris Roubiax when he was in Madrid, Malaysia when he was in Europe etc. He says he has faith and still trusts Saiz and will keep working with him if he can.... umm what else ? Oh yeah he says that there are one million blokes in Spain called Jorge (I thought they were in Norway) so why is he Jorg ? (maybe because he's name is Jorge and he is an athlete)..... and the advertisements for US visas on the same page is apt because Jackshe better run for using his sick daughter as diversion from the truth and dumping big Jens in the trash !

Good guys 17 Bad guys 0

zlatan said:
here is a articel aboult jackshe.. my german is not so good can someone translate it?

Jaksche verrät, warum er Fuentes kennthttp://www.radsport-aktiv.de/counter/newscnt.php?id=41415

Von Matthias Seng


Jaksche bestätigt im Gespräch mit Radsport aktiv, den ihm Zentrum des Skandals stehenden spanischen Arzt Eufemiano Fuentes zu kennen – allerdings nicht im Zusammenhang mit Doping. „Ich kam mit Dr. Fuentes in Kontakt, als er mich um Hilfe für seine zweijährige Tochter bat, die an Augenkrebs leidet“ sagt Jaksche. „Sie hatte schon ein Auge verloren. Um das zweite zu retten, sollte ich mich bei meinem Vater, der selber Augenarzt ist, nach einer renommierten Klinik in Deutschland erkundigen. Mit Doping hatte ich nichts zu tun.“
whiteboytrash said:
.... Jackshe goes onto say he knows Fuentes well because he helped him and his daughter who had a form of eye cancer and without Fuentes help she would have lost both eyes... (this is why he was filmed going into his clinic – without his daughter ??)
I think you understood this wrong

Fuentes has a 2 year old daughter - and she has/had eye cancer and already lost one eye. Fuentes was afraid that she could loose the second one. To save the second eye, Jaksche should ask his father (who ist an Eye-Specialist) for a good specialist Clinic in Germany.
whiteboytrash said:
Basically Jackshe has a hissyfit and calls Voigt a hypocrite and big girl because he used Cecchini up to 2005 and he has the nerve to question Basso (who also uses Cecchini)... Jackshe knows this because he rode with CSC in 2004.... Jackshe goes onto say he knows Fuentes well because he helped him and his daughter who had a form of eye cancer and without Fuentes help she would have lost both eyes... (this is why he was filmed going into his clinic – without his daughter ??) he then goes through all the evidence and claims how could he be in the places to receive transfusions that the evidence says he was... ie Paris Roubiax when he was in Madrid, Malaysia when he was in Europe etc. He says he has faith and still trusts Saiz and will keep working with him if he can.... umm what else ? Oh yeah he says that there are one million blokes in Spain called Jorge (I thought they were in Norway) so why is he Jorg ? (maybe because he's name is Jorge and he is an athlete)..... and the advertisements for US visas on the same page is apt because Jackshe better run for using his sick daughter as diversion from the truth and dumping big Jens in the trash !

Good guys 17 Bad guys 0
You have got it wrong - the doctor's daughter was ill not Jaksche's - the below taken from interview on cyclingnews.com - you may want to go and read it again?

Jaksche, who continues to deny that he has used performance-enhancing drugs or methods, meanwhile admitted that he was in contact with Fuentes, who according to the investigation of the Guardia Civil was the instigator of a wide-spread blood-doping network based out of Madrid. "He has a two-year old child, who suffers from a particular form of cancer, and looked to make contact with me because my father is a renowned ophtalmologist," he explained. "We have specialised clinics in Germany, and he was just trying to get information from my father to save his child's second eye, because it had lost one already. So this was the kind of relation we had, but I have nothing to do with his alleged doping activities - if they are indeed true, which only the legal procedure can establish."
foxvi said:
You have got it wrong - the doctor's daughter was ill not Jaksche's - the below taken from interview on cyclingnews.com - you may want to go and read it again?

Jaksche, who continues to deny that he has used performance-enhancing drugs or methods, meanwhile admitted that he was in contact with Fuentes, who according to the investigation of the Guardia Civil was the instigator of a wide-spread blood-doping network based out of Madrid. "He has a two-year old child, who suffers from a particular form of cancer, and looked to make contact with me because my father is a renowned ophtalmologist," he explained. "We have specialised clinics in Germany, and he was just trying to get information from my father to save his child's second eye, because it had lost one already. So this was the kind of relation we had, but I have nothing to do with his alleged doping activities - if they are indeed true, which only the legal procedure can establish."
Intresting is the part about Kuala Lumpur and flying from that city to Madrid and back. That is not possible. Interesting also that the Guardia Civil, who leaked so much information to the press suddenly don't want to answer some critical questions.
cyclingheroes said:
Intresting is the part about Kuala Lumpur and flying from that city to Madrid and back. That is not possible. Interesting also that the Guardia Civil, who leaked so much information to the press suddenly don't want to answer some critical questions.
I really do think the most important question at this stage is:
who ordered this job?

It isn´t possible Guarda Civil, the spanish courts and goverment made so many errors.

The numbers of acustions in wich they failed to provide reasonably evidence is huge.

Or... maybee the investigation was undergoing and someone apllied the right pressure to have the results quicker, no?
acpinto said:
Any clue?

Future article on cyclingheroes.info? no?
acpinto - we are going to have to wait for many the questions and answers in the book CH is writing on OPuerto!
I do a dodgy schoolboy German translation and you boys are onto me throwing cyclingnews translation back at me ! I don't live in Germany so I don't get to practice it enough (credit where credits due).... besides Jaksche was still filmed going into Fuentes clinic regardless of how the relationship was engaged... do you think Jorge was doing some eye consultancy on Fuentes daughter on the side from the stuff he learnt off his dad growing up ?? Geezzz what will we believe next... that the Guarda Civila leaked information or made it up to take down Basso and Ullrich so Mayo\Valverde could win ? - possible but highly unlikely.

foxvi said:
You have got it wrong - the doctor's daughter was ill not Jaksche's - the below taken from interview on cyclingnews.com - you may want to go and read it again?

Jaksche, who continues to deny that he has used performance-enhancing drugs or methods, meanwhile admitted that he was in contact with Fuentes, who according to the investigation of the Guardia Civil was the instigator of a wide-spread blood-doping network based out of Madrid. "He has a two-year old child, who suffers from a particular form of cancer, and looked to make contact with me because my father is a renowned ophtalmologist," he explained. "We have specialised clinics in Germany, and he was just trying to get information from my father to save his child's second eye, because it had lost one already. So this was the kind of relation we had, but I have nothing to do with his alleged doping activities - if they are indeed true, which only the legal procedure can establish."
whiteboytrash said:
I do a dodgy schoolboy German translation and you boys are onto me throwing cyclingnews translation back at me ! I don't live in Germany so I don't get to practice it enough (credit where credits due).... besides Jaksche was still filmed going into Fuentes clinic regardless of how the relationship was engaged... do you think Jorge was doing some eye consultancy on Fuentes daughter on the side from the stuff he learnt off his dad growing up ?? Geezzz what will we believe next... that the Guarda Civila leaked information or made it up to take down Basso and Ullrich so Mayo\Valverde could win ? - possible but highly unlikely.

That does not explain that Jaksche was in Madrid during the Tour de Langkawi (according to the Guardia Civil). You don't race a stage race and fly from Kuala Lumpur to Madrid and come back the same day. So if you want to know... i don't believe the Guardia Civil anymore, at least about a lot of things I don't. The reason could be that I own a house in Spain and here about Guardia scandals all the time. Nothing unusual.

Edit: By the way, Jaksche already said last week, he would like to see the video, he does not believe he is on that video.
whiteboytrash said:
... that the Guarda Civila leaked information or made it up to take down Basso and Ullrich so Mayo\Valverde could win ? - possible but highly unlikely.
It´s a way to explain such sloppy work from Guardia Civil.

Can be others:
Sports minister being interested in demonstrate that the spanish are interested in clean the sports. With all the results spanish atheletes are getting the suspicion could rise.

the point on this 2 conspiracy theories wich don´t get to much logic is the way tour organisation and UCI behave.
cyclingheroes said:
That does not explain that Jaksche was in Madrid during the Tour de Langkawi (according to the Guardia Civil). You don't race a stage race and fly from Kuala Lumpur to Madrid and come back the same day. So if you want to know... i don't believe the Guardia Civil anymore, at least about a lot of things I don't. The reason could be that I own a house in Spain and here about Guardia scandals all the time. Nothing unusual.

Edit: By the way, Jaksche already said last week, he would like to see the video, he does not believe he is on that video.
Agreed point taken and good jousting. However we shouldn't forget; There were 200 bags of blood in the clinic along with a **** load of EPO... someone was using it and there is a lot of cyclists who just disappeared after the bust... are we sure we want to stand up for these guys ?
whiteboytrash said:
Agreed point taken and good jousting. However we shouldn't forget; There were 200 bags of blood in the clinic along with a **** load of EPO... someone was using it and there is a lot of cyclists who just disappeared after the bust... are we sure we want to stand up for these guys ?
for me that isn´t the point!
the point is: we found 200 bags of blood. this one as a nº1 and there´s a call from rudicio, well to make our point ( because we already know that Jan is guilty ) let´s insert Jan ullrich in that fax to colombia.
Maybee Jan and the others are guilty but this was rushed or even produced to satisfy someone. I HAVE NO DOUBT.

By the way someone can tell me wich company was the fax sent to? ( for me that could be an important piece of the puzzle.)
whiteboytrash said:
Agreed point taken and good jousting. However we shouldn't forget; There were 200 bags of blood in the clinic along with a **** load of EPO... someone was using it and there is a lot of cyclists who just disappeared after the bust... are we sure we want to stand up for these guys ?
1. Well more than 100 blood bags were never heard of anymore, so either they have "dissapeared" or they were never there.

2. Who says they all belonged to cyclists?

3. I am not going to stand up for anybody. But I grew up in a democratic country with human rights. These rights are there for everybody. Either they proof their case or they don't. If they don't people are free to go after their business again. That includes not only murder suspects but also cyclists. This affair is way out of proportion and people like Holczer kill the sport (and by the way, when Rebellin was charged after the 2001 Giro raids, Holczer threatened to sue ASO if Rebellin would not be allowed to start).

The whole Disco/Basso and Ullrich discussion is wrong at the moment. Who complained that Saunier Duval signed Koldo Gil? Where was Kai Rapp when Paulihno started at this years Tour of Germany? And why doesn't Lefevere (and others!) install an anti-doping programm like CSC or T-Mobile did? Why didn't the UCI take over the anti-doping programm of the French- and now also the German federation? Why? Because they use the Basso Ullrich discussion as a smokescreen in order to be able to continue with business as usual and that is another point what I don't like about the whole discussion.
acpinto said:
for me that isn´t the point!
the point is: we found 200 bags of blood. this one as a nº1 and there´s a call from rudicio, well to make our point ( because we already know that Jan is guilty ) let´s insert Jan ullrich in that fax to colombia.
Maybee Jan and the others are guilty but this was rushed or even produced to satisfy someone. I HAVE NO DOUBT.

By the way someone can tell me wich company was the fax sent to? ( for me that could be an important piece of the puzzle.)
You mean document number 65? If yes - that was send to a former Kelme employee in Columbia.
cyclingheroes said:
You mean document number 65? If yes - that was send to a former Kelme employee in Columbia.
That i already knew.
But if you look the document when released had the phone number blanked ( we could see the indicator of columbia but the rest was blanked ) since they didn´t bother to blank hamilton wife´s phone number i found that odd. We knew by deduction that it was fax lots of people had acess ( maybee a company ) because that fax had: to the attention ( can´t remember the name ) of the ex-kelme employee.
So why did they protected the number of the fax?
acpinto said:
That i already knew.
But if you look the document when released had the phone number blanked ( we could see the indicator of columbia but the rest was blanked ) since they didn´t bother to blank hamilton wife´s phone number i found that odd. We knew by deduction that it was fax lots of people had acess ( maybee a company ) because that fax had: to the attention ( can´t remember the name ) of the ex-kelme employee.
So why did they protected the number of the fax?
I have the number...