Hey Dan Empfield


New Member
Aug 2, 2009
i'm not buying it nor do i understand it any longer but for yours and my own best interest i'd suggest you go back to banning me because i will come in headstrong after you without remorse for my own well being, only causing me to get banned by your old tired, irate ass yet once again and it's too much trouble for me to give you that satisfaction. thanks to you and Rapp i have zero interest or respect for any of it any longer in regards to ST and phuck you and your money and your power trip for helping me become like that, for perfectly receding my once good thoughts on how Ironmen act and behave in this world, for making a mockery of it all.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIuOWv-mLP4"]YouTube - Faith No More - Midlife Crisis (With Lyric Subtitles)[/ame]
cyberlegend1994 said:
Dude, you really need some serious help... :rolleyes:

cool, you can help me then: please tell what's her no one old ass that i can't stand the fact that she can't tell the difference in "your" and "you're", something i've only been able to pay attention to in her spats with Alienator, so not to try and tell anyone with an iq above 0 that they can't write.

and please also tell her that i'm waiting on her to blow me and to not ever post on my threads again.

Thanks Cyber, you da man.
Cyber, you are not doing a good job of helping me so far, the ***** is all up on my nuts, what's up with that?

Now, if you got blindsided by her lack of elementary vocabulary and are trying to help her figure out the difference of when and how to properly use "your" and 'you're" , then i understand...Gawd speed and remember there are such a thing as spell checkers for the vocabulary retarded, you might want to talk to her about that and don't forget to let her know that she can't very well talk with her mouth full so that might be the best bet for us all...i'm waiting.
roadhouse said:
cool, you can help me then:

roadhouse said:
please tell what's her no one old ass that i can't stand the fact that she can't tell the difference in "your" and "you're", something i've only been able to pay attention to in her spats with Alienator, so not to try and tell anyone with an iq above 0 that they can't write.

and please also tell her that i'm waiting on her to blow me and to not ever post on my threads again.

Thanks Cyber, you da man.
Not exactly the kind of help I was referring to, but humor me - may I ask who this 'her' you're referring to is?
cyberlegend1994 said:
Not exactly the kind of help I was referring to, but humor me - may I ask who this 'her' you're referring to is?

Oh Cyber Cyber Cyber, you just bring so much outright innocence along with your ignorance to the table, it's so hard not to like you.

please tell her i have my old skateboard knee pads she can use for her arthritic joints to make her as comfortable as possible while on the job.

your help is greatly appreciated.
^ notice how i used the proper term 'your' just there...^

it would make no sense to say "you are help is greatly appreciated" now would it?

yes , you can use that in your lesson plan for today..
cyberlegend1994 said:
Not exactly the kind of help I was referring to, but humor me - may I ask who this 'her' you're referring to is?

huh, funny thing this elementary school was for the both you and I...
Dude, let's clear a few things up right now.

If you start a thread on this forum, it becomes public and if someone here wants to reply to it, they are welcome to do so as long as their reply complies with forum rules.

That being said, I am not about to instruct anyone to not post in any of your threads. If one of your threads is complete nonsense, nobody will post in it anyway.

So, if you don't want a particular forum member to post in your threads, you have three choices:
1. Don't post it,
2. Take your rants to Private Messaging, or
3. Take your meds like a good boy and deal with it.

roadhouse said:
huh, funny thing this elementary school was for the both you and I...
And for the record, I did use the correct version of that word in that sentence.
:D oooh, cyber cyber cyber, too easy. cyber, this ain't my first, nor is it my second, third, fourth, fifth, six, hell, three dozenth to four hundredth rodeo..you are just not getting it.

btw, what meds would you prescribe for me? i can't sleep well at night, this entire ST stress test thing has really taken ahold of me so something that could put me down for some hours would be good..
cyberlegend1994 said:
And for the record, I did use the correct version of that word in that sentence.

I know you did, i was referring to how both you and I know how to use the correct term, krist almighty..
cyberlegend1994 said:
And for the record, I did use the correct version of that word in that sentence.

Yes, your "you're" was used correctly as people have since the days of yore. The rest of your points are dead on target, too.
cyberlegend1994 said:
Not for me to decide. I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV.

And don't call me Shirley. :D

cool, i won't. and for a little insight, the last time i was 'unbanned' I had half a day of posting, starting with a 'Hey Lance, Thanks for everything." thread , this last sunday i think it was, after it was known that Lance was out of contention for the win this Tour and another one of my little cat and for no apparent reason, no fighting or accusing or petty anything which there seemed to be plenty of that going with or without me, i was banned again and after i was there for some many months, figuring out exactly the in's and outs of how to travel down my Ironman path in life, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. i know that after feeling alive with interest with just posting around many of them that ST is out of the question for myself thanks to Dan. I have some serious respect for a few others but one thing i'll never do as i'm just not wired that way is kiss anyone's ass.

I guess i'm really ****** that he interrupted my relations and conversations with people, not only on that day but before and without warning, and for that i can not forgive or forget.

again, it is in his best interest to just ban me and forget about me because i will wreak havoc at every nook and cranny i can, something i try not to do here and if you'll notice, i'm pretty respectful to those who are worth respecting, even respecting Dan and wishing him well after he wrecked and broke his ribs and collarbone in the ToC in the TT triathlete vs cyclist set up thing they had going on, and try and help more so than cause problems however at times it may not seem to be the case..eh.
hmm, i wonder if it's now that the tables have turned and i'm seeing Lance for who he really is that i'm all of a sudden unbanned? i used to always say over there that Lance was gonna dominate tri's and i don't think they could take that albeit many agreed but now...i also guess it didn't help that i didn't think any of them were anything compared to pro cyclists, a focal point of all over there but something super fast Bjorn Anderson, pro triathlete, along with many others as well, even said himself. I just rubbed it in and hard.

rant over ( until someone else jumps in and pisses me off, that is)

i feel better.
okay, it's been some time now and i'm beginning to really regret saying a few things and in the manner i've said them. am i dissapointed? sure, i honestly thought we were on good terms, regardless my thougths on WTC which i still stand behind 100% and one of the last things i remember speaking my thoughts aloud about on ST before originally being banned which brings about another point in question, i guess i was never unbanned to begin with as that would justify my only one post at a time before being banned all over again, something i was unaware of and thought i was unbanned and then to my own demise found out that that was not the case but on that same note i was never fully informed, by myself or by anyone, of the 'rules' regarding that specific scenario and so in my ignorant defense i can say that i never knew and so each and every time i rejoined, thinking i was unbanned, believing those times being banned to be more of a little vacation and not a permanent one as i now know of it to be by my own will and recognizance, i had to come up with another e-mail account and another version of Roadhouse as a screen name, five to six times in all i think it was, a name that i will not part ways with under any circumstance. but even after all of that twisted, rich, corporate, dictator judicial downfall of a bassackward, ill obliging N. Korean system, one thing separates myself from them, from Dan, that being just that, me, and i can speak and explain myself and acknowledge when i've stuck my foot my mouth and when it's time to say enough is enough and when to apologize.

am i ****** off? no, i'm infuriated beyond any and all Merriam-Webster's definition of the word, like i have never known myself to be infuriated in my entire life but i don't feel good any longer about the original content and text of this thread but unlike times of yesterday i want it remain and will not bother asking Steve to fulfill the task yet once again of removing it and for one reason and one reason alone, it reminds me of how little, how small, how shallow the human race can be, especially when money is involved, when greed is imminent... and that reminds me just how much anger is a gift.

dOesN't' you mean "are we'Re related?"

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkZCw4gzlH8"]YouTube - I Get It Chevelle w/ lyrics[/ame]

So you say I'm ignored
As it is,
Well, give us your sad, sad trip

You're right, I get it
It all makes sense, you're the perfect person
So right, so wrong
Let's all live in your imaginary life

Assumed it's whether
We're right or wrong
We're doomed, and there's plenty for all

How dare you catch me counting?
How dare you call at all?
How dare you call it suffering?
How dare you call at all?

You're right, I get it
It all makes sense, you're the perfect person
So right, so wrong
Let's all live in your imaginary life

Press on these tannins
They'll double in time
The touch of life, once failed to mention so far

Of course the law is fountains
Of face to face remorse
A fast and restless blackmail
Like pent-up fetish whores

You're right, I get it
It all makes sense, you're the perfect person
So right, so wrong
Let's all live in your imaginary life

Do you want it enough?
Do you want it at all?
Should you need it at all?
Takes a minute to see
Do you want it enough?
Do you want it at all?
Should you need it at all?
Do you want it or not?

You're right, I get it
It all makes sense, you're the perfect person
So right, so wrong
Let's all live in your imaginary life

Life, life, life.