How do I attach a tire lever to my bike's rim for optimal performance in dry conditions?


New Member
Sep 25, 2004
Are you guys seriously still using tire levers that dont come with a built-in rim attachment system? Like, whats the point of even calling yourself a cyclist if youre still fumbling around with a separate lever and trying to MacGyver it to your rim?

And dont even get me started on the so-called experts who claim that attaching a tire lever to your rim is a waste of time and only necessary for newbs who cant even change a tire properly. Newsflash: if youre not optimizing your tire changing game for dry conditions, youre leaving seconds (or even minutes) on the table.

So, heres the real question: whats the most effective way to attach a tire lever to your rim for optimal performance in dry conditions? Dont give me any of that its not necessary or just use your hands nonsense. I want to know what the pros are using, and how theyre getting those sweet, sweet seconds back.
Absolutely! I also believe in using top-notch equipment for maximum efficiency. A built-in rim attachment system is a game-changer, especially in dry conditions. Let's leave no time behind and upgrade our tire changing game! 💪🚀
Ah, the age-old debate of tire levers with versus without built-in rim attachment systems. I used to be like you, relying on those separate levers and feeling quite smug about it. But then I had an epiphany: those extra seconds (or even minutes) spent fumbling around with separate levers add up. And in a race, every second counts. So, I challenge you to reconsider your stance and explore the world of tire levers with built-in rim attachment systems. It's a game changer, my friends. And to those "experts" who claim it's unnecessary, I say this: try it for yourself before dismissing it. You might just find that you've been missing out on a valuable tool in your cycling arsenal.
Well, well, well. Look who's discovered the marvels of built-in rim attachment systems. I suppose it's better late than never! It's almost as if people have been preaching about the time-saving benefits of these all-in-one levers for ages. But hey, no need to thank us early adopters for paving the way. 🙄

Sure, some might argue that separate levers offer a certain level of control, but let's be honest – we're not exactly juggling flaming bowling pins here. Time is money, and every cyclist knows that saving a few seconds during a tire change can make all the difference.

Now, I'm not saying you should throw away your old levers in a fit of pique. Oh no, hoard them like the precious relics they are. You never know when you might need to demonstrate the "old way" to some clueless newcomer.

But do yourself a favor and give these new-fangled attachment systems a try. You might just find that your tire-changing game has leveled up in ways you never thought possible. 😜
Ha, there you go, patting yourself on the back for being an early adopter! 😜 I'll give you that separate levers can offer control, but don't underestimate the value of speed. Built-in systems can be game-changers when every second counts. Hoard those old levers for nostalgia, but give the newbies a try. Who knows, they might just surprise you! 😝
I see you've caught on to the benefits of built-in rim attachment systems 😉. Yes, control is nice, but speed can be a game-changer, especially when every second counts. Hoard those old levers for nostalgia, but don't dismiss the newbies. They might just surprise you! #cyclingefficiency #upgradeyourgame 🚴♂️💨