huge fan of Jan...


Tamyka Bell

How's this for showing your alliance just that little bit moreso than
everyone else...

As I rode out of uni today, I passed a parked car, with hot pink plates,
"JAN 05"

cute, eh?
On 2005-07-18, Tamyka Bell (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> How's this for showing your alliance just that little bit moreso than
> everyone else...
> As I rode out of uni today, I passed a parked car, with hot pink plates,
> "JAN 05"
> cute, eh?

Nice. Subtle.

I was going to compile a list of innovations that could be
attributed to Microsoft. Once I realized that Ctrl-Alt-Del
was handled in the BIOS, I found that there aren't any. --unknown
Tamyka Bell said:
How's this for showing your alliance just that little bit moreso than
everyone else...

As I rode out of uni today, I passed a parked car, with hot pink plates,
"JAN 05"

cute, eh?

bahah. my dad's name is Jan, but pronounced 'Yarrrn',
not 'yan' like all dem luddites keep sayin. :rolleyes:

sadly that person has to show how misled their faith is now...

Strangely nobody has talked of 'Diesel's' retirement after this year.
If all his rhubarb about 'beating the best' is true he may as well chuck it in as Basso will probably whip his **** next year, no?
flyingdutch schrieb:
> Tamyka Bell Wrote:
>>How's this for showing your alliance just that little bit moreso than
>>everyone else...
>>As I rode out of uni today, I passed a parked car, with hot pink
>>"JAN 05"
>>cute, eh?

> bahah. my dad's name is Jan, but pronounced 'Yarrrn',
> not 'yan' like all dem luddites keep sayin. :rolleyes:
> sadly that person has to show how misled their faith is now...
> Strangely nobody has talked of 'Diesel's' retirement after this year.
> If all his rhubarb about 'beating the best' is true he may as well
> chuck it in as Basso will probably whip his **** next year, no?

Yes. That'll be Bjarne's late revenge for 1997.....

Jan-Christoph Westermann said:
Yes. That'll be Bjarne's late revenge for 1997.....


hadnt thought of that. good point! I vaguely remember Bjarn riding the year AFTER his TdF win to help 'Yarrrn' no? was that the year he threw his (TT) bike in disgust?

Gee, next year could be quite exciting!
flyingdutch <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Tamyka Bell Wrote:
>> How's this for showing your alliance just that little bit moreso than
>> everyone else...
>> As I rode out of uni today, I passed a parked car, with hot pink
>> plates,
>> "JAN 05"
>> cute, eh?

> bahah. my dad's name is Jan, but pronounced 'Yarrrn',
> not 'yan' like all dem luddites keep sayin. :rolleyes:
> sadly that person has to show how misled their faith is now...
> Strangely nobody has talked of 'Diesel's' retirement after this year.
> If all his rhubarb about 'beating the best' is true he may as well
> chuck it in as Basso will probably whip his **** next year, no?

Safe bet since Ivan has been the only one to hold onto LA. Actually
given Jan's poor performance in the last two stages I think he should
just take a header and save himself the embarasement. Let Vino, Kloden,
Basso and Landis try to take LA.

At least I wouldn't have to put up with Jan's "I need more fibre in my
diet" expressions all the time.


Brett"couldn't drive over them hills in the same time type of expert"M
flyingdutch schrieb:
> Jan-Christoph Westermann Wrote:
>>Yes. That'll be Bjarne's late revenge for 1997.....

> hadnt thought of that. good point! I vaguely remember Bjarn riding the
> year AFTER his TdF win to help 'Yarrrn' no? was that the year he threw
> his (TT) bike in disgust?

AFAIR it was like this:
1996 Bjarne wins Tdf, Jan is second and wins white jersey for best new
Pro. In 1997 Bjarne was expected to defend his title but wasn't fit
enough (strange, that seems to happen to all TMO/Tekekom riders...) and
Jan got the yellow jersey. Bjarne (why do i want to type 'Byarrrne'??)
wasn't happy with himself and team support, so he wanted to win the last
single time trial stage. He had two technical problems within 1km after
abou 30% of the stage. After the second defect he threw away his bike
(he' s still world recor holder in time-trial-bike-distance-throwing).
He had to be calmed down by the crew to continue his ride.

> Gee, next year could be quite exciting!

With Vinokurow in the DSC team??

Jan-Christoph Westermann wrote:
> flyingdutch schrieb:
>> Jan-Christoph Westermann Wrote:
>>> Yes. That'll be Bjarne's late revenge for 1997.....
>>> jcw

>> hadnt thought of that. good point! I vaguely remember Bjarn riding the
>> year AFTER his TdF win to help 'Yarrrn' no? was that the year he threw
>> his (TT) bike in disgust?

> AFAIR it was like this:
> 1996 Bjarne wins Tdf, Jan is second and wins white jersey for best new
> Pro. In 1997 Bjarne was expected to defend his title but wasn't fit
> enough (strange, that seems to happen to all TMO/Tekekom riders...) and
> Jan got the yellow jersey. Bjarne (why do i want to type 'Byarrrne'??)
> wasn't happy with himself and team support, so he wanted to win the last
> single time trial stage. He had two technical problems within 1km after
> abou 30% of the stage. After the second defect he threw away his bike
> (he' s still world recor holder in time-trial-bike-distance-throwing).
> He had to be calmed down by the crew to continue his ride.
>> Gee, next year could be quite exciting!

> With Vinokurow in the DSC team??
> jcw

We used to have some time trials and one guy had trained hard and was
all psyched up to do a really fast time. When he finished slower than
his PB he was so ****** off he threw his bidon at a tree with such a
force that it split the bottle, he also did a Bjarne Riis type bike
throw. Some time later someone snuck out and retrieved the bidon. It was
mounted on a wooden block and presented later on in the year at the club
presentations for the biggest dummy spit.

Jan-Christoph Westermann said:
With Vinokurow in the DSC team??


yeah, phil and Paul mentioned the other night in the commentary. obviously LA does recruiting while their hurting...
"if you come to Disco' these hills wont hurt at all! promise"
FlyingDutch wrote:

bahah. my dad's name is Jan, but pronounced 'Yarrrn', not 'yan' like all dem luddites keep sayin. :rolleyes:

My brother in law's name is Jan and it's pronounced Yan, not Yarrrn. It's pronounced differently in different parts of Europe (my brother in law is Danish).

LotteBum wrote:
> FlyingDutch wrote:
> bahah. my dad's name is Jan, but pronounced 'Yarrrn', not 'yan' like
> all dem luddites keep sayin. :rolleyes:
> My brother in law's name is Jan and it's pronounced Yan, not Yarrrn.
> It's pronounced differently in different parts of Europe (my brother in
> law is Danish).
> LotteBum
> --
> LotteBum

My friend's name is Jan, and it's pronounced Jan, it's short for Janet.
Really, who cares?

Tamyka Bell said:
My friend's name is Jan, and it's pronounced Jan, it's short for Janet.
Really, who cares?


What a concidence!!!
My dad's full name is Janet too! :D:D:D

F"very droll"Dutch
flyingdutch wrote:
> Tamyka Bell Wrote:
>>My friend's name is Jan, and it's pronounced Jan, it's short for
>>Really, who cares?

> What a concidence!!!
> My dad's full name is Janet too! :D:D:D
> F"very droll"Dutch

We must be related!!
My mothers name is Janet too.

What a small world!

flyingdutch said:
you've been in prison?
F"stop calling me shirly!!!"Dutch

Speaking of prison.. I finally tasted your balls Dutchy!! Very nice, I must say!

They were handed over the bar to me, steaming hot, with a warning to "break them open a bit first". I tried some mustard on one but really preferred them "plain".

"Bitterballen alstublief!!"
hippy said:
Speaking of prison.. I finally tasted your balls Dutchy!! Very nice, I must say!

They were handed over the bar to me, steaming hot, with a warning to "break them open a bit first". I tried some mustard on one but really preferred them "plain".

"Bitterballen alstublief!!"

perhaps you could have explained that a bit bitter, er, better ;)
On 2005-07-20, hippy (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> flyingdutch Wrote:
>> you've been in prison?
>> F"stop calling me shirly!!!"Dutch

> Speaking of prison.. I finally tasted your balls Dutchy!! Very nice, I
> must say!

Were they salty? And made of chocolate?

"The application failed to fail"
TimC said:
On 2005-07-20, hippy (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> flyingdutch Wrote:
>> you've been in prison?
>> F"stop calling me shirly!!!"Dutch

> Speaking of prison.. I finally tasted your balls Dutchy!! Very nice, I
> must say!

Were they salty? And made of chocolate?

Not particularly salty and made of veal, I think.
