Junior Overtraining

Chief Illiniwek

New Member
Oct 3, 2005
I'm a 18 year old freshman in college right now and I've been overtrained since maybe march and I was wondering if anyone had some input about how to get out of this.

Some history about me: I played basketball in junior high and then just ran 2-3 times a week during fresh/soph year of high school before I got a road bike and started to race. Last year, I was doing 3 hr 60 mile group rides regularly(3-4 times a month) as well as just regular training. Then in october I broke my jaw and didn't ride very much at all for a month because my parents didn't want me to get injured again and I just rode on the trainer about 2-3 times a week. Once I got back on the bike I started doing way too many hours way too fast, like within a few weeks I was trying 2.5-3 hr rides and I kept up with this and started to race in mid february and during a 3-4 month period I went from overreaching to overtraining.

Since I've tried everything to get my legs feeling better but they have felt stale and without power since march. They're generally lethargic and I can't raise my heart rate much above 160 without way too effort than it feels like it used to. The most I've done in these months is 2-3 hrs of slow riding. I have taken a few 2 week complete breaks from cycling. Right now I'm trying to run or bike for 30 mins every 2 or 3 days just so I don't lose all of my muscle, but it's killing me not to be able to go out and hammer out a good 2 hr ride like I used to. If anyone had some input to help me out, I'd be thankful!

A friend of mine was floundering for a long time, not being able to go very fast or improve, and it turns out she was anemic. Now that she's getting that treated, she's been improving a lot. You seem to be resting enough, so it could be something along those lines, but I'm no expert on nutrition or training by any stretch of the imagination.