Lance Armstrong Using Cold Thermogenesis


Mar 11, 2015
Is anyone here familiar with cold thermogenesis? Not doping and perfectly legal but I heard Lance Armstrong used it even before he got busted. It is suppose to have a lot of benefits not just on performance but also longevity and brain enhancing effects.
Hi .All i know is that it can increase hormone levels and that is a good thing for any athlete or sportsman for that matter. With increased hormones, i believe you increase your reaction speed, reflexes and that ultimately gives you an upper hand when competing.
I know what it is.

Great for fat reduction and also for significantly elevating your pain thresholds. Lowers inflammation. Tolerance to cold improves.
Helps improve harmonies and such I know. One of my professional biker friends also uses this technique and he had experienced 5-10% improvement in biking efficiency which was pretty high in my opinion.
Oh wow, this sounds like something I'm surprised more people haven't talked about. I've never heard of it at all.
I've never even heard of that stuff. It shows how old I really am. I just stick to what works which is long time natural resources. I don't mess around with anything bottled and packaged and then marketed.
First time I hear about it too, but in reality I am not surprised if science develops all sort of techniques to enhance the sporting abilities of the bikers because the effort they develop is more than the body can deliver.
joshposh said:
I've never even heard of that stuff. It shows how old I really am. I just stick to what works which is long time natural resources. I don't mess around with anything bottled and packaged and then marketed.

Where did you get that rubbish. What utter nonesense. Last time I checked, ice is pretty natural.

There is nothing to eat.
I've never heard of this technique either. I also don't remember anyone talking about it when the Lance Armstrong scandal was happening all over the news. It is kind of strange that I don't remember people talking about it. I would think that the media would have been all over cold thermogenesis if Lance Armstrong was doing it even if it is legal.
Weatherby said:
Thanks for the links. I had never heard of Lance using this stuff either.
What is that? I have never even heard of that. Anyways, all kinds of actions that can be considered illegal shouldnt be in biking. Its a honest and noble sport and it should be kept that way. A complete no-no to doping.
regicide3342 said:
What is that? I have never even heard of that. Anyways, all kinds of actions that can be considered illegal shouldnt be in biking. Its a honest and noble sport and it should be kept that way. A complete no-no to doping.
Basically it is just exposing yourself to cold temperature for brief bouts of time to enhance recovery. It also has fat burning effects and cognitive enhancing benefits. Most highly paid athletes right now in the NBA and Ufc use a cryo chamber with negative degrees temperature and stay there for like a few seconds and viola! Instant recovery after a grueling work out! I don't know if it's true because I haven't done it myself it's too expensive. I would probably stick to using ice buckets :)
StrawberryCat said:
I've never heard of this technique either. I also don't remember anyone talking about it when the Lance Armstrong scandal was happening all over the news. It is kind of strange that I don't remember people talking about it. I would think that the media would have been all over cold thermogenesis if Lance Armstrong was doing it even if it is legal.
StrawberryCat said:
I've never heard of this technique either. I also don't remember anyone talking about it when the Lance Armstrong scandal was happening all over the news. It is kind of strange that I don't remember people talking about it. I would think that the media would have been all over cold thermogenesis if Lance Armstrong was doing it even if it is legal.
It was suppose to be a part of his super secret training that he has been doing years ago when no one even knew about cold thermogenesis but now it's slowly getting attention in the mainstream media as a way of enhancing peak performance and also for longevity. Thanks for the links weatherby!:)
I was watching a wilderness survival show a couple years ago where a couple of guys got dropped onto a mountain with several feet of snow on the ground. One of them was wearing shorts and he said he never wore pants and almost never wore shoes or socks (though I think he did have tall socks and boots on for this) because he thought the cold was good for keeping his body strong. He definitely said something about it strengthening or training his mitochondrial DNA. I thought he was nuts at the time, but maybe this was what he was talking about and he was on to something.
Lance Armstrong just doesn't have any credibility as far as I'm concerned. I don't care what he did or didn't do. I used to work in a 35 degree Fahrenheit environment. If anything the cold made people more susceptible to health issues.
cold thermogenesis sounds like a bunch of wooowooo BS to be honest. LA would have only used techniques that gave him real ganiz, unlike most of you lot who likely depend on placebo being the main ingredient.
Well, if it has benefits on longevity and brain enhancements, I think I could use a little of both. I think I will be doing a little research on the subject to know more about it. I have never heard of it before.
I first encountered cold thermo genesis in the book The Four Hour body on the chapter about using cold for fat loss. Apparently this is the reason why Michael Phelps can eat 12,000 calories in a day and still maintain body fat below 10%. Even with all the training he does the calories he burns just don't add up with the calories he ate until they took into consideration swimming in cold pool .