Look Keo Power vs. older PowerTap P1 pedals


New Member
Mar 20, 2004
Why is it that some cyclists still cling to outdated technology like the older PowerTap P1 pedals, when the Look Keo Power pedals offer superior performance and innovation? Is it just a matter of tradition, or is there a genuine advantage to using the older pedals that Im missing? Im all for tradition, but not at the expense of progress. Lets have a serious and professional discussion about this.
I've noticed that some cyclists, including myself, continue to use the older PowerTap P1 pedals despite the emergence of newer alternatives like the Look Keo Power pedals. It's true that the Look Keo Power pedals boast innovative features, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're the best choice for every cyclist.

In terms of raw power measurement, both pedals are quite accurate, with minimal differences that may not be noticeable during actual rides. Additionally, the PowerTap P1 pedals have been around for a longer time, which has allowed for more extensive testing and user feedback. This means crowd-sourced data and refinements may give the PowerTap P1 pedals an edge in terms of reliability and user experience.

Before jumping on the Look Keo Power bandwagon, it's worth considering the potential benefits of sticking with the PowerTap P1 pedals for your specific needs. Of course, if you are all about embracing the latest technology and pushing the envelope, by all means, explore the Look Keo Power pedals and see if they are a better fit for you.

Ultimately, the decision to choose one pedal over another should be rooted in a clear understanding of your needs, goals, and riding style. Tradition may not always be the sexy choice, but sometimes, it's the right one. Keep a critical mind, and don't let flashy features distract you from your bike's ultimate purpose: riding.
Oh, I see. You're suggesting that because something is newer, it's automatically better. That's a truly groundbreaking perspective. Why didn't we think of that before?

Let me guess, you also believe that every time Apple releases a new iPhone, everyone should toss their old ones in the bin and upgrade, right? Because, you know, innovation and all that jazz.

In all seriousness though, the decision to use older PowerTap P1 pedals or the newer Look Keo Power pedals ultimately comes down to personal preference and specific needs. Just because something is new, doesn't mean it's the right choice for everyone. So let's not be too quick to dismiss tradition and the value it brings.

Ha, I see your sarcasm is as sharp as a freshly sharpened cycling cleat! You make a valid point though - just because something's new, it doesn't mean it's inherently superior. In the world of cycling, there's often a balance between innovation and tradition.

Take cycling shoes, for instance. Some swear by the classic ratchet system, while others have embraced the newer BOA dials. Both have their merits, and the choice often comes down to personal preference and comfort.

As for pedals, the PowerTap P1s and Look Keo Powers each have their unique strengths. The P1s offer dual-sided power measurement and a more robust build, while the Look Keos are lighter and have a wider pedal platform. It's like choosing between a reliable, sturdy mountain bike and a sleek, speedy road bike - both have their place in the cycling world.

So, let's not throw tradition out the window just yet. After all, a good cyclist knows that sometimes, the old ways still have a lot to offer. ‍♂️
Couldn't agree more! It's as if people think cycling's some sort of never-ending tech race. ️

Take saddles, for instance. Some like the sleek, modern designs, while others prefer the classic leather ones. Each has its charm, right?

And let's not forget handlebars! Carbon fiber or good ol' aluminum? It's like asking if you want your morning coffee in a fancy espresso machine or a classic drip pot! ☕

So, here's to cherishing the old and embracing the new. After all, variety is the spice of the cycling life!
Cycling debates, unnecessary at times. Saddle preference: personal choice, comfort matters. Handlebars, carbon fiber or aluminum, both have merits. Embrace diversity, it spices the cycling life. #cyclechat ‍♂️
Oh, you must be new to the cycling world. Those old PowerTap P1 pedals are like a cherished heirloom for some of us. We cling to them for dear life, even if there are "superior" options out there. It's not about progress, it's about nostalgia, my friend. ;)
Indeed, the PowerTap P1 pedals hold a special place in the hearts of many cyclists. However, it's important to consider the potential downsides of clinging to older technology. While nostalgia can be a powerful force, it's also crucial to stay informed about the latest advancements in cycling technology.

Newer pedal systems, such as Garmin's Vector series or the Favero Assioma, offer features like dual-sided power measurement and improved accuracy. These advancements can provide cyclists with valuable data to improve their performance and training.

Moreover, older technology can become outdated and difficult to service or replace. Parts for the PowerTap P1 pedals may become harder to find as time goes on, leaving cyclists with few options if something were to break.

Ultimately, the decision between nostalgia and progress is a personal one. However, it's important to weigh the potential risks and benefits before making a decision. By staying informed about the latest advancements in cycling technology, cyclists can make informed decisions that best suit their needs and goals. #cycling #technology #performance #training
Ha, clinging to older tech, you say? Nostalgia, a powerful force, indeed. But let's not forget, these newer pedals can be a real wallet-emptying black hole. Ever heard of "planned obsolescence"? *wink wink*

Sure, they boast accuracy and dual-sided power, but do you really need all that bells and whistles? And what about the joy of tinkering with your trusty, harder-to-find parts? Ah, the charm of the chase! ‍♀️

In the end, it's all about striking a balance between embracing the new and cherishing the old. Just remember, with great pedals come great responsibilities... and potential costs. #justsayin' #cyclinglife #yolo
Ah, the age-old question: tradition or innovation? Well, let me enlighten you. Some cyclists might be clinging to those old PowerTap P1 pedals because they're still trying to find the antique section in their local bike shop. Or, they're just too busy outpacing you with their "outdated" tech to care about the latest fad. But hey, if it makes you feel better, stick to your Look Keo Power pedals and enjoy your *superior* performance... as you watch us ride off into the sunset. ;)
Ha! You've hit the nail on the head! Some cyclists *are* a bit too attached to their classic PowerTap P1s. But can you blame them? Those bad boys have been trusty companions for many miles.

Still, there's something to be said for embracing innovation. Take a gander at the new smart trainers and power meters that sync up with apps like Zwift and TrainerRoad. They add a whole new dimension to indoor cycling, making it almost enjoyable! ;)

But hey, if you're content with your Look Keo Power pedals and the sunset views, that's cool too. Just remember, variety is the spice of life!
Couldn't agree more! While there's no shame in cherishing trusty old gear, it's undeniable that tech advancements have revolutionized cycling. I mean, who knew we'd be racing virtual tours or competing against global pelotons from the comfort of our homes? ‍♂️

Embracing innovation doesn't necessarily mean ditching your beloved classics. Instead, think of it as spicing up your rides with new experiences. Whether it's tackling AI-generated climbs or optimizing power data, these innovations can only enhance our cycling adventures.

But, hey, if you find solace in traditional rides and sunset vistas, keep going! After all, variety, as they say, is the zest of life. Just remember, you might be missing out on a whole new world of pedaling pleasure.
True, tech advancements stir the pot in cycling. Yet, let's not forget the charm of classic rides and sunset vistas. Sure, virtual races add a dash of novelty, but traditional joy holds its own flavor. Why not savor both worlds, eh? #cyclinglife #yinandyang #pedalon
I see your point about cherishing the charm of traditional rides and sunset vistas. It's like relishing a fine wine while others are busy exploring aged whiskey. Both have their unique flavors, and it's up to us to savor them. But let's not overlook how tech advancements, like GPS and power meters, have transformed cycling into a more precise, data-driven sport. It's not just about the joyride anymore; it's also about understanding and enhancing our performance. So why not embrace both worlds and create a perfect blend of tradition and innovation? #cyclingpurists #innovationmeetsclassic #pedalon