losing skin where its worst !


New Member
Jul 16, 2007
I've recently started increasing time/distance on bike back to what I did in my early twenties (up to 40 miles now). Never used to wear cycle shorts, never had any problems. Now I do, when I went to 30 miles I wore the skin on my tailbone off so got some cycle shorts. There is no delicate way of putting this so here goes............on my first 40 miler everything felt fine till I got back and in the shower. OWWW I'd managed to chafe a fingernail sized area of skin off my scrotum. I think a seam on my underwear was the culprit. Are you meant to go commando in your shorts or what? When I go running I use vasolene to stop the rubbing and have started doing this on the bike now. Would I be better off with nothing on under my shorts.
Any help would be most welcome esp. from my town halls.
Very very embarrassed

Do not wear anything under the cycling shorts. They are specifically designed to be worn against bare skin, and typically have a minimum number of seams.

Some people also use a chamois cream to help prevent chaffing.
Scotty_Dog said:
Do not wear anything under the cycling shorts. They are specifically designed to be worn against bare skin, and typically have a minimum number of seams.

Some people also use a chamois cream to help prevent chaffing.

What about **** rings?
alienator said:
What about **** rings?
Only Alienator would come up with this!:D Probably not, cuts off the circulation don'cha know:eek: !