Member Retention Here Is ... "abysmal" Comes To Mind


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Since these forums seem to be like Hollywood - no original material, just old topics dredged up and rehashed like yesterday's remade 70's or 80's film, it struck me that virtually no one who posted regular in the distant (say, 2007 ish) or more recent past (2012-2013) is still around.

What's up with that? Too slow to hold interest?
I'm fairly recent here,but have enjoyed it so far. Not as many post as some other forums,but quality is better than quantity :D
Moved on to other forums? Grew out of posting on forums or just sort of stopped posting here?

Could be lots of reasons but I don't know, I say better to have these old threads being dug up instead of having reposts.
I've found that a forum has to be really, really specialized for it to retain the kind of user base that you're talking about. I'd say that the majority of forums have a handful of "regulars", a regularly rotating cast of "frequenters" and an ever-present group of "post for a week and leavers". It's not all that uncommon.