More muscle biopsies = more $$



I did another laboratory trial at RMIT this week. I had to go in on Tuesday
night to work out what my maximum sustained power output was - they put me
through a VO2 Max test minus the contraption on my head and the machine that
measures the oxygen levels. I did a 5min warmup at 150W then started at
300W before going to 350W, 375W, 400W, and finally 425W before I couldn't
keep going. I think it was 2.5 minutes at each level (not sure) but I only
managed to last about 30 sec or so at 425W before dying in the ****.

I then had to follow a controlled diet (all food provided) on Wednesday (8g
of carbs for each of my 98kg which ends up being a shitload of food!!) and
went in on Thursday morning for a 0700h start (without eating that morning).
The doc gave me a local and made four slits in my leg for the biopsy needle
to go in (basically shoved a scalpel blade all the way in for each slot) and
he also took the initial biopsy sample. I had to do 100min at 253W which
was OK to start with but got a bit hard towards the end. At the end of
100min I jumped directly from the bike to a nearby bench and had another
biopsy (probably within 15sec or so of finishing).

I then had an hour's rest during which time I even managed to sleep for 15
min or so before it was time for biopsy number three and then back on the
bike for a final interval session. This session was 8 x 5min intervals with
1min of rest (spinning at less than 100W) between each interval. It was
self paced and the idea was to go as hard as I could maintain for each
interval. I managed to hover at about 320W for the first couple of
intervals but then I really started to suffer from not eating since the
night before (it was about 1130h by now) and I started getting lower and
lower power outputs. The second last interval I was down to around the 295W
or so but managed to get it back up to 300W for the final interval (heart
rate was hitting about 188 at this stage). I then slid across onto the
bench again for the final biopsy, after which I was finally allowed to eat!!
Within 15min or so I had drunk 3 x bottles of sports drink and eaten 5 x
muesli bars. I then got my leg patched up and went home for a shower before
going to work. For the rest of Thursday it felt like I had a dead leg but I
was able to ride to work on Friday without any problems (although I did take
it pretty easy).

During the trial I used my own roadie fitted with a Powertap meter on a
fluid trainer. It was interesting because the lab had returned their
Powertap wheel with the Campag compatible hub and so I had to use one of
their Shimano ones. I think it was an Ultegra level 12-21 cassette and
during the 2.5 hours or so that I used it on the wind trainer I didn't have
any problems with it interfacing with my Chorus shifters and Record
derailleur / chain. I only really shifted at the start and end of each of
the intervals but it all shifted smoothly and without any
problems......makes me wonder how it would go for extended use on the road -
anyone ever done this??

I will be reimbursed $400 for my time and efforts (cheques in the mail)
which will be a good little bonus leading up to Christmas. There was also a
$100 prize for the subject with the highest power output during the
intervals and I am hoping that I might be in with a shot for this due to me
being a fair bit bigger than anyone else on the trial (thank god it is not
Watts/kg or I would be stuffed!!!).

On Sat, 8 Dec 2007 22:23:05 +1100, "Gags" <[email protected]> wrote:

>I did another laboratory trial at RMIT this week.

Are you sure it was RMIT ? Did they raise you into the mothership first, and are
the doctors small and grey and have really funny shaped heads and big eyes ?
TimC wrote:

> I really should get a house worthy of a public
> servant. 3 stories, 18 bathrooms,...

All I can ever think of with these houses is "who is going to clean it all?"
On 2007-12-09, Terryc (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> TimC wrote:
>> I really should get a house worthy of a public
>> servant. 3 stories, 18 bathrooms,...

> All I can ever think of with these houses is "who is going to clean it all?"

That's the problem they're having with Buckingham Palace -- that, and
trying to stop it falling apart onto visitors during tours.

"I'm lucky that mountain biking wasn't around when I was 20, because I
wouldn't have won the Tour de France. It's my kind of sport - hard,
individualistic, and not a lot of tactics." -- Greg LeMond


Hey Gags thats very interesting,,, what are they looking for? carb loading and power output?? will you find out results ? Did they drug test you before ;) cheersj
Gags is this just for aesthetic reasons so you have symmetrical lines of

"DaveB" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Gags is this just for aesthetic reasons so you have symmetrical lines of
> scars?
> DaveB

Nah - I had symmetry before (7 scars on each leg) but now I have 7 on my
left leg and 11 on my right. Obviously I need to do one more trial that
involves 4 biopsies.

Here is a picture of the biopsy site taken about 5 mins ago - seems to be
healing up nicely:
