mountain biking and broken clavicle


New Member
Jun 11, 2006
Hi there everyone!

I've never posted before, but it seems there's a lot of experience on this board and I thought you guys might have some thoughts/reassurance for me!! :)

I broke my collarbone mountain biking about 5 months ago and have had a few xrays on it and the most recent one (Dec12) doesn't show a lot of new bone growth. The doctor said that if a radiologist read the film that technically they would call it a non union. He said there may be some fibrin growth around it, since it is pretty stable and I have full range of motion. He did not want to do surgery on it, which is fine by me, since I have no intention of going through that pain again!! (Although I have to say that Percocet was fun the first time around!!:D ) And he said that there are some people who manage fine with a collarbone like mine without surgery. (Since there is minimal pain) I am just worried about biking and if there's anyone else out there with a collarbone injury that didn't really heal, and if you went back out biking.....and fell! I have been out on the road and on the mountain bike, but I am terrified of falling. I'VE TURNED INTO THE BIGGEST WUSS!! Ungh. I figure if it's not really a bony healing, then it will have more give to it if I fall, which I tend to do alot. :) Anyone else out there with some reassuring experiences for me to make me feel better about my situation?? I have a 24 hour MTB race in June that already has me nervous!! Thanks!!
