Muslim leaders are put on notice. Denounce terrorism or else


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After the terrible terrorist attack in the school in Beslan, Russia by
muslim extremists, the religon of Islam is put on notice.

Denounce these cruel acts as unacceptable by your religon, or pay the
price. I personally will visit my local Mosque after hours if the
leaders of the muslim faith stand by these attacks.

Hundreds of children were subjected to days without food or water, in
stifling heat, cramped in a gymnasium. Over 1000 hostages were crammed
in there. In the end, hundreds were killed, and hundreds are injured.

I know that Islam and Muslims are peaceful and kind. They number well
over 1.5 billion of the 7 billion on the planet. The attacks are
clearly by radical extremists who do not represent the whole of the

Terrorism by definiton is to get many people scared. They will fail.
They have made many people mad.

Unless every leader of Islam denounces these despicible acts of human
cruelty, and do it soon, the world will respond. And innocent Muslims
will become fair game.

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MAD AS HELL. Pictures of dead children motivated this post.