My 97 Greg LeMond Zurich


New Member
Sep 8, 2004
So I got a new bike recently. It's a 97 Greg LeMond Zurich 18spd. I absolutely love it. First time I've ever had a bike with STI shifters!

The story behind this bike is this. I was asked by my wifes family to join their team for the Kelly Brush Ride that takes place on Sept 8th. This is a charity ride that takes place in Middlebury VT. Not having ridden in some time I called my brother up to see if he still had my old bike, which was a Miyata 312. He sold it for $50 at a yard sale. So I was dead in the water without a bike.

Fathers day wekend I was at my wifes uncles house. One of the family members who is joining me at the Kelly Brush Ride. He shows me his brand new Shimano Carbon Fiber road bike and I was in awe. Hanging next to it was his old Greg Lemond Zurich. Well, I told him that I was going to have to fix up my current bike, which was a old HardRock setup as a cross trainer.

They invited us back the next day for BBQ ribs, mmmm. Boy were they good. After the feast we walked back down to his shop and he asked me to adjust the derailers on his new mountain bike he just bought. We did a few more things to get his bike adjusted to his liking. When we got done, has asked me if I wanted to take his Greg Lemond home with me. I asumed he was just loaning it to me so I could have a decent bike for the half century ride. Turns out he was giving it to me. I was absolutely speachless!

Here are some pictures. Some of the equipment has been relocated since these pics were taken. I was playing around with things before getting comfortable with there current locations.

Yeh, nice ride! This new bike I just got is the first new biker since my race Mtn biker from the 90's with thumb shifters, so these flim flam shifters on my road bike are amazing! Sram. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Hey LimerickMan, are from Limerick or like poetry? Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Hey SaturdayNight......hate to bust your bubble, but your Zurich is not a '97, it's newer. The '97 Zurich paint was a unique two tone blue -- appearing much lighter in direct sunlight -- with yellow lettering. These are photos of my '97 Zurich.

mctrebor said:
Hey SaturdayNight......hate to bust your bubble, but your Zurich is not a '97, it's newer. The '97 Zurich paint was a unique two tone blue -- appearing much lighter in direct sunlight -- with yellow lettering.  These are photos of my '97 Zurich.
My gooch hurts just looking at the saddle tilt on that bike.
I will probably keep then I think it ihas a real nice looking paint job and the 853 steel is nice.
Hey mctrebor, no worries. I know this is a late response but my wife's uncle thought he got it in 97 so that is why I posted it as a '97. Good to know. thanks!

On top of that I just finished my first ever Century Ride this year, 2014, in 6:54:48. It just happened to be the Kelly Brush Ride, just like in my original post. I know that's not anything crazy but for me I am proud of my accomplishment.

I have learned a lot more about cycling, this year, then the past twenty years. Most of it was in a five minute period. True story; I was climbing a hill when I got passed by another cyclist who looked to be twenty years older then me. I caught up to him on the flats and started chatting with him. I got to talking about my training for my first century ride. At one point, he says to me, after looking at my bike, "I used to ride against that guy." In the five minutes we road together he explained a lot of the mechanics of cycling. Proper gears selections, seating positions when riding on a flat surfaces vs hills, and proper resting position when not peddling, etc, etc. I remember him saying, 'Ride light on your crank." He was really nice. I can only remember his first name; Clark. But at any rate, it was a good conversations.

When the day came for my century ride, I did much better then I had anticipated I would. I owe a lot of it to this guy Clark.