My mate won Golden Mile Wheelrace


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
My mate Lachie Worn competed at the Bendigo International Madison a few weeks ago, and i think he needs a bit of recognition seeing he beat 4 time world champion Shane Kelly.

Anyway the golden mile if no ones heard of it is a 1600m handicapped track event, prizemoney for first was $3000.

Lachie started off 130m, and Shane kelly off Scratch, I don't have all the competitors names but it was a very professiional field.

It's a bloody good effort for a 17 year old who's just had 2 seasons lay off.
He's coached by his brother Ryan, who was selected to coach the Victorian Junior State Team for the National Track Titles recently. I reckon he's one to look out for.

He's a photo finish of the race and afterwards.