Need Recommendations on buying New Bike please: Specialized FSR XC or other??


New Member
Jun 28, 2005
Hey everyone... I am a 27 year old male (5'7, 150 lbs) living in Santa Barbara, CA (biking here is AMAZING) and recently started biking every other day with my good friend for the past 3 months. It is now time for us to upgrade our bikes and although I have tried bike stores, I still am a bit unsure of what would be the best bikes for us. If you can help with any suggestions or/and advice, I'd greatly appreciate it!

We ride between 3-6 hours at a time, mostly firetrails, dirt paths with small bumps, some loose dirt but not much, and also a lot of street. Probably about 50% dirt trails (mostly packed dirt but some loose, usually only small pebbles or bumps), 40% streets (half of that being uphill, some strenuous since we do like uphill biking and also a lot of biking in the wine country), 8% very bumping terrain on beat-up old-roads and dirt roads, terrain, 2% technical downhill (but never a jump or fall greater than 1-2 feet). We never really do anything with large rocks, boulders, logs, or big jumps.

I definitely want a bike that is much more comfortable (I use a base model inexpensive Trek Mountain Bike with old front suspension only - I've noticed recently that my butt hurts A LOT after really long rides!! :() and more versatile but also under $1000 - thus I was recommended the Specialized FSR XC for $860 from a local bike shop.

These are my most important considerations:
-Comfort (perfer FULL suspension)
-Speed (do not want it to be slow on open paved roads)
-Style (because I am vain)
-Price (would like to stay under $1000).

I think I'll probably get the Specialized FSR XC and add on disc breaks as my only customized option. What do you think? Is this a good buy or are there other bikes I should consider?

If you have any questions, please just let me know.

Thank you for all your help!!