No bike lane? ride in groups


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
Ride in groups - that is the advice of cycling organization that are giving the incoming administration a food for thought on the welfare of cyclists. The public is hopeful for positive changes in the recently held Philippine presidential elections so at this early, the lobbying has already started.

The usual heavy traffic in Metro Manila can somehow be eased if people would turn to their bikes for commuting. However, the dangers on the road cannot be discounted so until the exclusive bike lanes are installed, bikers are still hesitant. Take note of the word exclusive because right now there are roads in the Metro with painted lines indicating it to be the bike lane but what could a rider do when a vehicle occupies that lane?
There are plenty of benefits for group cycling. First is the active team support provided, second is a great encouragement to make a habit of it, and Third, you are more motivated to try harder drills and ride further than usual. Is not so rare to see massive amount people of all ages joining a bike tour, cycling is an outstanding source of social interactions.
I don't ride in groups, as I prefer to ride at my own pace and don't want to be dealing with folks who don't obey road rules. However, in some larger cities such as Manila it may be a good idea to ride in large groups. I'm sure it's a safer experience overall, and there are other cyclists around to help you out if you run into any problems.
It sounds like the most appropriate said but as Damien has said, I prefer to go at my own pace. Only in special situations where I may know most of the people I am riding with and their capabilities will I consider group riding. If the case is set as to where it is too dangerous for me to ride, I will just neglect to do so.
I've ridden in groups before, but I'm not entirely convinced it's safer than riding solo. There's obviously more chance if a group if cyclists being spotted than riding alone, but riding in a group can also have its disadvantages aswell.

When cycling in a group, aswell as just looking after your own well being, you have to look out for the rest of the group aswell, and I'd there's one or two in the group that don't, that can often make it more dangerous in certain ways.