Now UCI joins list as A##clowns!!!

bobke said:
And of course his own performance measurements in VO2Max and Power output per kilogram. To quote him, Bruyneel, and Carmichael, his performance tests before the 2005 TdF showed him to be in "the form of his life." He showed it a week later in the prologue obviously.

So yeah he did get better, without drugs, so deal with it dude.
So Lance "being in the form" of his life managed to win just one stage, didn't win any mountain stages and "managed" to win 5 stages less than 2004 where he definitely wasn't in the form of his life...
Seriously now... Do you expect two guys that are responsible for Lance's preparation (along with a certain Italian doctor) to claim that he was anything else than "in the form of his life"? Especially Carmichael has made a shitload of money as the official "Lance's trainer" (which he wasn't in reality, just his log keeper) and you expect to publicly claim that Lance wasn't 100%?
I did not mean to suggest that a doping TDF is better then a non-doping TDF. But the majority of the "stars" of the sport that we all follow are probably dopers. I am willing to bet that the TDF would change dramatically if it was truly dope free. Putting the UCI or the TDF Society in charge of dope controls is kind of like putting Ronald McDonald in charge of the Heart Association....... WADA seems to be a step forward, but Pound does come off a little aggressive in his personality.
It is never in the best interest of the TDF to have doping allegations/convictions concerning the event. Chances are that the TDF has looked the other way many times...... The book "In High Gear" by
[size=-1]Samuel Abt touches reveals some "interesting" rumours back in the 80's. One TDF rider who never had allegations of doping was Greg Lemond...... But then doping was not a big deal back then.
I prefer to be one of the "heads in the sand" type of fan. Personally, I love when the riders are known for their sprint , being able to attack and solo to a victory, etc. etc...... All the elements of a good race.

I will continue to defend Lance Armstrong. He has never been convicted. There are others who everyone points out as great racers when the convictions on that rider run sky high. It's just back then , suspensions were shorter and not so harsh. Nationality politics are part of cycling. Eddy Merckx was scared of riding in the Giro for fear of someone planting doping products in his water bottle. I find it interesting that it was a Italian individual that leaked the papers in the Armstrong case. Right now he is a hero in the hearts of the Italian cycing fans. He showed the TDF to be flawed. There is competition between the TDF & Giro. And it is big money competition. And we know that brings corruption.
I have to agree with you here... there is a difference with Armstrong than most riders. Armstrong marketing himself on being a cancer survivor to which he is and a champion for their cause by winning the Tour 7 times. He also marketed the fact that he was a clean champion and made a lot of money for himself from the public and other cancer survivors by touting his ‘clean’ riding.

That’s what stinks about this issue. Armstrong authorized the doping sheets to be released because be 'believed' l'Equipe was going to write an article on how he was a 'clean' rider.... Armstrong media spin... when the story didn't go that way the paper all of sudden becomes ‘tabloid scum’ who had been attacking him for years... if they had done so why did he release the doping sheets to the paper ? Were they not ‘tabloid scum’ before the story ? Armstrong plays the advantages and for once he was caught with his pants down...... he knows he can’t defend it because it’s true.... its a sad story....

The real reason why a lot of you argue so hard for him is that YOU feel cheated by him for buying into the whole story. You feel stupid. That’s ok, its ok to be angry but the first step to getting over it is admitting he is a cheat and a bloody good one at that ! Get of it lads there is now a new generation of clean riders who are so much more entertaining than he ever was and you don’t have to by into the entire myth of ‘new training techniques’ to sell Carmichel training systems, new ‘advanced bicycles’ to sell TREK bikes, ‘special food supplements’ to sell his sports bars, lies about ‘reconnaissance of stages’ to sell books and being a patron of the peleton to sell books. He was a marketing machine. He was the most hated rider of the peleton. He only raced to win 21 days of the year. No one respected him and you will see when the season start proper no one will talk of him. He is forgotten. Bring on 2006 !

limerickman said:
I want to see a clean sport too.

It is probable that many of the riders we see may well dope.

However the Armstrong issue is important on many levels.
On a purely athletic level - none of the explantions that he provided to explain his improvement rang true to the people who write authoratively about the sport.

On a human level, the fact that Armstrong deliberately aligned himself with an emotionally vulnerable group (ie cancer sufferers), to promote attention to his recovery and subsequent achievements - ought to have compelled him to be more transparent when confronted with allegations of doping.
The fact that many cancer sufferers reaped emotional sustanence from his story makes that onus to be transparent, more important.
Instead Armstrong evaded, threatened and verbally abused anyone who claimed that he did dope.
That is not transparency on his part.

Let's be clear here - Armstrong marketed himself in this context.
If he was doping - and the evidence is compelling - then he ought not to have marketed himself in the way he did.

It is generally accepted that Greg LeMond rode clean.
hombredesubaru said:
Phase Three clinical trial material from his sponsor?
Your conspiracy theories astound me.
He was using cemalyt creme for a saddle sore guys.
UCI already confirmed that a long time ago.
He was caught with a different corticosteroid in his urine than the one that was apparently being used for a saddle sore as per the post-dated TUE.
By the way, have you or anyone else used a corticosteroid cream for a saddle sore?
If you have used such creams, do you know how much gets absorbed trans-cutaneously - especially if being used on an area as small as the perineum?
Got the picture yet?

Thanks also for the laugh about conspiracy theories. This coming from you with your desperate attempts to make up conspiracy theories as to why Lance & Tyler are busted...
patch70 said:
He was caught with a different corticosteroid in his urine than the one that was apparently being used for a saddle sore as per the post-dated TUE.
By the way, have you or anyone else used a corticosteroid cream for a saddle sore?
If you have used such creams, do you know how much gets absorbed trans-cutaneously - especially if being used on an area as small as the perineum?
Got the picture yet?

Thanks also for the laugh about conspiracy theories. This coming from you with your desperate attempts to make up conspiracy theories as to why Lance & Tyler are busted...
1. No, the corticosteroid was exactly the same...of course what was found in the urine was a metabolite.
Let me spell that for you m-e-t-a-b-o-l-i-t-e. Look it up.

2. Yes, I have used it and prescribed said corticosteroids for topical use in patients on saddle sores, idiot.

3. Yes, there is always systemic absorption of steroids, particularly if there is an area of tissue breakdown...duh, like say a SADDLE SORE, idiot.

I have the picture.
I have no idea what you are up to or why you post here or why you try to create specious arguments but you are a blowhard know nothing.

Look it up. Absorption of steroids from topical administration, or eyedrops even. Basic stuff really. Over and out.
You like my name, huh?

bobke said:
1. No, the corticosteroid was exactly the same...of course what was found in the urine was a metabolite.
Let me spell that for you m-e-t-a-b-o-l-i-t-e. Look it up.

2. Yes, I have used it and prescribed said corticosteroids for topical use in patients on saddle sores, idiot.

3. Yes, there is always systemic absorption of steroids, particularly if there is an area of tissue breakdown...duh, like say a SADDLE SORE, idiot.

I have the picture.
I have no idea what you are up to or why you post here or why you try to create specious arguments but you are a blowhard know nothing.

Look it up. Absorption of steroids from topical administration, or eyedrops even. Basic stuff really. Over and out.
Whether the same cream or not that is not the issue... it is against UCI regulations to provide a post-dated certificate.... the certificate should have been presented at the time a sample was given.... he was a very lucky man, he broke the rules and got away with it. Makes all a bit suss the certificate comes out after the fact doesn't it ? His doctors should of known this if it was in fact a cream. If you know it then his doctors should have. Very suss..

bobke said:
1. No, the corticosteroid was exactly the same...of course what was found in the urine was a metabolite.
Let me spell that for you m-e-t-a-b-o-l-i-t-e. Look it up.

2. Yes, I have used it and prescribed said corticosteroids for topical use in patients on saddle sores, idiot.

3. Yes, there is always systemic absorption of steroids, particularly if there is an area of tissue breakdown...duh, like say a SADDLE SORE, idiot.

I have the picture.
I have no idea what you are up to or why you post here or why you try to create specious arguments but you are a blowhard know nothing.

Look it up. Absorption of steroids from topical administration, or eyedrops even. Basic stuff really. Over and out.
whiteboytrash said:
Whether the same cream or not that is not the issue... it is against UCI regulations to provide a post-dated certificate.... the certificate should have been presented at the time a sample was given.... he was a very lucky man, he broke the rules and got away with it. Makes all a bit suss the certificate comes out after the fact doesn't it ? His doctors should of known this if it was in fact a cream. If you know it then his doctors should have. Very suss..
The rules in the TDF get bent all the time.
Seems the UCI don't think Zorzoli has done such a bad thing..... he actually asked himself to be suspended rather than being suspended by the UCI.... appears that he will get his job back once the UCI realise they gave him authorisation along with Armstrong to release the doping forms.

"Dr Zorzoli has asked hmiself to be suspended until this matter is cleared up," said a high ranking UCI official.

bobke said:
Well, before we all move on, lets recall the facts.
Dr. Zamboni HAS been asked to step down.
He was not authorized to release the 15 sheets.
He KNEW he was releasing them to journalists who were talking to Lance under false pretenses in order to make Lance look bad, all of this is factual and undisputed.
Because of his position in UCI he was under an even higher requirement to act ethically which he didnt. He broke his contract with UCI and trust with all the riders he ever deals with.
When the guys enforcing the rules look worse than the guys breaking them, that's when you have to ask what is going on.

FREE BODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"However now the UCI has conceded that the employee in fact handed over 15 examples and knew that the angle of the article on Armstrong was to show that the Texan had never received prior permission to take medications, including the corticosteroid, which appeared in small amounts in an early drug test in the 1999 Tour."

So, Ressiot got the 15 forms, and he got them months BEFORE he got any word of the report which LNDD sent to WADA and the french sports ministry. In this report six of the positive tests numbers conveniently matched 6 of Armstrongs forms that he got from the UCI. I can't remember where I read this, but IIRC the L'equipe "Armstrong Lie" article was published the day after Ressiot got the report - maybe someone can confirm?
The Real Bobke said:
You like my name, huh?
What's going on with your web site?

Great job on the ToC coverage but you will have to lobby for more air-time.
The website is being tackled as we speak. We are looking to launch it really soon. Some design snafus held us up but it's all good. It will be more of a cycling site than a site about me. That's what we're shooting for.

Thanks for the feedback on the AToC (Don't forget the Amgen!) It was a great race. I'll be doing a lot of OLN coverage on the races coming up, so more face there. The AToC was a little different and we hope to improve on it in the future.

lwedge said:
What's going on with your web site?

Great job on the ToC coverage but you will have to lobby for more air-time.
What is that supposed to mean? Don't think the Great Blobstack would really get on a cycling forum?

patch70 said:
You and your alter egos live in a complete fantasy world but thanks for all the laughs at your expense.
The Real Bobke said:
The website is being tackled as we speak. We are looking to launch it really soon. Some design snafus held us up but it's all good. It will be more of a cycling site than a site about me. That's what we're shooting for.

Thanks for the feedback on the AToC (Don't forget the Amgen!) It was a great race. I'll be doing a lot of OLN coverage on the races coming up, so more face there. The AToC was a little different and we hope to improve on it in the future.
Great ! Looking forward to the WEB site and seeing you and the gang on OLN's coverage of the Tour Day France.

The Real Bobke said:
What is that supposed to mean? Don't think the Great Blobstack would really get on a cycling forum?
Not directed at you. "bobke" and "hombredesubaru" are the same person. And the two different personalities talk to each other. Very interesting psychopathology.
That's the craziest thing I've heard all day. Do they ride a tandem?

patch70 said:
Not directed at you. "bobke" and "hombredesubaru" are the same person. And the two different personalities talk to each other. Very interesting psychopathology.
The Real Bobke said:
That's the craziest thing I've heard all day. Do they ride a tandem?
Bob, if thats you drop my a private email.
As your "psychiatrist" we have talkin to do.
I recall the beers in the Stamford Irish pub when you guys were doing Giro coverage in CT with a lot of humor, as did my son when Phil Liggett got on the phone to tell him to study for exams.
Too funny!!
yes, it is me, but I'm not computer savvy enough to figure out how to drop you a private email. Tell me how and I will for sure drop you a line.

bobke said:
Bob, if thats you drop my a private email.
As your "psychiatrist" we have talkin to do.
I recall the beers in the Stamford Irish pub when you guys were doing Giro coverage in CT with a lot of humor, as did my son when Phil Liggett got on the phone to tell him to study for exams.
Too funny!!