Performance Forte "Classic" Road Pedals



Has anyone tried using Look cleats with Performance Forte "Classic" road
pedals? Do they work with the Look cleats?

Performance says the pedals are compatible with Look cleats, but I wonder if
anyone has tried it.

J. Poor.
I have them on a bike and have had no problems with them at all.


"JpoorRandP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Question:
> Has anyone tried using Look cleats with Performance Forte "Classic" road
> pedals? Do they work with the Look cleats?
> Performance says the pedals are compatible with Look cleats, but I wonder

> anyone has tried it.
> J. Poor.
JpoorRandP wrote:
> Question:
> Has anyone tried using Look cleats with Performance Forte "Classic"
> road pedals? Do they work with the Look cleats?
> Performance says the pedals are compatible with Look cleats, but I
> wonder if anyone has tried it.

I have the Performance Mag-Ti version of the pedals, and my Look cleats
worked just fine with 'em. (I finally broke a cleat "lip" so now using the
knock-off cleats that came WITH the pedals, and can't tell any difference.)

My first pair of the pedals developed bearing play within two months (as did
my Look pedals, BTW), but the replacement pair has held up well now for 7 or
8 months.

Well worth the money, IMO.
BS (no, really)
JpoorRandP wrote:
> Question:
> Has anyone tried using Look cleats with Performance Forte "Classic" road
> pedals? Do they work with the Look cleats?
> Performance says the pedals are compatible with Look cleats, but I wonder if
> anyone has tried it.

I don't think they are correct. They are "Look style," not Look *compatible*.
I have both, they aren't the same.