Record Pista Dustcaps - not flush on drive side


New Member
Sep 27, 2009
Got of set of latest generation Campy Record Pista Cranks.

When mounted, I've noticed that the dustcap protrudes about 2mm from the drive side crank face, but is flush on the non-dirve side. It does not look right, but I've noticed photos on the web of other bikes, and it appears the same. I'm using the thicker pista washers, but even with the thinner road crank washers it still protrudes.

Anybody else got the same problem? Have I got a crank from a faulty batch or are they all like this?


The head of the crank bolt should not extend beyond the crank in the manner you describe.

Campagnolo's quality control is sufficiently high that I have a hard time believing that you have a faulty crankset ...


  • Remove BOTH crank bolts & washers from the bike
  • Set them on a table & compare them

Are they the same?

  • Measure the depth of the crank's receiver/"extraction" hole on driveside & non-driveside ...

Are they the same?

BTW. If you bought the cranks used, then carefully clean the receiver hole(s) and you may see a washer already nested at the bottom of the driveside hole.