Recovery drink


Oct 11, 2005
Okay, is there any real benefit from takeing a weight gainer ( 44 grams protein 33 grams carbs ) straight after exercise as a recovery drink, and only after exercise for recovery, or would I be better off takeing it two times a day everyday even when ot exercising.
After a workout your muscles need protein to rebuild themselves and for you to become stronger and recover. You should consume said drink within 30 minutes after exercise to avoid catabolism.
Scotttri said:
Okay, is there any real benefit from takeing a weight gainer ( 44 grams protein 33 grams carbs ) straight after exercise as a recovery drink, and only after exercise for recovery, or would I be better off takeing it two times a day everyday even when ot exercising.

That gainer after your ride is not a bad idea at all. It will help you with recovory to rebuild the muscles ready for your next ride. You could go without the carbs and eat them, but thats up to you, the quick carbs in it will replenish glycogen and spare the protein being metabolized. Having it any other time of the day will help, but not neccessary. Dont forget its a supplement not a substitute. But yea muscles need protein, and those legs get worked. You'll need protein at all times of the day and and night even if your not riding or going to the gym.
Hello Friends.....

After a long workout, treat yourself to whatever you enjoy drinking. I highly recommend the Dutch Bros. Brain Freeze, but you may prefer a frappuchino at Starbucks. Believe me, either tastes better than the Accelerade.
