Ronda pilipinas - philippine tour 2018


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
Ronda Pilipinas was concluded in March 2018 with the Navy team in the forefront. Ronald Oranza emerged champion after 12 gruelling laps that ended in the criterium race where Oranza came in second to team mate Jan Paul Morales. Both are members of the Navy team. Oranza won 1 million pesos, about $20,000 in prize money plus a franchise of a fast food chain. The final result showed Oranza ahead by 11 minutes over Morales.

Ronda Pilipinas is the only professional cycling tour in the Philippines. The original tour was Tour of Luzon that started in 1950s and was a great sports spectacle during summer.
I never knew that there is this kind of event in the Philippines. What I only know about cycling events in the country are cycling for a cause and mini cycling race in Metro Manila. These events are sponsored by popular chocolate and sports drink brands. And knowing that Ronda Pilipinas has that great amount of price for professional cyclists, I wish such event could last longer for I think it is fun and it promotes more of the essentials of cycling in our daily lives in the country.
Wow. I don't know too. I always thought that the events involve to this are for charity only. Also, I've heard of small scale contests but not large-scale contest. I newer know that there are opportunities like this, you can enjoy and earn at the same time. This kind of events should be announce in all parts of the country so that every cyclist will be given the chance to join.