Russia tests world's biggest bomb

Carrera said:
True, there is more press freedom in the U.S. than in Russia or China but the fact there's less personal freedom tips the scales the other way.
How can you say that there is more personal freedom in Russia and China compared to the US and keep a straight face? What Star Trek planet are you stranded on?

You have to be joking right?
I was referring to stuff like alcohol and so-called morality issues.

Crankyfeet said:
How can you say that there is more personal freedom in Russia and China compared to the US and keep a straight face? What Star Trek planet are you stranded on?

You have to be joking right?
Carrera said:
I was referring to stuff like alcohol and so-called morality issues.
Wait a minute!! Are you accusing the Russians and Chinese of being immoral drunkards???? :mad: What the hell is wrong with you? How can you impugn the character of the peoples of your favorite nations like that?!

Well, okay...I'll give you the vodka-soaked Russians...but that's it!
Carrera said:
Besides, how can the U.S. criticize lack of democracy? The U.S. has two main political parties repubs and Democrats and both of these don't tend to consult the American people on major issues. I mean, were Americans given a referendum on going to war in Iraq? Were they actually consulted over such a major decision? How much clout does the average American really have over national political issues and policy? In truth, Americans are ruled by a political elite and merely enjoy the opportunity of choosing one horse in a two horse race every once in a while.
True, there is more press freedom in the U.S. than in Russia or China but the fact there's less personal freedom tips the scales the other way.
??? feel we for lax drinking laws if there was a referendum?
Well, in France and Spain children drink wine at meal times. During fiestas, alcohol is more freely available as part of the festivities. Yet drunkeness didn't use to be common in France or Spain, maybe not these days either.
In the U.S. the legal limit is 21. That strikes me as totally ridiculous to be honest with you, although I know many Americans drink secretly to avoid the laws.
As for Russia, alcohol has always been pretty freely available. Lately beer has made quite a comeback as opposed to just vodka.

garage sale GT said:
??? feel we for lax drinking laws if there was a referendum?
It was funny. I know the producer of Star Trek himelf wasn't a nerd as such but as for trekies in general, I don't know.
Personally I always liked the Enterprise miniskirts that the female crew members wore so maybe if female trekers kept up the custom, we could have some more eye candy at conventions. ;)

nns1400 said:
Great one, fs...I was thinking about that skit just the other day...great find!
God bless the citizens of Venezuela, who today said "por que no te calle" loud and clear to Chavez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's the situation: Putin won a landslide victory but all analysts knew he would breeze through on account of economic growth and new stability in the country. We all know elections are generally decided on the basis of the economy and there's no doubt Moscow is awash with oil and gas money now that oil prices have risen.
On the BBC last night they were wandering the streets of Siberia and Moscow with a microphone and virtually everyone they met on the street confessed having voted for Putin. His United Russia Party is mega popular at present.
So, the suggestions on the media about fiddled elections and cheating seems to be sour grapes if you ask me - and even the BBC admitted Putin couldn't have lost this election.
It's true Russia can't rely on oil and gas forever and will have to also make some attempt at industrial production like China is doing. However, just on oil and gas the future over there is looking a lot better than for quite some time.