Skateboard wheels AKA Ping LSMike



Just reading up some old Brompton threads and am thinking of putting on old
inline wheels to replace the standard rack wheels. So just wondering if you
have any old wheels lying about Mike? Anyone have advice on fitting them?

However, I still haven't got a Brommie [1]! The good news is that my order
is in with cyclescheme and am now just awaiting the voucher in the post (any
idea how long once approved by my company to get a voucher?!)

I'm most probably going for the S2L as I don't really need loads of gears
and am happy with the flat bars over the other styles. Should I be looking
at changing the standard ratio or are Brompton better at getting it right
now? I don't really want to add any extra waiting time on my order. :)


[1] Been practicing by unfold, fold, unfold virtually .... [2]
[2] Also may take part in the World Championship 2008 :)
I've got some old, used, roller blade wheels left over from a cannibalizing
act on a dead pair of roller blades. Having filled two to our B, I
discovered that the overall width was exactly the same as the original B
plastic wheels ! !
So, you are welcome to a pair for the cost of the post (PM me and we will
sort it) but beware that most cheap 'blade wheels are in fact quite wide at
the fattest bit which is the centre bearing.
I have now fitted the wheels that Steve Parry sells which are more expensive
but noticeably narrower.

On 9 Dec, 16:26, "elyob" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Just reading up some old Brompton threads and am thinking of putting on old
> inline wheels to replace the standard rack wheels. So just wondering if you
> have any old wheels lying about Mike? Anyone have advice on fitting them?
> However, I still haven't got a Brommie [1]! The good news is that my order
> is in with cyclescheme and am now just awaiting the voucher in the post (any
> idea how long once approved by my company to get a voucher?!)
> I'm most probably going for the S2L as I don't really need loads of gears
> and am happy with the flat bars over the other styles. Should I be looking
> at changing the standard ratio or are Brompton better at getting it right
> now? I don't really want to add any extra waiting time on my order. :)
> Thanks
> [1] Been practicing by unfold, fold, unfold virtually .... [2]
> [2] Also may take part in the World Championship 2008 :)

I'm probably the wrong person to ask, as most of my wheels are large
and very large by skating standards as I'm into the speed scene. I
think you need small ones for a Brompton, so a skateboard and/or
aggressive skate shop would be a better place to try.